Events around the world

Planning an event on 17 June? We'd love to feature it on our website! Please fill out this form or send us a short one-paragraph description, together with the event photo or a flyer, using this address: communications [at] (communications(at) We look forward to hearing from you!
The global observance event on 17 June will be hosted by Germany and will be accessible to online audiences via a livestream.
- Annex I: Africa
Benin, online, 2024-06-25Leçons d'une décennie de mise en œuvre d'une approche transformatrice de la protection et de la réhabilitation des sols au Bénin - organized by GIZ Global Soil Protection Programme
Rejoignez-nous pour en savoir plus sur les impacts et les leçons tirées d'une décennie de réhabilitation réussie des sols au Bénin, le 25 juin à 11h30 CEST ici.
Cameroon, 2024-06-12Capacity-building initiative - organized by Youth Action for Sustainable Development (YASUD)Yagoua in the north of Cameroon is organizing a DDD2024 event in partnership with the Youth Action for Sustainable Development. The 2-day programme includes capacity-building for stakeholders on the Sustainable Development Goals in relation to environmental conservation, on good practice in sustainable land management and combating desertification, and on land restoration using non-timber forest tree species.
Cameroon, Nkambe, 2024-06-17SURUDEV plants 10 000 native tree species - organized by Sustainable Run for Development SURUDEVSURUDEV celebrates Desertification and Drought Day with the planting of over 10 000 assorted environmentally-friendly tree species on the campus of the Government High School Nyanji and in degraded patches of the Njising-Tabenken Community Forest. The week-long activities tsaw the active participation of the Principal of GHS Nyanji and other community volunteers engaged through SURUDEV.
More information: Event website, Event FlyerCape Verde, 2024-06-1430th anniversary of UNCCD event - organized by Associação para a Defesa do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (ADAD)Under the High Patronage of the President of Cape Verde, an event will be organized to celebrate the 30th anniversary of UNCCD with a large-scale tree-planting campaign that will continue until December 2024
Kenya, 2024-06-05Desertification awareness campaign - organized by Jenga FutureJenga Fugure, an NGO focusing on inclusive and equitable education, regenerative agriculture and forestry, as well as empowering people with disabilities, youth and indigenous groups, together with the government of Elgeyo Marakwet, is hosting an event in the Sing'ore Wetlands dedicated to land restoration, desertification and drought resilience.
Kenya, NAIROBI, 2024-06-16Desertification and Drought Day - organized by national environment management authority kenyaChief Conservator of Forest Alex Lemarkoko and the Cabinet Secretary Soipan Tuya led the national celebrations at Olkinyei Grounds, Maiyanat Community Conservancy in Doldol, Laikipia County.
More information: Event website, ReportKenya, 2024-06-17Tree-planting and awareness-raising campaign - organized by National Environment Management AuthorityThe event in Dol Dol in Laikipia County will see over 120,000 tree seedlings will be planted on over 400 acres as part of the program through whichKenya Airways Authority(KAA and other government agencies) have adopted degraded areas and mobilized resources to restore them. Other planned events include land restoration awareness activities, distribution of water harvesting equipment, donation of-high yielding drought tolerant livestock (such as goats) entertainment and keynote speeches by government representatives.
Kenya, 2024-06-17High-level event to commemorate the day - organized by Ministry of Environment, Climate Change & ForestryCabinet Secretary Hon Soipan Tuya presides over this year's Desertification and Drought Day event at Ol Kinyei Grounds, Nanyuki.
Kenya, 2024-06-17National press campaign - organized by Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and ForestryPublications in the national press on this year's Desertification and Drought Day theme"United for Land. Our Legacy. Our Future."
Kenya, online, 2024-07-05Sharing knowledge through WOCAT global database - organized by GIZ ProSoilJoin us on 5 July to hear about lessons learned from the project’s work as well as the land degradation neutrality decision support tool created by ProSoil’s Kenya country package in collaboration with WOCAT. Click here to join. Rejoignez-nous le 5 juillet à 10h CEST pour découvrir les leçons tirées du travail sur ce projet ainsi que l'outil d'aide à la décision sur la neutralité en matière de dégradation des terres créé par la composante pays Kenya de ProSol en collaboration avec WOCAT. Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.
More information: Event website, PDFMadagascar, ANTANANARIVO, 2024-01-26Reforestation campaign - organized by VIVA Télévision & RadioIn january and february, all the employees of the firm contributed to the reforestation in Imerintsiatosika and Ambohimanambola (Antananarivo). And as Radio Presenter, I often raise awareness about the environment and ecology during live radio broadcasts. Hely Ony Tsirahonana, Radio Presenter, VIVA Madagascar 98.8FM
Madagascar, Antananarivo, 2024-06-18Education à la lutte contre la désertification et de la secheresse - organized by Organisation Non Gouvernementale Act for MadaJournée mondiale contre la désertification et la sécheresse : Travailler ensemble pour la Terre. Le 17 juin 2024 célèbre le 30e anniversaire de la Convention des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la désertification à Bonn, axée sur la sensibilisation et la gestion durable des territoires. À Madagascar, Act for Mada initie la production de lombricompost pour aider les agriculteurs à améliorer les sols et les cultures.
More information: Event websiteNigeria, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, 2024-06-17Combating desertification: Sustainable practices and iInnovative solutions - organized by The Zoba AdvisoryThis webinar to empower youth to address one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time by fostering knowledge, innovation and collaboration for a more sustainable and resilient future. See event flyer for details.
More information: Event website, Event FlyerSomalia, 2024-06-17National awareness campaign - organized by SNTV NewsOn the occasion of the Desertification and Drought Day 2024, the Minister of Environment Khadija Mohamed Al-Makhzoumi addressed the nation, sounding the alarm on the harsh daily realities of drought and desertification that the nations is facing. She called for a collective action to pave the way for a resilient and thriving future for Somalia and the world.
Tanzania, United Republic of, 2024-06-17Youth Empowerment in Land Restoration Webinar - organized by Human Dignity and Environmental Care Foundation (HUDEFO)Join us for an online webinar empowering youth from Tanzania and beyond to tackle desertification and promote sustainable land management.
More information: Event websiteTunisia, Online Event, 2024-06-12Online event: Study on Land Degradation Neutrality in Tunisia / Événement en ligne: Étude sur la neutralité en matière de dégradation des terres en Tunisie - organized by GIZ, Global Programme Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food SecurityGIZ experts and national partners will present the costs of inaction versus the economic benefits of sustainable land management that promotes resilient, economically viable rain-fed agriculture.
More information: Event website, PDF
Join us at 10 am CEST
Les experts de la GIZ et les partenaires nationaux présenteront les coûts de l'inaction par rapport aux avantages économiques d'une gestion durable des terres qui favorise une agriculture pluviale résiliente et économiquement viable. Rejoignez-nous à 10h CEST!Uganda, 2024-06-17Twitter spaces - organized by TwawezaTwaweza Uganda, a citizen-centered initiative focusing on large-scale change in East Africa, hosts a twitter space "A burning planet: How do we cope?"
- Annex II: Asia
China, Chongqing, 2024-06-17Optimization of drought resilience - organized by NeWay Envirotech
Join us for an insightful discussion on "TreePampers," a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to land restoration and environmental sustainability. We will explore how it contributes to combating desertification, enhancing drought resilience and promoting eco-balance. Discover the innovative approaches and community-driven efforts that make TreePampers a pivotal player in restoring our planet's health and securing a sustainable future. Engage with experts, learn about practical solutions and find out how you can get involved.
More information: PDFChina, 2024-06-17Eco-campaign - organized by China Green FoundationA campaign focused on the regions most affected by desertification: Northwest, North China and Northeast China, to green the desert, control sandstorms and improve ecology.
India, Chennai, 2024-04-17Oasis of Hope: Combating Desertification and Drought - organized by Sustainable Development CouncilThe event under the theme of Desertification and Drought Day 2024 "United for land. Our Legacy. Our Future." will feature engaging discussions and interactive sessions on the transformative potential of sustainable land management as a cornerstone solution to the pressing issues of desertification and drought and explore how adopting sustainable practices can help create a world where the land is thriving and communities are resilient.
