Desertification manifests itself in many different forms across the vast region of Asia and the Pacific. Out of a total land area of 4.3 billion hectares reaching from the Mediterranean coast to the shores of the Pacific, Asia contains some 1.7 billion hectares of arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid land.

Land degradation varies across the region. There are expanding deserts in China, India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan, encroaching sand dunes in Syria, steeply eroded mountain slopes of Nepal, and deforested and in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and overgrazed in central Asia counties. In terms of the number of people affected by desertification and drought, Asia is the most severely affected continent.

Asia: Regional cooperation

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Regional Implementation Annex for Asia recognizes these unique conditions, and calls for activities at the national, sub-regional, and regional level in the form of coordinated and integrated action programmes.

National Action Programmes (NAPs) have been prepared in many Asian and Pacific countries. The development and alignment of NAPs is a dynamic, continuous process, and the status of each country is subject to change over time. The Convention’s bottom-up approach, which was also generally adopted during the NAPs’ creation, calls for existing desertification programmes to be reviewed by stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local civil society organizations (CSOs), authorities and community leaders.

Mainstreaming the NAPs into other sustainable development policy frameworks or national strategy plans is important to ensure their effective implementation of UNCCD and achieving the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 concerning DLDD mitigation. Currently, many NAPs are being aligned to the future strategy framework, Rio Outcomes and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The implementation of the NAPs is supported by regional cooperation, including promotion of collaboration and capacity-building at national and sub-regional levels. The Asian regional priorities are captured in the Regional Action Programmes (RAPs), which were adopted at ministerial level in 1997 and revised and endorsed in 2003. The regional priorities are formulated to six regional Thematic Programme Networks (TPNs) that seek to link institutions and agencies together via an institutional focal point in order to promote cooperation and information sharing.

The TPNs focus on the following themes:

The Asia-Pacific region has five sub-regions. All countries located in these sub-regions have formulated their sub-regional action programmes (SRAPs), except for one sub-region of the Pacific.

Contact Regional Liaison Office for Asia (Annex II)

(located in Bonn)

Ms. Heimata Louisa Karika

  • Regional Liaison Officer
  • lkarika [at] (lkarika[at]unccd[dot]int)
  • 00 49 228 815 2871
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UNCCD and Shenyang University partner up to advance sustainable land management

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – December 2024The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and Shenyang University of China have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) on the sidelines of the 16th Conference of the Parties (UNCCD COP16) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This landmark step underscores a shared commitment to advancing research, capacity building, and technology transfer in the critical areas of black soil carbon and sustainable land management (SLM).The collaboration aims to address the global challenge of black soil degradation, which has significant implications for food security, climate change mitigation, and combating desertification. Both parties recognize the pressing need to fill knowledge gaps and promote sustainable practices that enhance land resilience and productivity.Key objectives of the collaboration:Promotion of south-south cooperation on combating Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought (DLDD) in general and black soil carbon management in particular.Joint research initiatives: Focusing on black soil carbon dynamics and innovative land management strategies.Knowledge management: Facilitating knowledge sharing and exchange of technologies, experiences and best practices and building capacity among practitioners and researchers to implement sustainable land practices.Technology transfer: Facilitating the exchange of cutting-edge technologies and best practices in combating desertification and land degradation.The LOI also outlines plans to explore the establishment of an International Black Soil Carbon and Sustainable Land Management Research Center. This center will serve as a hub for knowledge sharing and scientific collaboration, driving progress toward achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN).Andrea Meza Murillo, Deputy Executive Secretary of the UNCCD, and Zhao Yanzhi, President of Shenyang University, emphasized the importance of this partnership in addressing global land degradation challenges.This collaboration marks a significant step forward in the fight against desertification, contributing to the broader goals of the UNCCD Strategic Framework 2018-2030 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

UNCCD and Shenyang University partner up to advance sustainable land management
RESILAND CA: Flagship of Peace Forest Initiative tackles land degradation in Central Asia

