Voluntary LDN targets
On the basis of the decisions taken by the 12th session of the Conference of Parties to the UNCCD (COP.12) in 2015, the Secretariat and the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD, in collaboration with multiple international partners, established the Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Programme (LDN TSP) to support interested countries to define LDN baselines and set voluntary LDN targets.
The LDN TSP country reports and/or country commitments to achieve LDN are available for the LDN TSP participating countries listed below.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Objectif 1 : Aménagement intégré des bassins versants de barrages :• D’ici 2030, l’aménagement intégré de 48 bassins versants des ouvrages hydrauliques sera réalisé sur une superficie de 1,5 millions d’hectares.
Objectif 2 : Plan National de Reboisement :
• D’ici 2025, 475 000 ha seront reboisés, conformément au plan de reboisement validé en conseil interministériel (CIM) lancé en 2000 et à l’état d’exécution actuel du programme (770 .000 ha réalisés).
Objectif 3 : Economie de l'eau et sécurité alimentaire :
• D’ici 2020-2025, un million d’hectares de terres irriguées supplémentaire sera créé, venant s’ajouter au 1,2 million déjà existant.
Objectif 4 : Gestion et protection des parcours :
• D’ici 2030, 2 millions d’hectares de terres de parcours au niveau de la zone steppique et présaharienne seront réhabilitées, notamment grace à la mise en défens et la mise en oeuvre de techniques visant à améliorer la qualité pastorale.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Goal 1: Integrated management around dam watersheds:• By 2030, integrated management will be implemented around 48 watersheds linked to hydraulic structures and spreading over 1,5 million hectares.
Goal 2: National Reforestation Plan:
• By 2025, 475,000 ha of land will undergo reforestation in accordance with the reforestation plan launched in 2000 and validated by the interministerial council, and with the current state of implementation of the program (770,000 ha achieved).
Goal 3: Water economy and food security:
• By 2020-2025, one million ha of additional irrigated lands will be added to the existing 1,2 million ha area.
Goal 4: Management and protection of rangelands:
• By 2030, two million hectares of rangelands in steppe and pre-Saharan regions will be rehabilitated, namely through grazing bans and by implementing techniques to improve the quality of the pastoral landscape. *An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Redução da degradação acentuada de terras, em cerca de 50%-UNCCD Reporting process em comparação à 2015-ano de referência para os terrenos onde se pratica actualmente agricultura;
• Restauração de 50% dos ecossistemas actualmente degradados por práticas irregulares do uso da terra;
• Aumento do conteúdo de Carbono Orgânico do Solo para 30% em todas as classes de terras (3) e contribuição para a redução para metade (0,4%) da actual taxa de desflorestação em todo território nacional;
• Reforço da informação e consciencialização sobre as boas práticas da utilização da terra incluído a ligadas com a agricultura sustentável-conservação para 80% das famílias rurais;
• Aumento em 30% a disponibilidade de água nas zonas carenciadas do triângulo de transumância (Cunene, Huíla e Namibe).
• Redução em 25% do efectivo pecuário nas zonas de forte tradição da produção pecuária concentração;
• Aumento em 18% do território o total de áreas de conservação abrangendo o conjunto de eco zonas/biomas do país;
• Redução em 50% as emissões de gases com efeito estufa até 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• Reduction of severe land degradation by around 50% (UNCCD reporting process compared to the 2015 reference year) for current agricultural land;
• Restoration of 50% of ecosystems currently degraded by irregular land use practices;
• Increase the content of soil organic carbon by 30% in all land classes (3) and contribute to halving (0.4%) the current rate of deforestation throughout the national territory;
• Reinforcement of information and awareness of good land use practices including sustainable agriculture/conservation for 80% of rural families;
• Increase by 30% the availability of water in the poor areas of the transhumance triangle (Cunene, Huila and Namibe).
• Reduction by 25% the number of livestock in areas with a strong tradition of concentrated livestock production;
• Increase by 18% of the territory the total area under conservation covering the set of the country's ecozones/biomes;
• Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.
Antigua and Barbuda
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN target at national level:
- LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 to include the existing 9% degraded lands within our land mass becoming neutral or improved
- The LDN TSP is aligned to the global SDG15 to achieve by 2030
LDN sub-targets:
- Reporting on the land use/land cover indicator reflects a 5% change towards the improvement of the land by 2030 compared to the 2015 baseline (net increase) and achieved through strengthened development control and other appropriate measures
- LDN is achieved in St Mary’s (priority), and St. John’s Parish by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline through sustainable land management practices (Indicators: stable Productivity and stable Soil Organic Carbon)
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Para 2030 establecer 200.000 hectáreas de bosque nativo bajo proceso de restauración de bosques.
• Para 2030 reducir la perdida de bosque nativo a fin de mantener la superficie cubierta con bosques incluidas en las categorías de conservación I y II de la Ley de Bosques (alta y media).
• Para 2030 implementar 140.000 hectáreas bajo Manejo de Bosques con Ganadería Integrada (MBGI) (Categorías del OTBN II y III, media y baja).
• Para 2030 fortalecer el Sistema Federal de Manejo del Fuego para la prevención y alerta temprana de incendios forestales, rurales y de interfase.
• Para 2030, mejorar la eficiencia de riego en 1.000.000 de hectáreas irrigadas a nivel nacional.
• Para 2030, mantener, mediante prácticas de rotación, la proporción entre la superficie cultivada con cereales y la superficie ocupada con oleaginosas en una misma unidad de gestión de la tierra.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• By 2030 establish 200,000 hectares of native forest under forest restoration process.
• By 2030 reduce the loss of native forest in order to maintain the area covered with forests included in conservation categories I and II of the Forest Act (high and medium).
• By 2030 implement 140,000 hectares under Integrated Livestock Forest Management (ILFM) (OTBN Categories II and III, medium and low).
• By 2030 strengthen the Federal Fire Management System for prevention and early warning of forest, rural and interface fires.
• By 2030, improve irrigation efficiency in 1,000,000 irrigated hectares nationwide.
• By 2030, maintain, through rotation practices, the ratio between the area under cereal cultivation and the area under oilseeds in the same land management unit.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN national target:
• By the year 2040, the Carbon stock lost between 2000 and 2010 will be recovered and increased by 2,8% in relation to present.
Means to achieve the LDN national target:
• Stop cropland degradation and apply agro ecology (conservation and modern “organic” technology);
• Reforest 2/3 of the degraded land;
• Stop deforestation and improve forest management in 100% of the national territory;
• Stop overgrazing and improve grassland management in 100% of the national territory.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
▪ Increase soil fertility and Carbon in 2000 km2 of cropland area by 2030.
▪ Reduce land use/ cover conversion in 600 km2 of forest area by 2030.
▪ Reduce waterlogging in 600 km2 area by 2030.
▪ Reduce soil erosion in hilly areas in 600 km2 area by 2030.
▪ Protect non-saline land areas from salinity intrusion in 1200 km2 in coastal zone area by 2030.
▪ Reduce river bank erosion @100ha/year covering 100 km2 areas by 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the national scale:
- LDN is achieved by 2030, relative to the 2019 baseline
LDN at the sub-national scale:
- By 2030, the area of land in the National Park and across the System of Parks and Open Spaces experiencing improvement has increased by 5 % relative to the 2019 baseline
- By 2030, and relative to the 2019 baseline, LDN is achieved for land within food and agriculture protection layers as designated in the draft 2017 PDP Amendment
- By 2030, the extent of tree-covered areas in the Barbados National Park has increased by 10 % relative to the 2019 baseline
Specific targets to avoid, minimise and reverse land degradation:
- By 2030, land productivity in all croplands is either stable or increasing relative to the 2019 baseline
- By 2030, at least 10 % of grassland areas (as per the 2019 baseline) have experienced positive land-cover transformation to either croplands or tree-covered areas
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Achievement of land degradation neutrality:
• Share of environment-stabilizing land types (natural meadows, forest land, woodlands and forest plantations, bogs and land of water bodies): at least 57 % of the national territory by 2020; at least 60 % of the national territory by 2030;
• Area of ecologically rehabilitated depleted peat fields and disturbed bogs: at least 55,000 ha by 2020; at least 60,000 ha by 2030;
• Area of land affected water and/or wind erosion: no more than 550,000 ha by 2020; no more than 550,000 ha by 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Belize’s National Land Degradation Neutrality Target (LDN) is to have “no net loss for all territorial lands in all land cover classes, compared to the 2000-2015 baseline by 2030.”
