Land restoration to safeguard nature and livelihoods: UNCCD and CBD working together

The publication spotlights the shared agenda of restoration and resilience, central to both UNCCD and the Global Biodiversity Framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). It identifies where and how synergies between commitments on biodiversity and land can enhance implementation at global and national levels, increasing the impact of limited finance and delivering multiple benefits.
The brief stresses that preventing degradation of ecosystems and rehabilitating degraded land are cost-effective responses that can simultaneously safeguard biodiversity and improve rural livelihoods, while reducing the growing environmental risks to our societies, economies, and the natural world. Recently adopted Global Biodiversity Framework together with Sustainable Development Goals and Land Degradation Neutrality commitments present a roadmap for a harmonious future when we channel these pledges into national plans and harmonize our actions for resilience and sustainability.
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