Central Asia is a region confronting complex challenges related to land degradation, heightened vulnerability to impacts of climate variability and change including natural hazards and issues related to jobs and fragility. Land degradation has vast economic costs for the region, where it costs, on average, five percent of Central Asia’s GDPInvesting in landscape restoration is critical to address the complex nexus of local livelihoods, land degradation, climate change, environmental security and economic growth. A regional program aligned with a shared vision is the most effective approach to making a sustainable difference in the Central Asia region. With border areas representing hotspots for land degradation and poverty, addressing regionality aspects and building resilience to fragility in border regions are crucial. This includes establishing peace parks, undertaking joint dialogue on regional policies, regional knowledge generation and sharing, and supporting youth with access to jobs.The World Bank's flagship $256 million Central Asia Resilient Landscapes Restoration Program RESILAND CA has supported the development of projects in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and  Turkmenistan. RESILAND CA aims to address land degradation and bolster resilience to climate change in targeted degraded transboundary landscapes across Central Asia by developing analytics, providing advisory services and supporting investment projects to restore the region's degraded landscapes investing in the  resilience of ecosystems, infrastructure and people. RESILAND CA takes an integrated approach to sustainable land management, addressing common challenges across various land uses, including restoring degraded forests, pastures and mountain areas prone to mudflows. These actions are pursued through transboundary landscape restoration interventions in fragile border regions and regional policies to govern them.The $6 million RESILAND Kazakhstan, $52 million RESILAND Kyrgyz Republic, $45 million RESILAND Tajikistan and $153 million RESILAND Uzbekistan national projects work toward tangible and sustainable results on the ground especially in border areas as these are most impacted by land degradation,  direct benefits to transboundary ecosystem, infrastructure and communities living in the border areas. They serve as effective and replicable models at a global level for addressing national and regional land degradation, building resilience to climate change  and improving livelihoods. Specific interventions include:Implementing private sector, community- and farmer-centered landscape restoration using drought-resistant species of trees and shrubsMonitoring climate-change induced hazards and investing in nature-based, green and grey solutions to mitigate impacts of mudflows and floodsPromoting ecotourism and engaging communities in afforestation efforts, rehabilitating degraded natural habitats and protective infrastructureSupporting communities in diversifying economic activities to reduce pressure on pastures and forests.Developing skills with youth and creating jobsIn Turkmenistan, the World Bank is completing "Climate adaptation in Turkmenistan: Landscape restoration opportunities" study to identify hotspots of land degradation and declining  productivity along with adaptation opportunities where landscape restoration can best reverse these trends under changing climate conditions. Calling for increased financing for landscape adaptation and restoration initiatives, the study confirms that it costs less to fund land restoration interventions rather than deal with the economic costs of inaction.Recognizing that nature, landscapes and ecosystems know no borders, RESILAND CA fosters regional collaboration across Central Asia's shared borders and ecosystems. This contributes to improved connectivity of natural resources and increased greenhouse gas mitigation and greater resilience to impacts of climate change. The program also contributes to establishing jointly managed transboundary protected areas and peace parks to preserve biodiversity across transboundary corridors and strengthen regional collaboration on landscape restoration.As part of the UNCCD Peace Forest Initiative PFI, RESILAND CA unites Central Asian countries and communities across national borders to restore degraded landscapes and ecosystems and to manage forests, lands, soil and water. Through strengthened transboundary cooperation in restoring landscapes and building climate resilience as a cornerstone of food, water and energy security, RESILAND CA aims to reduce fragility of border areas and improve livelihoods of border communities RESILAND CA supports technical assistance, funded by GEF, Korea-World Bank Group Partnership Facility and PROGREEN and an investment program that national governments implement with low-interest financing from the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) and recipient executed trust funds. Participating countries also support complementary regional activities to advance dialogue, knowledge generation and sharing and collaboration among Central Asian countries.The Peace Forest Initiative is a global flagship programme of the UNCCD, highlighting the nexus between land, peace and security Sustainable Development Goals 15 and 16. PFI brings together stakeholders and partners to catalyze transboundary cooperation on ecosystem restoration with a view to building confidence and peace. It unites communities across national borders to jointly manage their land resources and ecosystems for a peaceful future. PFI has been launched in 2019 with the support of Parties to the UNCCD to assist countries affected by fragility or conflict through cooperation with their neighbors to rehabilitate and restore degraded lands, soil, water, forests and other ecosystems.