Sub-national LDN targets:
- LDN is achieved within the Belize River Watershed by 2030 as compared to the 2000-2015 baseline
- LDN is achieved in the Orange Walk and Corozal Districts by 2030 as compared to the 2000-2015 baseline
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Le Bénin se fixe prioritairement comme ambitions d’atteindre la neutralité en matière de dégradation des terres d’ici à 2030 à travers la restauration d’au moins 50% (soit 1,25 million ha) des terres dégradées au cours de la période de référence 2000-2010, et limiter à 5% la perte des terres non dégradées (forêts et savanes), afin de préserver les écosystèmes terrestres et aquatiques avec une amélioration nette du couvert végétal de 12%.
Plus spécifiquement, il s’engage à renforcer les mesures et les efforts en cours pour, d’ici à 2030 :
▪ réduire de 21% (1 460 000 ha) à 5% (160 640 ha) la conversion des forêts et savanes naturelles en d’autres formes d’occupation du sol, en l’occurrence les terres agricoles et les habitations ;
▪ augmenter de 5% (soit 155 000 ha) la superficie des forêts à travers la reforestation et la mise en place de nouvelles plantations ;
▪ réduire de moitié (soit environ 350 000 ha) la superficie des forêts présentant une baisse de productivité nette ;
▪ accroître la productivité sur l’ensemble des terres agricoles en baisse de productivité (631 400 ha) et celles sur lesquelles la productivité est restée faiblement stable (1,8 million ha) au cours de la période 2000-2010 ;
▪ maintenir les zones humides dans leur ensemble en mettant un terme à leur conversion en d’autres formes d’occupations.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Benin's priority is to achieve land degradation neutrality by 2030 through the restoration of at least 50% (1.25 million ha) of land degraded during the reference period 2000-2010, and limit to 5% the loss of non-degraded lands (forests and savannas), in order to preserve terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems with a 12% net improvement in the vegetation cover.
More specifically, it commits itself to reinforce current measures and efforts, by 2030:
▪ reduce from 21% (1,460,000 ha) to 5% (160,640 ha) the conversion of natural forests and savannas to other forms of land use, namely farmland and dwellings;
▪ increase by 5% (155,000 ha) the area of forests through reforestation and the establishment of new plantations;
▪ halve (i.e. about 350 000 ha) the area of forests with a net productivity decline;
▪ increase productivity on all agricultural lands that are declining in productivity (631,400 ha) and those on which productivity remained weakly stable (1,8 million ha) during the period 2000-2010;
▪ maintain wetlands as a whole by stopping conversion to other forms of use.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• By 2035, reforestation with native species in open areas will be realized on 25.00 km2. In addition, further productivity decline will be avoided through various means and SOC will be maintained at 50 ton/ha by 2030.
• By 2030, wood substitute products will be promoted with subsidies and further declines in productivity will be avoided.
• By 2025, improved pasture will be promoted on 0.50 km2. In the meantime and beyond, by 2030, improved breeds will be promoted.
• By 2025, SLM measures will be implemented as identified in the NAP on 35.07 km2. In addition, further productivity decline will be avoided through various means and SOC will be maintained at 50 ton/ha.
• By 2040, the RAMSAR framework will be set up on 1.83 km2.
• By 2035, plantations in open areas will be realized on 0.10 km2.
• By 2035, restoration/reclamation of degraded areas will be realized on 0.50 km2.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Meta a.1.1. Hasta 2028 se fortalecerá el manejo sustentable de al menos 400.000 ha en zonas áridas planas o con pendiente reducida de Bolivia. • Meta a.1.2. Para 2028 se ha reducido el problema de erosión laminar en áreas en pendiente que incluye el manejo de 200.000 ha (2.000 km2) de suelos en pendiente. • Meta a.1.3. Hasta 2028, 300.000 ha de nuevas tierras agrícolas en el área Sud este del país han sido habilitadas con principios de manejo agroecológico, riego sustentable y promoción y apoyo de sistemas agro-silvo-pastoriles. • Meta a.2.1. Para 2028 se logrará que al menos 100.000 ha de grandes sabanas de zonas bajas que requieren de un manejo adecuado de suelos, logren sostenibilidad productiva a través de programas de enmiendas calcáreas, adición de grandes cantidades de materia orgánica y manejo integrado para no forzar su reacción. • Meta a.3.1. Para 2028, 60.000 ha de bofedales (humedales de altura) están conservados, han recuperado su vigor y área a través de proyectos de manejos agro-pastoril, turístico. etc. • Meta a.3.2. Hasta 2025 se tiene ideas claras sobre la dinámica del Carbono en humedales y se ha establecido su potencial de retención de C. • Meta a.4.1. Para 2028 Bolivia participa activamente en los esquemas de los fondos ambientales y la cooperación Internacional multi y bi-lateral para lograr el manejo de 120.000 ha (1.200 km2) de tierras que de bajo otros escenarios se degradarán y provocarán la emisión de grandes cantidades de CO2. • Meta a.5.1. Para 2025 se habrá establecido el Programa de Comunidades urbana-rurales y de ciudades en armonía con la naturaleza dentro de los SPIE´s de los Municipios involucrados, los cuales regularán el crecimiento en relación a la vocación productiva del suelo y su valor ambiental, mejorando el estado ambiental y psicológico de sus habitantes y evitando la degradación de por lo menos 1.100 km2. • Meta a.6.1 Para 2018, se tiene una adecuada regulación sobre el manejo de suelos forestales la que podría prevenir la degradación de más de 800.000 ha. de tierras forestales hasta 2028. • Meta b.1.1. En conjunción con los servicios de investigación/extensión de los Departamentos se plantea hasta 2030 recuperar hasta un 30 % de las áreas con tendencia a la salinización y a la aridización (60.000 ha o 600 km2). • Meta b.2.1. Hasta 2028 se pretende lograr que las cuencas priorizadas como estratégicas en Bolivia incluyan en sus estrategias de manejo, el concepto de restauración y cobertura de laderas y aforestación en zonas sin previa cobertura forestal y de clase agrológica VII, abarcando al menos 100.000 ha (1.000 km2). • Metas b.3.1. Hasta 2028 se han establecido acciones concretas para la preservación, conservación y aprovechamiento sostenible de zonas de vida de condiciones limitantes por medio del manejo de praderas nativas ubicadas en el altiplano boliviano, para mejorar y recuperar la disponibilidad de forrajes nativos y también por medio de la búsqueda del manejo sostenible de humedales para promover el manejo de la biodiversidad local, con lo que se pretende recuperar al menos 20.000 ha (200 km2) de tierras degradadas. • Meta b.4.1. Hasta 2028, se rehabilitarán a bosque, los suelos intensamente degradados y se recuperarán para uso agro-silvo-pastoril los suelos que todavía pueden manejarse trabajando en al menos 330.000 ha (3.300 km2). • Meta b.5.1. Se pretende promover la recuperación motivada de al menos 100.000 ha que contarán con créditos nacionales y acuerdos internacionales para su realización a través de proyectos de captura de carbono. • Meta c.1.1 Promover en los próximos 5 años, la formación intensa de profesionales especializados en la temática. • Meta d.1.1. Hasta el 2022 lograr que el contexto metodológico de evaluación de parámetros como Carbono Orgánico de Suelos, cambio de cobertura, desertificación, etc, sea claro y unitario, normado por el Viceministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. • Meta d.1.2. Hasta 2025 se contará con un marco regulatorio que guíe las acciones de mantenimiento de la tierra hacia el estado de Neutralidad de Degradación de Tierras. |