India, Hyderabad , 2024-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2024 - organized by SHHFI & SRICASWStarting at 06:00 PM, participation is free via zoom : , Zoom Meeting ID: 970 550 3767 , Passcode: 2022. Coordinator & Moderator : Dr. Ravindra +919705503767
More information: Event websiteIndia, 2024-06-17Seeds of hope for our future - organized by Brahma KumarisJoin us to explore inspiring stories of women healing the heart of Mother Earth.Discover initiatives that promote a clean environment and sustainable farming methods while empowering rural women. Together, we will sow seeds of hope and encouragement, sharing drops of peace and good wishes. 11 AM - 12.15 PM ADT/2PM - 3.15 PM GMT/3 PM - 4.15 PM BST/4 PM - 5.15 PM CEST/7.30 PM - 8.45 PM IST Zoom ID: 918 7627 3230 Passcode: 578917
India, Simultala, Jamui, 2024-06-17Celebrating Upaban Festival as an example of combating drought and desertification day - organized by WildWild, a nonprofit dedicated to climate change and food security, hosted an event at Upaban, showcasing sustainable farming practices and fostering community engagement.
More information: Event FlyerIndia, Jaipur, 2024-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2024 - organized by Gram Bharati Samiti (GBS)Gram Bharati Samiti (GBS) organized a group discussion with women and farmers in Gandhivan village, Jaipur, to address issues of land degradation and water scarcity caused by corporate land acquisition. Kusum Jain, secretary of GBS, advised the women to harvest rainwater, grow water-efficient crops and plant fruit trees to improve land quality and income, while also raising awareness on ways to combat desertification.
More information: ReportIndia, 2024-06-21Tree planting campaign - organized by Familial ForestryCampaign led by the UNCCD Land4Life laureat Professor Shyam Sunder Jyani to commemorate the day.
Myanmar, 2024-05-17An online campaign #UNited4Land - organized by The Environment Health and Safety Myanmar- EHS MyanmarAn online campaign about land use and desertification will encourage the audience to share their opinions on combating desertification, their participation will be acknowledged via an e-certification and the content shared on the organization's webpage.
Myanmar, Naypyidaw, 2024-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2024 - organized by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental ConservationThe event to mark the day will draw high-level presence and include poster displays, essay competition and a tree planting campaign.
Myanmar, Magway, 2024-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2024 observance - organized by Dry Zone Greening Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Union of MyanmarMyanmar will honor the day with poster displays, essay competitions and tree planting campaigns.
Myanmar, 2024-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2024 celebration - organized by Dry Zone Greening Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental ConservationMyanmar celebrates UNCCD Desertification and Drought Day on June 17, 2024, with addresses from the Union Minister and Regional Chief Minister. The event will also feature poster displays, essay/article competitions and tree plantings.
More information: PDFPakistan, Lahore, 2024-05-22Dryland dynamics: Exploring desertification status in the drylands of South Punjab, Pakistan - organized by DesertNet InternationalA webinar at the DesertNet online academy
More information: Event websitePakistan, Lahore, 2024-06-13International webinar - organized by Lahore College for Women UniversityGeography Society of Lahore College is organizing a webinar with renowned experts from the University of Oxford, University of York, Islamia University Bahawalpur and Forest Department Pakistan to mark the Desertification and Drought Day
Philippines, 2024-06-13Tree planting activity - organized by Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM)As part of the annual observance of June as soil conservation month and aligned with Desertification and Drought Day, the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) will be conducting an annual tree planting activity in Tanay, Rizal, Philippines.
Philippines, 2024-06-25UNCCD reporting process national stakeholders consultation workshop - organized by Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM)The national stakeholders consultation workshop will take place in Quezon City, Philippines with national government agencies, academia, civil society organizations and other key stakeholders to present the results of island-wide stakeholders consultation workshops and ground validation activity, as well as to gather further inputs for the refinement of the UNCCD national reporting on land degradation trends and facilitate the draft national soil conservation roadmap.
Sri Lanka, Battaramulla, 2024-06-14Awareness-raising programme - organized by Ministry of EnvironmentThe programme will highlight ways to overcome barriers in decision-making, planning and implementation of sustainable land management and drought management approaches through community engagement and collaboration across government sectors. Discussion on inclusive planning and effective women-led solutions in drought preparedness will be followed by a street drama team performance to convey the significance of the day and its key messages.