RESILAND CA: Flagship of Peace Forest Initiative tackles land degradation in Central Asia
المملكة العربية السعودية تنضم إلى التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف

الدولة المستضيفة لمؤتمر الأطراف 16 لاتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر، تضع قضايا الحفاظ على المياه على الأجندة العالمية بون/الرياض، 23 أيار / مايو 2024 – أصبحت المملكة العربية السعودية أحدث دولة تنضم رسمياً إلى التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف، وهو تحالف عالمي يحشد بين القوى السياسية والقدرات التقنية والاستثمارات المالية من أجل إعداد العالم لمواجهة أشد موجات الجفاف. وبهذه الإضافة وصل إجمالي عضوية التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف إلى 37 دولة و28 منظمة حكومية دولية ومؤسسة بحثية، مما يعكس التزاماً متزايداً لمكافحة الجفاف كجزء هام في محاولات مواجهة تغير المناخ والإدارة غير المستدامة للأراضي. تم إطلاق التحالف في قمة الأمم المتحدة للمناخ COP27 من قبل قادة إسبانيا والسنغال، حيث دعا التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف قادة العالم لمواجهة واحدة من أكثر الكوارث الطبيعية فتكاً وتكلفةً، مع الاعتراف بأننا غير قادرين على الصمود في وجه الجفاف من دون أرضنا. وتستضيف اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر أمانة التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف. بهذه المناسبة قال معالي وزير البيئة والمياه والزراعة المهندس عبد الرحمن بن عبد المحسن الفضلي: "إن الانضمام للتحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف؛ فرصة للمساهمة في حماية مجتمعاتنا واقتصاداتنا في مواجهة الجفاف، وباعتبار المملكة المضيف لأكبر مؤتمر للأمم المتحدة حول الأراضي والجفاف في كانون الأول /ديسمبر المقبل، تتمثل إحدى أولوياتها في حث الدول على المساهمة في تعزيز لالتزام بمستقبل قادر على مكافحة الجفاف". وأكد معاليه أن استضافة المملكة لمؤتمر الأطراف تأتي في إطار اهتمام القيادة الرشيدة- أيدها الله-، بحماية البيئة على المستوى الوطني والإقليمي والدولي، وتبنيها لعددٍ من المبادرات البيئية الرائدة، منها مبادرتي "السعودية الخضراء" و"الشرق الأوسط الأخضر".  وأضاف معاليه أن انضمام المملكة للتحالف في هذه المرحلة يكتسب أهمية كبرى؛ نظرًا للحاجة الماسة إلى تعزيز الجهود الدولية للحد من تدهور الأراضي والتصحر، والتي تؤثر بشكلٍ كبير على الجوانب البيئية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية، متطلعاً أن يوفر التحالف منصةً فعّالة للعمل المشترك وتكثيف الجهود العالمية للحد من التصحر، وتدهور الأراضي، واستدامة البيئة والموارد الطبيعية للأجيال القادمة. يؤثر الجفاف على ربع سكان العالم، ومن المتوقع أن يواجه ثلاثة من كل أربعة أشخاص ندرة بالمياه بحلول عام 2050. وفي منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، سيعيش جميع السكان في ظل نقص حاد للمياه بحلول عام 2050. شجعت السيدة تيريزا ريبيرا، النائب الثالث لرئيس حكومة إسبانيا، ووزيرة التحول البيئي ورئيسة التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف بالمشاركة، المزيد من البلدان على اتباع خطوات المملكة العربية السعودية، مشيرة إلى أن جهود مكافحة الجفاف تحقق عوائد تصل إلى عشرة أضعاف الاستثمار الأولي: "إن التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف قوي بسبب المعرفة والخبرات والشبكات التي يساهم بها أعضاؤه. وأنا أدعو قادة العالم للانضمام إلى التحالف لتغيير الطريقة التي تتعامل بها البشرية مع الجفاف، ومن أجل بناء دفاعاتنا المشتركة قبل وقوع الأزمات." وأضاف الأمين التنفيذي لاتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر، السيد إبراهيم ثياو، قائلاً: “إن الجفاف ظاهرة طبيعية، لكننا نقوم بتسريعها بسبب تدهور أراضينا وتعطيل المناخ. وفي الفترة التي تسبق انعقاد الدورة السادسة عشرة لمؤتمر الأطراف في اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر، أحثُّ البلدان على رفع طموحاتها والاستثمار في الأراضي الصحية والمجتمعات والاقتصادات القادرة على مقاومة الجفاف." سنة مصيرية لحماية الأرض ومكافحة الجفاف سيكون مؤتمر الأطراف السادس عشر لاتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر، الذي سينعقد في الرياض في الفترة من 2 إلى 13 كانون الأول / ديسمبر، أكبر اجتماع للأطراف الـ 197 الأعضاء في الاتفاقية، كما سيكون المؤتمر الأول من نوعه الذي يعقد في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، وأكبر مؤتمر متعدد الأطراف تستضيفه المملكة العربية السعودية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ستستضيف المملكة الاحتفالات العالمية باليوم العالمي للبيئة لعام 2024 مع التركيز على استعادة الأراضي والتصحر والقدرة على التكيف مع الجفاف. سيُصادف تاريخ 17 حزيران / يونيو 2024، الذي سينعقد فيه اليوم العالمي لمكافحة التصحر والجفاف، الذكرى الثلاثين لاتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر (UNCCD)، وهي إحدى اتفاقيات ريو الثلاث إلى جانب المناخ والتنوع البيولوجي. ملاحظات للمحررين  لإجراء المقابلات والاستفسارات، يُرجى التواصل عبر: إكس / إنستغرام: @unccd حول التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف هو أول تحالف عالمي يقوم بخلق زخم سياسي وبحشد الموارد المالية والتقنية من أجل بناء مستقبل قادر على مقاومة الجفاف. وباعتبارها منصة متنامية تضم أكثر من 30 دولة و20 مؤسسة، يعتمد التحالف على نقاط القوة الجماعية لأعضائه من أجل تعزيز السياسات ووضع الإجراءات وبناء القدرات من أجل الاستعداد للجفاف، مع الاعتراف بأننا غير قادرين على الصمود في وجه الجفاف وتغير المناخ من دون أرضنا. يتماشى عمل IDRA مع ويدعم ولاية اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر (UNCCD)، التي تستضيف أمانة IDRA. لمزيد من المعلومات: حول اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر هي الرؤية العالمية والصوت من أجل الأرض. نحن نوحد الحكومات وصانعي السياسات والقطاع الخاص والمجتمعات المحلية حول رؤية مشتركة وعمل عالمي لاستعادة وإدارة أراضي العالم من أجل استدامة البشرية والكوكب. إن اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر هي أكثر من مجرد معاهدة دولية وقعها 197 طرفاً، بل هي التزام متعدد الأطراف للتخفيف من آثار تدهور الأراضي اليوم والنهوض بالإدارة المستدامة للأراضي في المستقبل من أجل توفير الغذاء والماء والمأوى والفرص الاقتصادية لجميع الناس بطريقة عادلة وشاملة.  