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• Target a.1.1. By 2028, strengthen sustainable management in at least 400,000 ha of flat arid or reduced slope areas. • Target a.1.2. By 2028, reduce laminar erosion in slope areas. This includes the management of 200,000 ha (2,000 km2) of slope land. • Target a.1.3. By 2028, inaugurate 300,000 ha of new agricultural land in the southeast of the country, using agroecological management principles, sustainable irrigation, and promoting and supporting agrosilvopastoral systems. • Target a.2.1. By 2028, achieve adequate soil management in at least 100,000 ha of large lowland savannas, achieve sustainable production through calcareous amendment programs, addition of large organic matter and integrated management to control reactivity. • Target a.3.1. By 2028, conserve and regain the capacity and area of 60,000 ha of highland wetlands through agropastoral management projects, tourism projects, etc. • Target a.3.2. By 2025, establish a clear understanding of Carbon dynamics in wetlands and Carbon retention potential. • Target a.4.1. By 2028, Bolivia will actively participate in environmental, multilateral and bilateral cooperation fund schemes to achieve sound management of 120,000 ha (1,200 km2) of land that would, under other scenarios, become degraded and cause the release of large quantities of CO2. • Target a.5.1. By 2025, establish the Peri-Urban and Urban Communities in Harmony with Nature Program within the State System for Integrated Planning of involved municipalities. These municipalities will regulate urban growth according to the productive suitability of the land and its environmental value, improving the environmental and psychological state of its inhabitants and avoiding degradation in at least 1,100 km2. • Target a.6.1. By 2018, adequately regulate forest land management, which could prevent degradation in more than 800,000 ha of forest lands by 2028. • Target b.1.1. By 2030, aim to recover up to 30% of areas affected by salinization and aridity (60,000 ha or 600 km2), in conjunction with departmental investigation/extension services. • Target b.2.1. By 2028, ensure that prioritized and strategic watersheds in Bolivia include restoration and slope cover concepts within their management strategy, as well as afforestation in areas without prior forest cover of agrological class VII, covering at least 100,000 ha (1,000 km2). • Target b.3.1. By 2028, establish concrete action plans to preserve and sustainably use living areas with limiting conditions through management of native prairies in the Bolivian high plateau, in order to improve and recover native fodder, and to find ways to sustainably manage wetlands and promote management of local biodiversity, which would allow the recovery of at least 20.000 ha (200 km2) of degraded lands. • Target b.4.1. By 2028, transform severely degraded land into forests and recover land with remaining productive potential through agrosilvopatoralism in at least 330,000 ha (3,300 km2). • Target b.5.1. Promote the recovery of at least 100.000 ha through Carbon sequestration projects supported by national credits and international agreements. • Target c.1.1. In the next 5 years, promote intensive specialization trainings for professionals. • Target d.1.1. By 2022, achieve clarity and unity in the methodology used to evaluate parameters such as soil organic Carbon, land cover change, desertification, etc., as prescribed by the vice minister of Science and Technology. • Target d.1.2. By 2025, establish a regulatory framework that will guide actions on land management towards Land Degradation Neutrality status. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Main LDN target for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
• Improve land quality and protection and restore degraded land functions in specific ecosystems or minimize adverse environmental impacts.
LDN sub-targets for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina:
• Land management in support of environmental protection and spatial planning system;
• Establish a basis for harmonious and spatially balanced socio-economic development, with a focus on marginalized and degraded areas.
LDN target for the Republic of Srpska:
• Increased land productivity on 7% of the territory by 2030:
- The area of forests and forest lands of the Republic of Srpska to reach 53% by 2030;
- Increased productivity of forests and forest lands of the Republic of Srpska to 5.50% of total territory by 2030;
- Increased productivity of agricultural land to 1.50% of the total territory by 2030;
- Soil erosion remains at zero level until 2030;
- Increased percentage of protected areas in the Republic of Srpska by 2030;
- Reduction of mined areas for 25% compared to the total mined area in the Republic of Srpska;
- Rehabilitation of fire-affected sites.
LDN targets for Brčko District:
• Increase of afforested areas by 2030;
• Increase productivity of agricultural land through measures to combat drought and floods by 2030;
• Decrease of mined areas (80% by 2030).
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Avoiding new degradation
By 2030, all non-degraded land (100%) remains at the same state
Reducing existing degradation
By 2030, the land degradation sources in Kgalagadi, Ghanzi, Ngamiland and Central districts are addressed
By 2030, land productivity and Soil Organic Carbon stocks are improved by 1% across all land types
By 2030, forest degradation is reduced by 10%
Restoring degraded land
By 2030, three restoration programmes are initiated in selected hotspots using appropriate technology (passive or active restoration)
By 2030, five percent (5 %) of degraded grassland is rehabilitated
By 2030, an additional 5% of the national territory is in a healthy state (compared to 2015)
Burkina Faso
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Afin d’arrêter la dégradation des terres au Burkina Faso, le pays s’engage à atteindre la neutralité en matière de dégradation des terres d’ici à 2030 à travers la restauration de 5 millions d’hectares de terres dégradées et la prévention de la dégradation dans les terres non-dégradées.
Plus spécifiquement, le pays s’engage à faire tout son possible pour :
• Mettre un terme à la déforestation d’ici à 2030 ;
• Améliorer la productivité des savanes et des terres cultivées qui sont en déclin soit 2,5 millions d’hectares ;
• Améliorer les stocks de carbone sur 800 000 ha pour parvenir à un minimum de 1% de matière organique (apport de 5T de matière organique (MO) à l’hectare tous les 2 ans) ;
• Récupérer 300 000 ha de terrains non viabilisés sur un total de 600 000 ha.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
In order to stop land degradation in Burkina Faso, the country commits to reaching land degradation neutrality by 2030 by restoring 5 million hectares of degraded lands and by preventing degradation of non-degraded lands.
More specifically, the country commits to do everything possible in order to:
• Put an end to deforestation by 2030;
• Improve the productivity of savannas and cultivated lands that show productivity decline, that is, 2,5 million hectares;
• Improve carbon stocks in 800.000 ha to reach a minimum of 1% of organic matter (bring 5T of organic matter (OM) per hectare every 2 years);
• Retrieve 300.000 hectares of bare land from a total of 600.000 hectares.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Variation de la superficie de la couverture des terres :
• Inverser la conversion des forêts en terres cultivées à travers l’intensification de l’agriculture (amélioration des techniques et méthodes culturales) (600 km2 d’ici 2027 et 700 km2 d’ici 2030).
• Inverser la conversion des forêts en terres cultivées à travers l’intégration de l’agroforesterie dans les forêts converties en terres cultivées (500 km2 d’ici 2027 et 586 d’ici 2030).
• Inverser la conversion des terres forestières en pâturages (prairies) à travers la récupération et le reboisement des terres forestières converties en pâturages (400 km2 d’ici 2027 et 434 km2 d’ici 2030).
• Inverser la conversion des terres cultivées en pâturages (prairies) à travers la restauration de la fertilité par la lutte anti érosive et l’utilisation de l’engrais verts (770 km2 d’ici 2027 et 963 km2 d’ici 2030).
• Inverser la conversion des terres cultivées et terres artificielles à travers la récupération et la réhabilitation des terres habitées au profit de l’agriculture (80 km2 d’ici 2027 et 104 km2 d’ici 2030).
Variation du stock de carbone :
• Accroitre le stock du carbone dans les zones forestières converties en terres cultivées à travers de la promotion de l’agroforesterie, l’intensification de l’agriculture et la lutte anti érosive (500 km2 d’ici 2027 et 600 km2 d’ici 2030).
• Accroitre le stock du carbone dans les zones forestières converties en pâturages (prairies) à travers la récupération et le reboisement (400 km2 d’ici 2027 et 434 km2 d’ici 2030).
• Accroitre le stock du carbone dans les zones forestières converties en terres humides à travers l’aménagement des bassins versants (40 km2 d’ici 2027 et 66 km2 d’ici 2030).
Productivité des terres :
• Accroitre la productivité des terres dans les zones boisées avec une baisse de la productivité, diminution modérée et sous stress à travers le reboisement des zones dégradées (300 km2 d’ici 2027 et 383 km2 d’ici 2030).
• Accroitre la productivité des terres dans les zones de pâturages avec une baisse de la productivité, diminution modérée et sous stress à travers la restauration avec des essences ligneuses et non ligneuses (500 km2 d’ici 2027 et 600 km2 d’ici 2030).
