SDS research and information sources

Jornada Experimental Range (LTAR) Network site showing meteorological tower, MWAC sediment samplers, rain gauge and Sensit.
Dust Alliance of North America (DANA)
DANA is a partnership of scientists and practitioners with the purpose to accelerate the transition of dust-related research into practical applications.
The DANA web site ( provides information on upcoming events, requests for contributions to publications, news about dust and a list of resources. DANA also holds webinars on dust-related topics. The website is managed by Dr. Jenny Hand, Senior Research Scientist and Fellow at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) at Colorado State University in the United States.
International Society for Aeolian Research (ISAR)
The International Society for Aeolian Research (ISAR) was established to foster connections among scientists studying aeolian processes and landforms, stimulate research in related areas, and promote the practical application of their findings.
For more information click here to browse their web site.
National Wind Erosion Research Network (NWERN)
The National Wind Erosion Research Network (NWERN) is a multi-partner network established in the United States in 2014 that collects standardized measurements of aeolian sediment transport, dust emission fluxes, meteorological conditions, and soil and vegetation. NWERN vegetation inventory and monitoring methods follow protocols implemented by US federal agencies, enabling aeolian sediment transport and dust emission measurements and models to be linked to dryland ecosystem processes, services and management. NWERN currently operates sites across rangelands and croplands of the US and Canada.
The NWERN web site provides information on the network and recent publications. NWERN data can be accessed through the Landscape Data Commons.
For questions about NWERN, please contact Dr. Nicholas Webb (Nick.Webb [at] (Nick[dot]Webb[at]usda[dot]gov)), Research Physical Scientist with the US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) at the Jornada Experimental Range.
Web links:
- NWERN web site:
- Landscape Data Commons:
- Jornada Experimental Range:
Icelandic Aerosol and Dust Association (IceDust)
Iceland has the largest desert in Europe and experiences an average of 135 dust days per year. The Icelandic Aerosol and Dust Association (IceDust) provides (1) a venue for collaboration on aerosol research in Iceland, (2) a mechanism for communication between researchers focusing on dust events in Iceland and (3) a source of information for the general public on aerosol processes linked to air pollution, atmosphere-cryosphere interactions, volcanic ash resuspension, health and environmental effects of particulate matter.
More information on IceDust can be found at and
Thematic Network on High Latitude Dust
The Thematic Network on High Latitude Dust, an activity of the University of the Arctic (UArctic), provides a mechanism for sharing research and networking on dust at high latitudes. Thematic Network encompasses more than 110 scientists working in 53 institutions across 21 countries, holds periodic meetings and, through a link with IceDust, provides access to publications on dust and Iceland.