Uzbekistan, 2024-04-18Aral Sea eco-race - organized by ProRunProrun will host an Aral Sea Eco Race in Moynaq, Karakalpakstan, with a total distance of two kilometers ahead of the Desertification and Drought Day. 100 participants will run one km to the location of a tree planting, plant a tree, and then return. At the finish line, each participant will receive a medal in the form of a symbolic tree for partaking in the restoration project. Prorun practices ‘plogging’ races, during which participants collect rubbish along their route.
- Annex III: Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
Guatemala, 2024-06-26Evento en Conmemoración del Día Mundial de Lucha Contra la Desertificación - organized by Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Guatemala will hold an event focusing on this year's slogan "United for the Lands: Our Legacy, Our Future." to showcase actions across the nation that link sustainable development with integrated land management.
Guatemala, Guatemala, departamento de Zacapa, 2024-06-26Taller en Conmemoración del día Mundial de Lucha Contra la Desertificación y sequía, Guatemala 2024 - organized by Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos NaturalesDurante este evento, se presentarán diversas experiencias que subrayan la crucial relación entre el desarrollo sostenible y la gestión integrada del suelo en Guatemala, además de promover conciencia por el cuidado y protección de la tierra. Con el apoyo de la Alianza Bioversity & CIAT, en el marco del proyecto "Poniendo los Ecosistemas en el Centro de la Adaptación" a través del enfoque TeSAC, financiado por el Fondo Mundial de Adaptación Basado en Ecosistemas.
Jamaica, 2024-06-17Water-harvesting awareness campaign - organized by UNDPAn online campaign demonstrating the power of rainwater harvesting on 70 school farms that help feed students and communities.
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of, 2024-06-17Week of Activities for World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought - organized by Ministry of Eco socialismA series of activities held in Venezuela to commemorate the Desertification and Drought Day, highlighted by an institutional video shared on social media.
More information: Report - Annex IV: Northern Mediterranean
Israel, 2024-06-17Knowledge exchange on solutions to desertification - organized by MASHAV Agency for International Development Cooperation
Israeli experts visited India on consultancy missions focused on irrigation, vegetable production and greenhouse production under the Indo-Israeli Agricultural Project.
Italy, Roma, 2024-06-17Giornata Mondiale della Desertificazione e Siccita - organized by =Federazione Italiana Dottori in Scienze Agrarie e Forestali e Società Italiana di Geologia Ambientale APSFIDAF and SIGEA-APS will host a philatelic cancellation ceremony and a commemorative postcard presentation, emphasizing sustainable land management and global commitments to restore degraded land.
More information: Event FlyerItaly, 2024-06-17Virtual launch and roundtable - organized by FAOLaunch of the protocol for the assessment of sustainable soil management in an online roundtable to provide governments, technical institutes and NGOs with the tools and methodologies to assess and improve soil management practices.
Italy, Sassari, 2024-06-20Sardegna e cambiamento climatico evento in campo - organized by Department of Agriculture of the University of SassariEvents throughout the week will promote solutions to desertification and drought, focusing on good practices and innovative solutions. welcoming participants with games and educational workshops organized by the National Research Council of Sassari and by the Department of Agriculture of the University of Sassari. The University of Sassari will also host an event on sustainable practices and innovative water management solutions, particularly for vulnerable communities.
More information: PDF - Annex V: Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Trebinje, 2024-06-13FAO Workshop for Desertification Day - organized by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
The FAO workshop in Trebinje will be featured of a TV show.
Moldova; Republic of, Chisinau, 2024-04-20Interregional meeting on drought and land degradation neutrality - organized by UNCCD and FAO MoldovaThe Interregional Meeting on Drought and Land Degradation Neutrality for Central and Eastern Europe, Northern Mediterranean and Central Asia will be an integral part of the celebration of global observance of UNCCD 30th anniversary and the Desertification and Drought Day 2024. To strengthen countries’ capacities through knowledge-sharing and best practices on land-related issues and sustainable drought and land management, the intraregional online platform of communities of learning and practice (CLP) on drought resilience will be launched during the event: The zoom link for attendees (with English-Russian interpretation):
Russian Federation, Orenburg, 2024-04-2910th International Symposium “Steppes of Northern Eurasia’’ - organized by UNCCD regional annex VRussian Federation, Orenburg, 2024-04-29
The event takes place on 27-31 May 2024 in Orenburg, Russia, at the crossroad of two continents – Europe and Asia, featuring a round table on combatting desertification, land degradation and drought, bringing together over 50 experts from Russia, Central Asia and other countries.
- Non-annex countries
Belgium, Brussels, 2024-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2024 - organized by European Council
In the framework of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union, a screening of a documentary related to land restoration in Burkina Faso followed by a panel discussion with representatives of Belgian NGOs Enabel and the DG Intpa as well as the European Commission will take place in Brussels.
Belgium, Brussels, 2024-06-17Observance event hosted by the Belgian Presidency of the EU and the European Commission - organized by Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission INTPA INFOPOINTAs the European Union is a key actor in the global fight against desertification, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union are co-hosting an event, together with the European Commission (DG INTPA) that will feature an exclusive screening of the documentary ‘Le Périmètre de Kamsé’ about community-led efforts against desertification in Burkina Faso, followed by a panel discussion of the the work of NGOs Humundi and CARI as well as land restoration and community resilience programmes supported by the organizers. More info
Canada, Winnipeg, 2024-06-17Roots of resilience: Community and ecosystem restoration - organized by O'KANATAO'KANATA, in collaboration with local Indigenous communities and environmental organizations, will host Roots of resilience, a community-driven event focused on land restoration and awareness about desertification and drought. This event will commemorate Desertification and Drought Day 2024, aligning with global efforts to highlight the importance of proactive land management and sustainable practices. Details in the flyer.
More information: Event FlyerDenmark, Online, 2024-06-17The desert is coming. How does it impact students and education? - organized by Global Student ForumThe Environmental Justice Working Group of the Global Student Forum invites you to explore the critical issue of desertification and its effects on education. This event aims to raise awareness, share knowledge and develop actionable strategies to combat desertification's impact on students and education.
More information: Event websiteFrance, Paris, 2024-06-17Water can't wait - organized by XCSS - cross country sand skiingAs part of our 3rd QAZAQSTAN 2024 series, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will join us on ZOOM to present its sientific findings on climate issues, water resources and sustainable development in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. This is a hybrid event, for in-person attendance at Maison des ESSEC 11 avenue de Friedland, 75008 PARIS from 13:00 – 16:00 please contact :xcss.climate [at] (xcss[dot]climate[at]gmail[dot]com)
More information: PDFFrance, 2024-06-17Série de vidéos thématiques sur les enjeux en lien avec les zones sèches / Series of Thematic Videos on Issues Related to Drylands - organized by Comité Scientifique Français de la DésertificationCette série de courtes vidéos explore les enjeux des zones sèches, abordant des thèmes cruciaux tels que la dégradation des terres, le changement climatique et la biodiversité. Réalisée par le Comité Scientifique Français de la Désertification (CSFD), elle présente les perspectives d'experts et de partenaires pour promouvoir des actions concertées et scientifiques en faveur de la durabilité.
Germany, Bonn, 2024-05-11Spring market - organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbHThe City of Bonn is inviting technical departments of Bonn-based organizations to present land-related work. The German federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) uses this opportunity with support of GIZ to showcase the German commitment to strengthen intergenerational justice in land matters. Stopping land degradation and increasing the resilience to drought are our shared responsibility now for a future worth living.
More information: Event websiteGermany, Bonn, 2024-05-25Festival of Democracy - organized by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)Open Day showcasing Bonn-based organizations takes place in Villa Hammerschmidt, BMZ premisses and at the UN Campus Bonn. BMZ with support of GIZ will present the German commitment to strengthen intergenerational justice in land matters. This year not only marks the 30th anniversary of the Convention but is also an important opportunity for Germany to spotlight the future of land stewardship ensuring the stability and prosperity of billions of people around the world.
More information: Event websiteGermany, Bonn, 2024-05-26International Biodiversity Day - organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbHOpen Day at Bonn-based Botanical Garden. GIZ (commissioned by BMZ) will present the country's strong commitment to advancing intergenerational dialog and cooperation for the sustainable future of land. Germany's progress in land restoration, drought resilience and sustainable land stewardship are the key priorities this year, when the country hosts the global observance of the Desertification and Drought Day and celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Convention.
More information: Event websiteGermany, Bonn, 2024-06-12Media seminar on land, biodiversity and climate - organized by UNFCCC/UNCCDAn interactive seminar in hybrid format for journalists from Central Asia and Central and Eastern Europe, featuring experts in sustainable land management and climate adaptation, aligned with the UNFCCC SB60 and Desertification and Drought Day.