• Accroitre la productivité des terres dans les terres cultivées avec une baisse de la productivité, diminution modérée et sous stress à travers restauration de la fertilité des sols, la rotation et la lutte contre l’érosion (2.000 km2 d’ici 2027 et 2.400 km2 d’ici 2030).
• Accroitre la productivité des terres dans les zones humides avec une baisse de la productivité, diminution modérée et sous stress à travers l’aménagement des bassins versants (60 km2 d’ici 2027 et 70 km2 d’ici 2030).
• Accroitre la productivité des terres dans les surfaces artificielles avec une baisse de la productivité, diminution modérée et sous stress à travers l’amélioration de la foresterie urbaine (30 km2 d’ici 2027 et 40 km2 d’ici 2030).
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Variation in land cover area:
• Reverse the conversion of forests to cultivated land through agricultural intensification (improvement of farming techniques and methods) (600 km2 by 2027 and 700 km2 by 2030).
• Reverse the conversion of forests to cropland through the integration of agroforestry in forests converted to cropland (500 km2 by 2027 and 586 km2 by 2030).
• Reverse the conversion of forest land to pasture (grassland) through recovery and reforestation (400 km2 by 2027 and 434 km2 by 2030).
• Reverse the conversion of cropland to pasture (grasslands) through fertility restoration, erosion control and the use of green manure (770 km2 by 2027 and 963 km2 by 2030).
• Reverse the conversion of cropland and artificial land through the recovery and rehabilitation of land used for agriculture (80 km2 by 2027 and 104 km2 by 2030).
Variation in carbon stocks:
• Increase carbon stock of forest areas converted to cropland through the promotion of agroforestry, intensification of agriculture and erosion control (500 km2 by 2027 and 600 km2 by 2030).
• Increase carbon stock of forest areas converted to pasture (grasslands) through recovery and reforestation (400 km2 by 2027 and 434 km2 by 2030).
• Increase carbon stock of forest areas converted to wetlands through watershed management (40 km2 by 2027 and 66 km2 by 2030).
Land productivity:
• Increase land productivity in forested areas showing declining productivity, moderate declines, and under stress, through reforestation of degraded areas (300 km2 by 2027 and 383 km2 by 2030).
• Increase land productivity in pasture areas showing declining productivity, moderate declines, and under stress, through restoration with woody and non-woody species (500 km2 by 2027 and 600 km2 by 2030).
• Increase land productivity in croplands showing declining productivity, moderate declines and under stress, through soil fertility restoration, rotation and erosion control (2,000 km2 by 2027 and 2,400 km2 by 2030).
• Increase land productivity in wetlands showing declining productivity, moderate declines and under stress, through watershed management (60 km2 by 2027 and 70 km2 by 2030).
• Increase land productivity in artificial surfaces showing declining productivity, moderate declines and under stress, through the improvement of urban forestry (30 km2 by 2027 and 40 km2 by 2030).
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Target 1. By 2030, forest cover will be increased to 47% of the total land area (the most recent baseline figure for forest cover is 82,198 sq. km equaling 45.26% of total land cover, as of 2016). This will require an additional gain in forest cover area of about 3,157 sq. km.
• Target 2. By 2030, increase in agricultural growth by 5% per annum as compared to 3% in 2016 (ASDP 2014-2018).
• Target 3. By 2030, soil organic carbon (SOC) stock in forest and cropland will be increased by 1.2% per year as compared to 2015.
• Target 4. By 2030, ecosystems and their services are maintained and enhanced by establishing 23,500 sq. km of protected forest and 3,900 sq. km of production forest; and restoring at least 8% of degraded and depressed protected areas, conservation areas, agroecosystems and forest ecosystems including mangroves. The enhanced ecosystem services are particularly for women, elders and children in local communities and indigenous ethnic minority groups.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Au niveau National :• la NDT est atteinte par rapport à 2015 (absence de perte nette) et 10% de plus du territoire national s’est amélioré (gain net).
Au niveau Communal :
• la NDT est atteinte dans au moins 90% de communes situées dans les zones prioritaires pour la lutte contre la dégradation des terres.
Au niveau spécifique :
• les 12 millions hectares de terres dégradées sont restaurés ;
• la conversion des forêts en d’autres formes d’occupation du fait de la mise en oeuvre des programmes et projets de développement et du développement de la production agricole, animale et halieutique est réduite de moitié ;
• la dépendance au bois de chauffe des populations des zones urbaines dans les zones les plus touchées par la dégradation des terres est réduite de 75%;
• la dégradation des forêts et des terres due à l’exploitation forestière est réduite de 75% ;
• la dégradation des terres causée par les projets est compensée en intégralité au moins ;
• la dégradation des mangroves est réduite de moitié.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
At national level:• LDN is achieved with reference to 2015 (no net loss) and an additional 10% of the territory is improved (net gain),
At municipal level:
• LDN is reached in at least 90% of municipalities within priority areas to combat land degradation,
At specific level:
• All 12 million hectares of degraded lands are restored;
• Conversion of forests into other land cover categories caused by development programmes and projects, as well as by agriculture, livestock and fish production, is reduced by half;
• Firewood dependency in urban areas that are most strongly affected by land degradation is reduced by 75%;
• Land degradation caused by projects is at least entirely compensated;
• Degradation of mangroves is reduced by half. *An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
Cape Verde
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Passar de 2156 ha de terra degradada devido a mudança da forma de ocupação para 1078 ha. Isso quer dizer, trabalhar no sentido de recuperar ecologicamente 50% dessas terras.
• Passar de 8404 ha de terra que apresentam uma produtividade negativa para 3182 ha (redução de 45%).
• Aumentar de 2% o stock de carbono orgânico do solo (COS) no seio dos ecossistemas cuja concentração de COS varia entre 18-45 t/ha.
• Passar de 40% de terras erodidas para 15%, apostando fortemente na correção das linhas de água, maximizar a conservação das terras agrícolas (sequeiro e regadio), recuperação das obras hidroagrícolas fragilizadas pelas chuvas excepcionais, reforçar a proteção das terras de pastagem com a contenção dos animais e também reforçar as campanhas de sensibilização e de capacitação dos utilizadores das terras em relação a problemática da erosão dos solos.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• Reduce from 2,156 ha to 1,078 ha the area of land degraded due to land use change. This means working to ecologically recover 50% of this land.
• Reduce the area of negative land productivity from 8,404 ha to 3,182 ha (a reduction of 45%).
• Increase by 2% soil organic carbon (SOC) stock in ecosystems with SOC levels between 18-45 t/ha.
• Reduce from 40% to 15% eroded land, with a strong focus on repairing watercourses, maximizing the conservation of agricultural land (dry and irrigated), the recovery of hydro-agricultural works damaged by heavy rainfall, reinforcing the protection of pasture land with animal enclosures, and strengthening awareness-raising campaigns and training of land on the problem of soil erosion.
Central African Republic
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
La RCA ambitionne améliorer d’ici 2030 plus de 15% du territoire national (soit 1.227.415, 2 ha) grâce aux actions concertées de restauration et de maintien des paysages dégradés.
Cette cible nationale peut être atteinte grâce aux cibles spécifiques ci-dessous :
• Restaurer 50% du couvert végétal (soit 19.384 ha) d’ici 2030 par rapport à la situation de référence de 2010 ;
• D’ici 2030, réduire 50 % de la perte de la productivité des terres et 25 % du taux de la biomasse est amélioré sur toute l’étendue du territoire national par rapport à la situation de 2010 ;
• D’ici 2030, augmenter de 10% le taux de carbone organique du sol et réduire de 5% les émissions de GES prévue dans la CPDN;
• Restaurer de 20% les surfaces minières dégradées au niveau national d’ici 2030 par rapport à la situation de référence de 2010 ;
• Réduire de moitié la destruction du couvert végétal par l’élevage transhumant d’ici à 2030 par rapport à la situation de référence de 2010 ;
• Réduire d’au moins 50% la conversion des galeries forestières en terres agricoles par rapport à la situation de référence de 2010.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
The Central African Republic strives to improve the state of more than 15% of the national territory (1,227,415.2 ha) by 2030 through coordinated actions on the restoration and conservation of degraded landscapes.
This national target can be achieved through the specific targets outlined below:
• Restore 50% of the vegetation cover (19,384 ha) by 2030 with reference to the 2010 baseline;
• By 2030, reduce by 50% land productivity loss and improve 25% of the biomass all throughout the national territory relative to the 2010 baseline;
• By 2030, increase by 10% the amount of soil organic carbon and reduce by 5% the GHG emissions as laid out in the INDC;
• Restore 20% of degraded mining areas at national level by 2030, with reference to the 2010 baseline;
• Cut by half the amount of destruction of vegetation cover caused by transhumant pastoralism, with reference to the 2010 baseline;
• Reduce by at least 50% the conversion of gallery forests into agricultural lands, with reference to the 2010 baseline.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
- D’ici 2040, 1 738.8 km2 de forêts seront restaurés
- D’ici 2040, 17.95 km2 de zones humides seront restaurées
- D’ici 2040, 29 000 km2 de zones dégradées (terres dénudées et autres) seront restaurées
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
- By 2040, 1 738.8 km2 of forest will be restored
- By 2040, 17.95 km2 of wetlands will be restored
- By 2040, 29 000 km2 of degraded land (bare soils and other) will be restored
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Chile ha seleccionado nueve medidas de acción para alcanzar la NDT y que permiten evitar, reducir y revertir la degradación de las tierras con el objetivo de neutralidad. Estas medidas se encuentran ampliamente descritas en CONAF (2016) y en términos generales, con sus metas, son:
• Programa de adaptación para la gestión de los recursos vegetacionales: Este programa busca generar insumos relevantes para el diseño y ejecución de programas de forestación, revegetación, restauración y manejo forestal sustentable. El programa se sustenta sobre la articulación y fortalecimiento de diversas instancias nacionales ya existentes orientadas al monitoreo de especies vegetales frente a la sequía, un plan de adaptación integral de los recursos vegetacionales al cambio climático, estudios dirigidos a dinámicas hidrológicas a nivel de cuencas, programas de conservación ex situ, mejoras en métodos silviculturales de forestación, revegetación, restauración y manejo productivo, entre otras medidas. La meta es que estos programas tengan un alcance a 80 comunas del país al año 2025.
• Programa de forestación y revegetación en comunas/áreas priorizadas: Este programa se desarrollará en terrenos públicos y privados priorizados en diversas instancias técnicas y participativas. El principal objetivo de estas forestaciones y revegetaciones es que se establezcan principalmente con especies nativas dirigidas a generar diversos servicios ecosistémicos de aprovisionamiento, regulación y culturales. Este programa será permanente amparado en la nueva Ley de Fomento Forestal. La meta del programa de forestación y revegetación son 140.000 hectáreas acumuladas al año 2025.
• Fortalecimiento programa de restauración ecológica en comunas/áreas priorizadas: Este programa actúa en terrenos públicos y privados, focalizándose en comunas y áreas priorizadas y tendrán como objetivo la recuperación y valorización de los bosques y otras formaciones vegetacionales nativas que se encuentren bajo procesos de degradación. Esta medida se asocia a procesos degradativos como presencia de especies exóticas invasoras, mal uso de los recursos vegetacionales por extracción insustentable, entre otros. La meta del programa de restauración ecológica es de 20.000 hectáreas acumuladas al año 2025.
• Programa de restauración de ecosistemas afectados post incendios forestales: Programa destinado a la implementación de proyectos de restauración ecológica en áreas públicas y privadas afectadas por incendios a nivel nacional. Un mecanismo que permitirá el desarrollo de esta medida, es el Programa Nacional de Restauración Ecológica formalizado el año 2016 en CONAF y considera dentro de sus lineamientos la recuperación de áreas afectadas por incendios que afectan recursos forestales y otros recursos vegetacionales. La meta es la ejecución de proyectos de restauración post incendios forestales que abarquen 10.000 hectáreas acumuladas al año 2025.
• Programa de silvicultura preventiva con énfasis en la interfaz urbana rural: Programa destinado a la implementación de cordones de manejo preventivo en bosques nativos, plantaciones y otras formaciones vegetacionales, ubicadas en áreas públicas y privadas de la interface urbana rural. La silvicultura preventiva de incendios forestales busca reducir el daño potencial de los incendios forestales actuando en forma anticipada sobre la vegetación, además, se busca retardar y/o disminuir la propagación y superficie de los incendios forestales, a través de actividades silviculturales. Actualmente, CONAF posee un programa emergente de silvicultura preventiva. La meta es la implementación del programa hasta abarcar una superficie de 8.000 hectáreas acumuladas y su mantención hasta el año 2025.
• Programa de ordenación forestal institucional enfocado en terrenos públicos y privados: Se diseñará un modelo funcional de gestión forestal, coherente con los requerimientos silviculturales de los bosques y otros recursos vegetacionales, y en un contexto de cambio climático y de presión multicausal sobre los recursos vegetacionales. Algunos lineamientos técnicos básicos serán: Análisis territorial para focalizar los esfuerzos de fomento y asistencia técnica; Propuestas de manejo integrales para predios o grupos de predios, que incorporen múltiples acciones (manejo silvícola, forestación, revegetación, restauración); Actividades extractivas ajustadas al crecimiento del bosque; Planificaciones de largo plazo, al menos de cinco años; Incorporación de todos los elementos de gestión privada y pública para lograr su funcionamiento adecuado, incluyendo la articulación de los instrumentos de fomento forestal, agrícolas, ganaderos y otros, bajo una lógica común y enfoque de manejo sustentable de la tierra. La meta es la elaboración y ejecución de planes de ordenación en terrenos públicos y privados abarcando 70.000 hectáreas acumuladas al año 2025.
• Fortalecimiento al programa de dendroenergía y a la matriz energética del país: En el marco de la Estrategia de Dendroenergía de CONAF, se están implementando proyectos integrales de gestión forestal, donde el principal objetivo es la generación de leña certificada para abastecer la demanda de centros de consumo en comunas priorizadas. Entre los aspectos contenidos en esta medida de acción se encuentran incluidas las siguientes acciones: desarrollo de planes prediales de manejo sustentable de bosques bajo criterios de ordenación; implementación de centros de acopio y secado de leña; desarrollo de sistemas de encadenamiento productivo y comercio justo y; certificación de la leña. La meta es implementar proyectos de gestión forestal en 16.000 hectáreas acumuladas al año 2025.
• Franjas de amortiguación para actividad ganadera: El objetivo de esta medida es regular el uso de sitios fiscales utilizados habitualmente para el pastoreo con el fin de minimizar el impacto del ganado sobre sitios de importancia por su valor para la conservación o como sumidero de carbono. La implementación de estas áreas de manejo contempla un programa de asistencia dirigido a propietarios de predios que se encuentran colindantes a áreas protegidas (incluidas Reservas de la Biósfera). La implementación de las áreas de manejo considera diferentes actividades puntuales: a) Asistencia técnica permanente y de generación de capacidades, b) Involucramiento de actores y fortalecimiento de las organizaciones sociales y comunitarias, c) Gestión y articulación de instrumentos de fomento para abordar de forma integrada el manejo del bosque y del ganado. La meta es el diseño y ejecución de franjas de amortiguación por 800 hectáreas acumuladas al año 2025.
• Fortalecimiento al Programa de protección fitosanitaria de los recursos vegetacionales nativos: Fortalecimiento institucional que permita, frente a la DDTS y el cambio climático, desarrollar y aplicar programas nacionales de prevención y control de plagas con énfasis en recursos nativos y mediante esquemas de manejo integrado de plagas forestales. En la actualidad se dispone de un Programa de Protección Sanitaria Forestal dirigido a predios de pequeños y medianos propietarios, pero no considera a los recursos vegetacionales nativos. La meta consiste en la prospección y monitoreo de los recursos vegetacionales abarcando 300.000 hectáreas acumuladas al año 2025.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Chile has selected nine action measures to achieve LDN. These measures allow avoiding, reducing and reversing land degradation with the aim of achieving land degradation neutrality. The measures are described in detail within CONAF (2016) and are, in general terms, together with their corresponding targets, as follows:
• Adaptation program for plant resource management: This program seeks to generate funds for design and implementation of programs related to afforestation, replanting, restoration and sustainable forest management. The program focuses on building and strengthening existing national bodies working towards monitoring of plant species affected by drought. It also focuses on a comprehensive climate change adaptation plan for plant resources, on studying hydrological dynamics in watersheds, on ex situ conservation programs, on improvement of silvicultural afforestation methods, on replanting, on restoration and on productivity management, among other measures. The target is to cover 80 of the country’s districts through these programs by 2025.
• Afforestation and replanting program in priority areas/districts: This program covers public and private areas that have been prioritized by different technical and participatory bodies. The main expectation is that these afforestation and replanting initiatives are carried out using primarily native species that deliver ecosystem services related to supply, regulation, and culture. This program will be formally incorporated in the new Law of Forest Development. The target of this afforestation and replanting program is 140,000 ha of coverage accumulated by 2025.
• Strengthening the ecological restoration program in priority areas/districts: This program covers public and private lands and focuses on priority areas/districts. It will aim to recover and valorize forests as well as other native plant formations undergoing degradation. This measure is associated with degradation processes such as the presence of invasive alien species, misuse of plant resources by unsustainable extraction, among others. The ecological restoration program target is 20,000 ha of coverage accumulated by 2025.
• Program for the restoration of ecosystems affected by forest fires: The program is geared at implementing ecological restoration projects in public and private domains affected by forest fires countrywide. The National Ecological Restoration Program, formalized in 2016 within CONAF, could serve as an enabling mechanism for the development of this measure. Within its guidelines, this program considers recovering areas affected by fires that negatively impact forests and other plant resources. The target is to implement “post forest fire” restoration projects to cover 10,000 ha by 2025.
• Preventive silviculture program with an emphasis on the urban-rural interface: The program is geared at implementing preventive management belts in native forests, plantations and other plant formations on public and private lands located in the urban-rural interface. Silviculture to prevent forest fires seeks to reduce potential damage by anticipating the effects of forest fires on immediate vegetation. Moreover, preventive silviculture also aims to delay and/or reduce the spreading and scope of forest fires through sylvicultural activities. Currently, CONAF manages an emerging preventive silviculture program. The target is to implement the program until it reaches 8,000 ha in coverage and to maintain the program until 2025.
• Institutional forest management program focused on public and private lands: A functional forest management model will be designed. This model will be coherent with the sylvicultural needs of forests and other types of vegetation. It will also be mindful of the wider climate change context and consider multi-causal pressures on plant resources. Some basic technical guidelines of the forest management model will be: Territorial assessment to better target assistance and development efforts; Proposals for integrated management of sites and site clusters through multiple measures (sylvicultural management, afforestation, replanting, restoration); Extractive activities attentive to forest regeneration capacity; Long-term planning of at least a five-year term; Consideration of all aspects of private and public management to achieve adequate functioning of the model – this includes structuring forest, agriculture, livestock and other development instruments under a common logic and with a focus on sustainable land management. The target is to develop and implement territorial management plans for public and private lands covering 70,000 ha by 2025.
• Strengthening the wood energy program and the country’s energy matrix: Within the framework of CONAF’s Wood Energy Strategy, comprehensive forest management projects are currently being implemented. Their main objective is to generate certified firewood supply to meet the demand in consumption centers within prioritized districts. This action measure covers the following actions: developing sustainable area-based forest management site plans; establishing centers to stockpile and dry firewood; developing productive chaining and fair-trade systems and; firewood certification. The target is to implement forest management projects in 16,000 ha by 2025.
• Buffer zones for livestock production: The objective of this measure is to regulate the use of grazing sites and minimize the impact of livestock on land that is valuable for conservation or as a carbon sink. An assistance program for land owners whose land is adjacent to protected areas (including biosphere reserves) is being considered within the framework of this initiative. Several specific activities have also been considered as part of the implementation of these management areas: a) permanent technical assistance and capacity building, b) stakeholder involvement and strengthening of social and community organizations, c) management and structuring of development instruments to tackle forest and livestock management in an integrated manner. The target is to design and implement buffer zones totalizing 800 ha by 2025.
• Strengthening the phytosanitary protection program for native plant resources: Institutional strengthening in the context of desertification, land degradation, drought (DLDD) and climate change. This will enable development and application of national pest control and prevention programs with an emphasis on native resources through integrated management of forest pests. Currently, there is a Forest Sanitary Protection Program directed at land owners with small and medium land parcels. However, it does not consider native plant resources. The target consists of surveying and monitoring plant resources over 300,000 ha by 2025.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Land Degradation Control objectives in China:
• Cultivated land areas (in 100 million mu): 18.65 (124m ha) in 2020 and 18.25 (122m ha) in 2030;
• Forest coverage: >23% in 2020 and >24% in 2030;
• Integrated vegetation coverage of grassland: 56% in 2020 and 60% in 2030;
• Newly controlled sandification land (in ten thousand ha): 1,000 in 2020;
• Newly treated soil erosion areas: 320,000 km2 in 2020 and 940,000 km2 in 2030;
• Safe use of polluted arable land: 90% in 2020 and 95% in 2030;
• Natural wetland protection rate: >50% in 2020 and >90% in 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
A nivel subnacional se presentan las siguientes metas:
• Al 2030 se restaurarán al menos 9.000 ha de coberturas de pastos en bosques en la región Caribe
• Al 2030 se mejorarán al menos 9.000 ha de coberturas de pastos en sistemas silvopastoriles.
• Al 2030 se mejorará la productividad de al menos 2.000 ha de suelos con cultivos y/o pastos, con sistemas productivos agroforestales en la zona caribe y andina (departamentos de Sucre, Santander y Boyacá).
• Al 2030 se conservarán 22.000 ha de bosques secos.
• Al 2030 se compensará la calidad de la vegetación natural para 580 familias en la región de la Guajira, con el fomento de plantación de especies forestales.
• Al 2030 se restaurarán unas 3200 ha de bosque seco en la región de la Guajira.
• Restauración de al menos 100.000 ha de tierras degradadas a nivel nacional en el marco de la meta nacional de Colombia bajo la iniciativa LAC20x20.
• Incorporar en por lo menos 5 instrumentos de planificación criterios y medidas que fomenten el uso adecuado del suelo y la preservación de sus funciones y servicios ecosistémicos, en el marco de las orientaciones de la Política de gestión integral del suelo.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
At the subnational level:
• By 2030 at least 9,000 ha of pasture cover will be restored in forests in the Caribbean region
• By 2030, at least 9,000 ha of pasture cover will be improved in silvo-pastoral systems.
• By 2030, the productivity of at least 2,000 ha of soils with crops and / or pastures will be improved, with agroforestry production systems in the Caribbean and Andean regions (Sucre, Santander and Boyacá departments).
• By 2030, 22,000 ha of dry forests will be conserved.
• By 2030, the quality of natural vegetation will be compensated for with the promotion of plantation of forest species for 580 families in the Guajira region.
• By 2030 some 3,200 ha of dry forest will be restored in the Guajira region.
• Restoration of at least 100,000 hectares of degraded land at the national level within the framework of the national goal of Colombia under the LAC20x20 initiative.
• Incorporate in at least 5 planning instruments, criteria and measures that promote the adequate use of soil and the preservation of its functions and ecosystem services, within the framework of the integrated land management policy.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Afin d’inverser cette tendance de dégradation des terres et d’atteindre aux objectifs planétaires fixés à l’Horizon 2030, l’Union des Comores s’est défini les cibles suivantes :• Améliorer la productivité des terres agricoles et prairies par rapport à la situation en 2015 ;
• Accroitre le niveau du stock de COS des sols par rapport à la situation en 2015 ;
• Restaurer d’ici 2030 50% de la superficie des forêts perdues pendant la période de référence (2000-2010) ;
• Réduire la conversion des forêts et des zones humides en d’autres types d’occupation de sols ;
• Restaurer d’ici 2030, 20% des terres dégradées et abandonnées ;
• Mobiliser les parties prenantes en faveur de la NDT.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
In order to reverse the trend of land degradation and achieve the global goals set for 2030, the Union of the Comoros has set itself the following targets:• Improve the productivity of farmland and grassland compared to the situation in 2015;
• Increase the level of soil organic carbon stock compared to the situation in 2015;
• By 2030, restore 50% of the forest area lost during the reference period (2000-2010);
• Reduce the conversion of forests and wetlands into other land use types;
• By 2030, restore 20% of degraded and abandoned lands;
• Mobilise stakeholders in support of LDN. *An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Cible principale :
▪ A l’horizon 2030, 100% des terres dégradées sont restaurés et l’ensemble des terres utilisées de façon durable par les populations, contribuent à l’amélioration de leurs conditions de vie.
Cibles spécifiques :
▪ Améliorer la couverture forestière à travers la restauration de 8 millions d’hectares des paysages forestiers dégradés à travers l’afforestation, le boisement et la mise en place des nouvelles plantations ;
▪ Améliorer la productivité dans les catégories d’occupation de terres « arbustives, prairies », « terres cultivées » en déclin soit 5,4 millions d’hectares ;
▪ Augmenter 17% du stock de COS sur l’ensemble des « forêts et prairies » en baisse du stock du COS initial (2,1 millions d’hectares) et celles sur lesquelles le stock du COS initial est resté faiblement stable (369 200 ha) au cours de la période 2000-2015 ;
▪ Mettre un terme à la conversion des forêts et des zones humides à d'autres classes de d’occupation des terres.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Main target:
▪ By 2030, 100% of degraded lands are restored and all lands are used sustainably by the people, contributing to the improvement of their living conditions.
Specific targets:
▪ Improve forest cover through the restoration of 8 million hectares of degraded forest landscapes through afforestation, reforestation and the establishment of new plantations;
▪ Improve productivity of shrub lands, grasslands, and croplands in decline (5.4 million ha);
▪ Increase by 17% SOC stock on all "forests and grasslands" with declining initial SOC stocks (2.1 million hectares) and those on which the initial SOC stock remained stable but weak (369,200 ha) during the period 2000-2015;
▪ End the conversion of forests and wetlands to other land use classes.
Congo, Republic of the
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Cible principale :
D’ici à l’horizon 2030, 75% des terres dégradées sont restaurées grâce aux activités de concertées de restauration et de préservation des paysages.
Cibles spécifiques :
• La conversion des forêts en d’autres formes d’occupation des terres du fait de la mise en œuvre des projets d’exploitation forestière et du développement de la production agricole est réduite de moitié ;
• La vulnérabilité des systèmes socio-économiques et des écosystèmes est réduite ;
• La conversion des terres naturelles et productives à l’urbanisation est estimée ;
• La conversion de la végétation naturelle à l’agriculture est estimée ;
• La conversion des terres naturelles et productives à l’exploitation minière est estimée ;
• Les nouvelles pertes résultant de la gestion non durable des terres sont estimées ;
• Les pertes résultant des facteurs non anthropiques et de facteurs anthropiques indirects (feux de brousse, inondation, etc…) sont estimées ;
• 20 000 ha de terres d’exploitations agricoles dont les sols fortement dégradés ou menacés sont réhabilités ou protégés ;
• 84 421 hectares de plantation forestière ont été mise en place entre 2018 et 2030 ;
• La déforestation non planifiée est réduite à 20 % de son niveau actuel, par la mise en œuvre de la REDD+, y compris dans les aires protégées ;
• 75% des terres dégradées sont restaurées grâce aux activités concertées de restauration et de préservation des paysages d’ici 2030 ;
• L’utilisation des foyers améliorés est généralisée (20% en 2025 et 50% en 2030).
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Main target:
By 2030, 75% of degraded land will be restored through concerted landscape restoration and preservation activities.
Specific targets:
• The conversion of forests to other forms of land use due to logging and the development of agricultural production is reduced by half;
• The vulnerability of socio-economic systems and ecosystems is reduced;
• The conversion of natural and productive lands to urban land is estimated;
• The conversion of natural vegetation to agriculture is estimated;
• The conversion of natural and productive lands to mining is estimated;
• New losses resulting from unsustainable land management are estimated;
• Losses resulting from non-anthropogenic factors and indirect anthropogenic factors (bushfires, flooding, etc.) are estimated;
• 20,000 ha of severely degraded or threatened farmland soils are rehabilitated or protected;
• 84,421 hectares of forest plantation are set up between 2018 and 2030;
• Unplanned deforestation is reduced to 20% of its current level, through the implementation of REDD+, including in protected areas;
• 75% of degraded land is restored by 2030 through concerted landscape restoration and preservation activities;
• The use of improved stoves is widespread (20% in 2025 and 50% in 2030).
*An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
Costa Rica
Côte d'Ivoire
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Cible principale :• D’ici à 2030, la Côte d’Ivoire s’engage à atteindre la NDT en restaurant 100% des terres dégradées et en augmentant de 5 millions d’hectares la couverture forestière, en vue d’améliorer de façon durable les conditions de vie des populations.
Sous-cibles :
• Augmenter la couverture forestière de 3 millions d’hectares ;
• Limiter à 1% le taux de conversion des forêts en d’autres formes d’occupation du sol ;
• Améliorer la productivité de 2 millions d’hectares de forêts existantes présentant une baisse de productivité nette ;
• Améliorer la productivité de 800.000 hectares de terres agricoles présentant une baisse de productivité nette ;
• Récupérer 7200 hectares de terres nues pour la production agricole ;
• Séquestrer 50.000 tonnes de carbone rejetés dans l’atmosphère.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Main target:• By 2030, Côte d’Ivoire commits to achieving LDN by restoring 100% of degraded lands and increasing forest cover by 5 million hectares with the aim of sustainably improving the living conditions of people.
• Increase forest cover by 3 million hectares;
• Limit to 1% the rate of forest conversion into other land cover categories;
• Improve land productivity within 2 million hectares of forest showing a declining net productivity;
• Improve land productivity within 800,000 hectares of agricultural lands showing a declining net productivity;
• Recover 7,200 hectares of bare lands for agricultural production;
• Sequester 50,000 tons of carbon released into the atmosphere. *An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Metas para alcanzar la neutralidad en la degradación de las tierras en Cuba en el año 2030
- Meta 1. Se cumplen al menos el 90 % de las metas nacionales establecidas al 2030 para la conservación y uso sostenible de la diversidad biológica, con énfasis en la reducción de las presiones y la mejora en el estado de salud de ecosistemas y especies.
- Meta 2. Incrementar hasta el 2030 en un 65 % la superficie agrícola beneficiada por el Programa Nacional de Mejoramiento y Conservación de Suelos del total de área cultivable del país, con el propósito de garantizar el manejo sostenible de los suelos.
- Meta 3. Aumentar hasta el 2030 en un 10 % el rendimiento productivo en áreas beneficiadas por el Programa Nacional de Conservación y Mejoramiento de Suelos, para contribuir a la seguridad alimentaria.
- Meta 4. Extender hasta el 2030 en 150,000 ha las áreas bajo principios de Manejo Sostenible de Tierras asegurando la productividad de los suelos con un enfoque integrado y sostenible de los recursos naturales, para contribuir a alcanzar la
- neutralidad en la degradación de las tierras.
- Meta 5. Lograr en el 2030 un índice de boscosidad* del 32% de acuerdo al área forestal potencial identificada.
- Meta 6. Alcanzar hasta el 2030 la restauración de 465,000 ha de bosques como vía para lograr la neutralidad en la degradación de las tierras.
- Meta 7. Lograr al 2030 la implementación de nuevos instrumentos económicos financieros o perfeccionamiento de los existentes que contribuyan alcanzar la neutralidad en la degradación de las tierras.
- Meta 8. Para el 2030, se ha incorporado la transversalización de la educación ambiental en los proyectos gubernamentales y no gubernamentales encaminados al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la población.
* Índice de boscosidad: Porcentaje del área de bosques del total nacional. Fuente Ministerio de la Agricultura (MINAG).