المملكة العربية السعودية تنضم إلى التحالف الدولي لمكافحة الجفاف
UNCCD Executive Secretary visits Japan to strengthen collaboration ahead of COP16

United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Ibrahim Thiaw concluded his two-day visit to Japan to strengthen cooperation with key government and international partners ahead of the UNCCD Conference of the Parties (COP16) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia this December. During the visit, he signed cooperation agreements with two key international partners – United Nations University (UNU) and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). He also had meetings with Ambassador Takeshi Akahori from the Foreign Ministry and senior officials at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Japan has been a signatory to UNCCD since 1998. On 20 February, UNCCD Executive Secretary also joined UNU Rector Professor Tshilidzi Marwala for a public conversation exploring the relationship between land degradation and human security such as famine, conflicts and environmental crises, as well as the role of international cooperation and the UNCCD in combating desertification, land degradation and drought. "The collaboration with UNU and ITTO to strengthen the delivery of scientific knowledge and improve the resilience of the vulnerable populations and ecosystems will be important to support UNCCD Parties in addressing desertification, land degradation and drought,” Mr. Thiaw said. “These issues will be front and centre at the upcoming UNCCD COP16. We look forward to working together on the road to Riyadh and beyond." United Nations University (UNU), which unites 13 scientific institutes in 12 countries around the world works on collaborative research and education, aiming to contribute, to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems of human survival, development, and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations, its Peoples, and Member States. UNU and the UNCCD have jointly worked on publications around topics of sustainable land management, ecosystem restoration and disaster risk reduction. Future cooperation will focus on aligning approaches on sustainable land and water management, as well as financial inclusion and social protection in the context of ecological restoration. “Desertification is an urgent, complex issue that negatively impacts the lives and livelihoods of 3.2 billion people worldwide. Combating desertification requires partnerships and shared expertise. Working in collaboration, UNU and UNCCD will be able to strengthen research, advocacy and capacity building to further support the United Nations, its Peoples and Member States as we work to reverse desertification and confront related critical issues,” Professor Marwala concluded. Also in Tokyo, the UNCCD and International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) committed to another four years of joint work on the sustainable management of tropical forests under a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed by ITTO Executive Director Sheam Satkuru and UNCCD Executive Secretary Thiaw. The overall objective of the new MOU is to support ITTO member countries and Parties to the UNCCD in restoring and maintaining tropical forest landscapes while promoting the sustainable production of timber and other products and ecosystem services. ITTO is an intergovernmental organization promoting the sustainable management and conservation of tropical forests and the expansion and diversification of international trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed and legally harvested forests. ITTO’s membership represents about 90% of the global tropical timber trade and more than 80% of the world’s tropical forests.

