Women, Girls and Land campaign

About #HerLand campaign
Together with partners, activists and influencers, UNCCD is spearheading the campaign #HerLand to promote inspiring examples of women and girls’ leadership in sustainable land management, mobilizing support to secure land rights for women and girls across the world.
Every voice and every action counts, and you too can help by engaging your communities to advocate the key role of gender equality in empowering women and girls to take the lead on global land restoration and drought resilience efforts. We invite you to discover more and join!
All of us can do our part:
- Governments can promote laws, policies and practices that end discrimination and secure women’s rights to land and resources
- Businesses can prioritize gender equality and women's empowerment in their investments, facilitating access to resources and technology
- Individuals can support women-led initiatives in land restoration: help us spread the message by using the hashtag #HerLand
- Campaign objectives
- Raise awareness of the disproportionate impact of desertification, land degradation and drought on women and girls and the barriers they face in decision-making on land issues;
- Illustrate, through the lens of women and girls, the impacts of desertification, land degradation and drought
- Highlight successful examples of women and girls' contributions to sustainable land management and broader Sustainable Development Goal.
- Call to action for stronger female leadership and decision-making power on issues that affect them in the context of desertification, land degradation and drought.
- Key moments
The campaign has been launched on the International Women's Day 8 March 2023 and will continue into 2024, leading up to the sixteenth session of the UNCCD Conference of Parties COP16:
- March 8 2023: International Women’s Day: Launch of "Her Land. Her Rights" campaign
- June 17 2023: Desertification and Drought Day global observance event under the theme "Her Land. Her Rights"
- August 12 2023: Youth Day: Highlighting female youth leadership in sustainable land management
- October 15 2023: International Day of Rural Women: Showcasing female leadership in land restoration
- December 2-13 2024: UNCCD COP16 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia