Monitoring and evaluation enables the UNCCD secretariat and the Global Mechanism to track and assess the progress of their activities. It also allows challenges to be identified and addressed in a timely manner.  

Established in 2014, the Evaluation Office undertakes independent evaluations, and ensures that the evaluation findings and recommendations are used to further improve the UNCCD’s effectiveness. The COP approves the Evaluation Office work programme. The evaluation reports and management responses are presented to the COP and are accessible online. 

Evaluation reports

External assessment of the UNCCD Science-Policy Interface

Final report

Independent evaluation of the UNCCD Gender Action Plan

Final report


Land for Life evaluation

Final report

Independent review of Great Green Wall Accelerator 

Management response English | French
Final report
Summary English | French


COP 15 participant survey results

Drought Initiative evaluation

Evaluation report


2nd Changwon Initiative evaluation

Evaluation report
Management response

Enhancing business sector engagement

Evaluation report
Management response

LDN TPP Evaluation

Evaluation report
Management response


New York Liaison Office evaluation (June 2020)

Evaluation report
Management response


Evaluation of the Regional Coordination Units (August 2019)

Evaluation report
Management response

COP 14 participant survey results (November 2019)

COP 14 participant survey results

Prospective assessment of potential tools for addressing drought (April 2019)

Evaluation report (April 2019)

Evaluation of the LDN TSP (April 2019)

Evaluation report
Management response


Evaluation of cooperation between WOCAT and UNCCD (April 2018)

Evaluation report
Management response


Evaluation of the Global Land Outlook (December 2017)

Evaluation report
Management response

Evaluation of the UNCCD support to capacity building (September 2017)

Evaluation report
Management response

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the CSO participation in the UNCCD (July 2017)

Evaluation report
Management response

Assessment of the Science-Policy Interface (May 2017)

Evaluation report

Evaluation of the LDN Fund development (February 2017)

Evaluation report
Management response


Evaluation of the GM project "Integrating climate change finance into SLM strategies" (September 2016)

Evaluation report

Evaluation of the economic valuation activities of the GM (September 2016)

Evaluation report
Management response

Evaluation of the PRAIS (May 2016)

Evaluation report
Management response

Evaluation of the Changwon Initiative (April 2016)

Evaluation report
Management response


Evaluation of the LDN Pilot Project (November 2015)

Evaluation report
Management response

Evaluation of UNCCD Communication (September 2015)

Evaluation report
Management response

Evaluation of Partnerships Involving the Secretariat and/or the GM (September 2015)

Evaluation report
Management response

Evaluation of National Action Programmes (March 2015)

Evaluation report

Evaluation of Integrated Investment Frameworks (March 2015)

Evaluation report