UNCCD Executive Secretary visits Japan to strengthen collaboration ahead of COP16
Healthy land crucial for global climate, security and prosperity

Samarkand, 17 November 2023 – Halting and reversing rapid land loss around the world is key for addressing global challenges of climate change, food and water security, and forced migration, concluded the five-day conference of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The 21st session of the Committee to Review the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC21) was hosted by the Government of Uzbekistan in Samarkand from 13-17 November, bringing together some 1,000 delegates from 117 countries representing governments, civil society and academia. The meeting marked a halfway checkpoint towards reaching the global goal to end land loss by 2030. It also focused on tackling worsening sand and dust storms and droughts, in the region and beyond, and empowering women in land restoration efforts. UNCCD Executive Secretary Ibrahim Thiaw said: “Land degradation and drought are disruptors, wreaking havoc on societies and people’s lives, and throwing millions on the dangerous roads of migration. We must urgently scale up investment in land restoration to ensure stability and prosperity for billions of people around the world.” The meeting convened against the backdrop of new UNCCD data collected from 126 countries, indicating that some 420 million hectares, an area roughly the size of Central Asia, were degraded between 2015-2019. If current trends persist, a staggering 1.5 billion hectares of land will need to be restored by 2030 to reach global goals. Commenting on the outcomes of CRIC21, Biljana Kilibarda, CRIC Chair, said: “Convening for the first time in Central Asia, this meeting was an opportunity to put stronger emphasis on the relevance of problems of land degradation and drought to the whole region and the role of international cooperation in solving them. We reviewed the progress in the implementation of the Convention and provided recommendations to accelerate our efforts.” On 15 November, the Government of Uzbekistan convened a high-level event on sand and dust storms. According to UNCCD experts, more than 2 billion tonnes of sand and dust enter the atmosphere every year, with far-reaching implications for economies, human health, and even security. Obidjon Kudratov, First Deputy Minister of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of Uzbekistan, commented: “This high-level event brought recognition of sand and dust storms as a global problem.” He also noted that the Central Asian region is losing US$ 6 billion a year to land degradation. For the first time, a two-part Gender Caucus convened during CRIC to advance the implementation of the Convention’s Gender Action Plan, and bolster women’s engagement in land restoration and drought resilience efforts. CRIC21 recommendations will inform decision-making by the Convention’s 196 country Parties and the European Union ahead of the next UNCCD Conference of the Parties (COP), to be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in December 2024. UNCCD is one of three Conventions originated at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro alongside climate change (UNFCCC) and biodiversity (CBD). CRIC21 convened just under two weeks before the start of the UNFCCC COP28 in Dubai, UAE. “We are in a vicious circle, where land degradation is fueling climate change and climate change is exacerbating land loss in the world. Our message to COP28 is clear: we are only resilient to climate change as our land is,” concluded Thiaw.   Notes to editors For interviews and enquires please contact: and/or More information about the 21st session of the UNCCD Committee on the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC21): About UNCCD The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is the global vision and voice for land. We unite governments, scientists, policymakers, private sector and communities around a shared vision and global action to restore and manage the world’s land for the sustainability of humanity and the planet. Much more than an international treaty signed by 197 parties, UNCCD is a multilateral commitment to mitigating today’s impacts of land degradation and advancing tomorrow’s land stewardship in order to provide food, water, shelter and economic opportunity to all people in an equitable and inclusive manner.