Germany, Bonn, 2024-06-16United for Land – Youth Voices towards UNCCD COP 16 workshop - organized by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)In preparation for DDDay 2024, the "United for Land – Youth Voices towards UNCCD COP 16" workshop will unite global youth to create sustainable land management recommendations. These will be presented to decision-makers at the Global Observance on 17 June 2024.
Germany, Bonn, 2024-06-17Global observance event - organized by Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)The global observance event at the Bundeskunsthalle will feature an engaging programme with VIPs from Germany, UNCCD Goodwill Ambassadors and Land Heroes. An intergenerational dialogue between the youth activists and the political, business and civil society leaders. present a key opportunity to recognize the Convention’s milestones and history linked to the City of Bonn as well as engage the people from all walks of life in a quest for a sustainable future on land.
More information: Event websiteGermany, Bonn, 2024-06-17Photo exhibition - organized by Let's Plant/TropentagFor the fifth year in a row, Let's Plant NGO is is organizing a photo contest on land and landscape rehabilitation in collaboration with Tropentag, an annual meeting of experts on tropical and subtropical agriculture Tropentag 2024.
Germany, 2024-06-17Desertification and Drought Day explainer - organized by UNU EHSThe Institute for Environment & Human Security, a UN think-tank working on sustainable development and environmental risks, releases a Climate Clash video explanier with climate experts Saskia Werners and Fabian Rackelmann to answer the key questions on desertification and drought.
More information: Event websiteGermany, Bonn, 2024-06-18DDD2024 celebration: Science of combatting land degradation - organized by German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, the INTERFACES team at IDOS in collaboration with the NGO “Let’s Plant!” is organising an evening event, including a panel discussion and an interactive marketplace, accompanied by music and refreshments. The event aims to foster exchange and science-policy-practitioner networking among organizations and individuals engaged in combating desertification, land degradation and drought. Register here:
More information: Event website
Germany, 2024-06-18United for Earth: Collaborative strategies against drought - organized by Global Water PartnershipUNCCD, EOTEC DevNet and GWP are organizing a webinar focused on showcasing collaborative approaches to tackling drought challenges and enhancing resilience in drought-affected regions. The webinar, designed for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in environmental science, disaster risk management and sustainable development. will focus on gender-specific challenges, inclusion strategies and cutting-edge tools such as Earth Observation technologies to meet the need for tailor-made approaches in drought response.
More information: Event websiteGermany, Berlin, 2024-06-19Nature Restoration Forum: Daring to restore, seizing opportunities - organized by Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer ProtectionThe forum will highlight the importance of restoring nature in light of international commitments, showcasing successful examples of implementation in Germany. To attend in person at the BMUV's event courtyard at Stresemannstraße 128 - 130, 10117 Berlin, please register online by May 15:
More information: Event website, PDFGermany, Berlin, 2024-06-20Leveraging momentum for women’s land rights: Enhancing synergies across Rio conventions - organized by TMG Research gGmbHThis workshop organized by TMG Research and Robert Bosch Stiftung, co-hosted by UNCCD , UN Climate Change and UN Biodiversity, will address discuss the synergies between the three Rio Conventions in advancing women's secure rights to land, bringing in the perspectives of representatives of the conventions, civil society leaders, foundations and national focal points. The workshop aims to improve coordination of advocacy efforts among stakeholders and strengthen the role of grassroots organizations in driving debates on land rights.
More information: PDFJapan, Tokyo, 2024-06-17Online discussion on the role of youth in combating desertification - organized by UNISC InternationalThis online event will introduce activities of youth organizations to combat desertification through disaster prevention, energy transition, climate change countermeasures, and biodiversity conservation. The National Institute for Environmental Studies will give apresentation on how desertification affects biodiversity. 80 participants are expected to attend the presentations and participate in the follow-up discussion.
United States of America, Arcadia, 2024-06-17CIEDM at Arcadia Ecohome - organized by California Institute of Environmental Design & Management (CIEDM)CIEDM's involvement in Desertification and Drought Day 2024 includes cleaning and maintaining the desertscape at Arcadia Ecohome, pruning drought-tolerant plants and promoting water-efficient practices through social media outreach.