Healthy land crucial for global climate, security and prosperity
Over one-fifth of Central Asia’s land degraded, new UN data warns

New UN data warns land is degrading faster than we can restore it Healthy land the size of Central Asia degraded since 2015 around the world UNCCD meets in Uzbekistan to review global progress towards ending land loss Samarkand, 13 November 2023 – At the opening of its first-ever meeting held in Central Asia, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) unveils new data showing land degradation rapidly advancing in the region and around the world. Between 2015 and 2019, the world lost at least 100 million hectares of healthy and productive land each year. This adds up to 420 million hectares, or 4.2 million square kilometres, slightly over the combined area of five Central Asian nations: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. These statistics underscore the need for urgent action, as escalating land degradation continues to destabilize markets, communities, and ecosystems around the globe. According to the latest UN data, over 20 per cent of the total land area in Central Asia is degraded, equivalent to roughly 80 million hectares, an area almost four times the size of Kyrgyzstan. This affects an estimated 30 per cent of the region’s combined population. The UNCCD Data Dashboard launch comes at a critical juncture as world leaders and experts are gathering in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, from 13-17 November 2023 for the 21st session of the UNCCD Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC 21). For the first time, an open Data Dashboard compiles national reporting figures from 126 countries, allowing users to explore the trends in their own regions and countries. UNCCD Executive Secretary Ibrahim Thiaw said: “The first-ever UNCCD Data Dashboard offers an eye-opening insight into rapid loss of healthy and productive land around the world, with dire consequences for billions of people. At the same time, we are seeing some ‘brightspots’—countries effectively tackling desertification, land degradation and drought. As we gather in Uzbekistan this week to review global progress towards ending land loss, the message is clear: land degradation demands immediate attention.” Land restoration ‘brightspots’ Despite a bleak global picture, there are examples of countries effectively tackling desertification, land degradation and drought. While Uzbekistan reported the highest proportion of degraded land in the Central Asia region, it also saw the largest decrease – from 30 per cent to 26 per cent – compared to 2015. A total of 3 million hectares of land in Uzbekistan have been degraded due to the drying of the Aral Sea. Between 2018-2022, Uzbekistan carried out saxaul planting on an area of 1.6 million ha to eliminate salt and dust emissions from the drained bottom of the Aral Sea. Kazakhstan increased irrigated lands by 40 per cent, expanding the total irrigated area to 2 million hectares. In Kyrgyzstan, some 120,000 hectares of pastures and forests are now under sustainable land management, including a pasture rotation system. Turkmenistan committed to restoring 160,000 hectares under its national ‘greening the desert’ initiative by 2025. Land Degradation Neutrality goal still within reach Although land degradation varies by region, UNCCD data warns that if current trends persist a staggering 1.5 billion hectares of land will need to be restored globally by 2030 to reach targets enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Barron Orr, UNCCD Chief Scientist, said: “Although global trends are going in the wrong direction, it is still possible to not only meet but exceed land degradation neutrality goals. This can be done by stopping further degradation while accelerating efforts on existing commitments to restore one billion hectares of land by 2030 with funding and action hand-in-hand.” Around the world, approximately USD$ 5 billion in bilateral and multilateral funding flowed into global efforts to combat desertification, land degradation and drought between 2016 and 2019. This helped 124 nations roll out a wide range of projects aimed at addressing these challenges. All Central Asian nations have joined the LDN target-setting programme under UNCCD, bringing the total number of participating countries to 131. Half of the LDN targets set by countries in Central Asia have already been achieved, with projects to deliver on the rest of the commitments currently underway. Notes to editors For interviews and enquires please contact: and/or To access the UNCCD’s Data Dashboard please click here: For any enquires on data and methodology, please write to The data related to land degradation (i.e. SDG indicator 15.3.1) is compiled in global and aggregate form from 115 country reports and 52 country-estimates drawn from global data sources.  For other indicators, the data is compiled in global and aggregate form "as received" from 126 Parties in their 2022 UNCCD national reports. Therefore, the facts present a partial estimate of progress at the global and regional level, in terms of the status and trends in these indicators/metrics, as not all Parties have reported all indicators. The information presented should in no way be interpreted as a comprehensive global or regional assessment of status and trends in the indicators/metrics. More information about the 21st session of the UNCCD Committee on the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC21): Accredited media representatives are invited to attend and report on CRIC21 and associated events. Field visits where journalists can see land restoration and drought resilience projects will take place immediately prior to CRIC21. Online registration for media representatives is available at the following link: About UNCCD The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is the global vision and voice for land. We unite governments, scientists, policymakers, private sector and communities around a shared vision and global action to restore and manage the world’s land for the sustainability of humanity and the planet. Much more than an international treaty signed by 197 parties, UNCCD is a multilateral commitment to mitigating today’s impacts of land degradation and advancing tomorrow’s land stewardship in order to provide food, water, shelter and economic opportunity to all people in an equitable and inclusive manner.

Over one-fifth of Central Asia’s land degraded, new UN data warns