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Targets for achieving land degradation neutrality in Cuba by 2030
- Target 1. At least 90% of national targets established by 2030 for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity are met, with emphasis on reducing pressures and improving the health status of ecosystems and species.
- Target 2. Increase by 65 % by 2030 the agricultural surface benefited by the National Program of Improvement and Conservation of Soils of the total arable area of the country, in order to guarantee the sustainable management of the soils.
- Target 3. Increase production yields by 10% by 2030 in areas benefited by the National Program of Soil Conservation and Improvement, to contribute to food security.
- Target 4. Until 2030, expand in 150,000 ha the principles of Sustainable Land Management ensuring soil productivity with an integrated and sustainable approach to natural resources, to help achieve land degradation neutrality.
- Target 5. Achieve in 2030 a forest index* of 32% according to the identified potential forest area.
- Target 6. Achieve by 2030 the restoration of 465,000 ha of forests as a way to achieve land degradation neutrality.
- Target 7. Achieve by 2030 the implementation of new economic and financial instruments or the improvement of the existing ones that contribute to achieve land degradation neutrality.
- Target 8. By 2030, the mainstreaming of environmental education has been incorporated into governmental and non-governmental projects aimed at improving the quality of life of the population.
* Forest Index: Percentage of the forest area of the national total. Source: Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG)
*An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.Dominica
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN target at national level:
- LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 20% of degraded lands of the national territory are improved.
LDN sub-targets:
- LDN is achieved in Saint Andrew and Saint David parishes in the country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline (no net loss). It corresponds to the areas with most degradation in the country
- LDN is achieved in Saint John parish of the country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline plus an additional 15% has improved (net gain). It corresponds to the areas where the improving conditions are one of the best in Dominica
- LDN is achieved in the Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph parishes of the country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline plus an additional 10% has improved (net gain). It corresponds to the areas where there is not much degradation and the stable and improving conditions are one of the best on the country
- Improve by 20% the productivity and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks in cropland and grasslands for the entire country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline
- Reduce the rate of soil erosion by 15% for the entire country by 2030
- Increase forest cover by 15% by 2030 as compared to 2015 (based on LUC results of the baseline)
- Improve local data and develop a mechanism for the collection and management of land productivity and soil organic carbon (SOC) data for future monitoring needs
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 20% of degraded lands of the national territory are improved.
LDN sub-targets:
- LDN is achieved in Saint Andrew and Saint David parishes in the country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline (no net loss). It corresponds to the areas with most degradation in the country.
- LDN is achieved in Saint John parish of the country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline plus an additional 15% has improved (net gain). It corresponds to the areas where the improving conditions are one of the best in Dominica.
- LDN is achieved in the Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph parishes of the country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline plus an additional 10% has improved (net gain). It corresponds to the areas where there is not much degradation and the stable and improving conditions are one of the best on the country.
- Improve by 20% the productivity and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks in cropland and grasslands for the entire country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline.
- Reduce the rate of soil erosion by 15% for the entire country by 2030.
- Increase forest cover by 15% by 2030 as compared to 2015 (based on LUC results of the baseline).
- Improve local data and develop a mechanism for the collection and management of land productivity and soil organic carbon (SOC) data for future monitoring needs.
Dominican Republic
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
La República Dominicana se compromete a alcanzar la neutralidad de la degradación de las tierras en el año 2030, mediante la restauración de tierras en proceso de degradación y evitando la degradación en tierras no degradadas en una extensión total de 262,000 hectáreas. Para cumplir con este propósito el país se compromete a:
• A incrementar la cobertura forestal del país en un 8.5%, reforestando unas 11,900 ha al 2030.
• Al 2025, mejorar la productividad de la tierra en 30,000 hectáreas de bosque seco mediante prácticas de manejo forestal sostenible, el fortalecimiento de la gestión forestal del Ministerio de medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, implementación de programe de pagos por servicios ambientales (PSA) en esas zonas.
• Reducir al 2030 en un 50% (42,000 has) el área afectada por incendios forestales, mediante el mejoramiento de la gestión forestal para prevenir y controlar los incendios forestales e implementando campañas de prevención de incendios forestales.
• Al 2025, mejorar la productividad primaria neta de unas 20,000 hectáreas de tierras de cultivos agrícolas implementando practicas sostenibles de manejo de suelo y medidas biofísicas de conservación de suelo, uso adecuado del agua de riego y mejoras de las prácticas de mecanización.
• Reducir al 2030 el 20% (14,000 has) el cultivo de laderas en tierra con alto potencial erosivo (suelos con pendiente mayor o igual a 15%), fomentando alternativas de producción con tecnología sostenible y cambio de uso de suelo, implementando programas de capacitación y extensión, aplicando políticas y acciones directas según lo especificado en la ley 64-00 (Art. 122) y asociado con políticas de incentivos especiales a la producción agropecuaria en terrenos con pendiente menor o igual al 15%.
• Mejorar al 2030 la productividad neta primaria de la tierra en unas 100,000 hectáreas de arbustos y pastizales, con medidas de promoción del pastoreo controlado, mejora genética del ganado, manejo y mejoramiento de pastos y uso de prácticas conservacionistas de suelo.
• Al 2030 inducir la regeneración natural con bosque de coníferas y latifoliado, unas 20,000 hectáreas en tierra dominada por arbustos y pastizales.
• Al 2020 se ha promovido y apoyado el ordenamiento del territorio en unos 30 municipios piloto, ubicados dentro de las zonas con alto nivel de criticidad de proceso de degradación de la tierra.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
The Dominican Republic commits to reaching land degradation neutrality in the year 2030, through restoration of lands currently undergoing degradation and by preventing degradation of non-degraded lands within 262,000 hectares. To meet this goal, the country commits to:
• Increasing the forest cover of the country by 8.5%, through reforestation of 11,900 ha by 2030.
• By 2025, improve land productivity within 30,000 hectares of dry forest, namely through sustainable forest management practices, by strengthening the Department of Environment and Natural Resources’ forest management capacity, and by implementing a payment for ecosystem services program in targeted areas.
• By 2030, reduce the area affected by forest fires by 50% (42,000 ha), by improving forest management in order to prevent and control forest fires and by implementing awareness campaigns to prevent forest fires.
• By 2025, improve net primary productivity within 20,000 hectares of agricultural lands by implementing sustainable land management practices and biophysical soil conservation measures, appropriate use of irrigation water, and by improving machining practices.
• By 2030, reduce 20% (14,000 ha) of hillside agriculture in lands with high erosion potential (lands with a slope equal or beyond a 15% incline), by encouraging different production alternatives using sustainable technology and changes to land use, implementing training and outreach programs, applying policies and direct actions according to the specifications in section 122 of Act 64-100, as well as special incentives policies for farming on land with a slope equal or beyond a 15% incline.
• By 2030, improve the net primary productivity of land over 100,000 hectares of shrubs and pasture lands, with measures promoting controlled grazing, genetic improvement of livestock, management and improvement of grasslands and conservationist soil practices.
• By 2030, induce natural regeneration with coniferous and broadleaf forests in 20,000 hectares of land dominated by shrubs and grasslands.
• By 2020, land use planning will have been promoted and supported in 30 pilot municipalities within areas critically exposed to land degradation processes.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the national scale:
• LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 10% of the national territory by 2030 (net gain).
LDN at the sub-national scale:
• LDN is achieved in the land degradation hotspots: Kafr El Sheikh Governorate, Demiata Gov., Rasheed area, El Minia Gov., Sohag Gov., Al Fayoum, Mersa Matrouh Gov. (Fuka – El Sallum), El Khattara area, El Tina Plain area, El Farafra oasis and North Sinai in Egypt by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 10% of the degraded hotspot areas has improved (net gain).
Specific targets to avoid, minimize and reverse land degradation:
• Improve productivity and carbon stocks of 3,342 km2 (802,080 feddan) of cultivated areas by 2030.
• Restore and increase the productivity of 11,666 km2 (2,800,000 feddan) of cropland using modern agricultural techniques and SLM practices in the northern areas, western and eastern fringes of reclaimed lands of Nile Delta and El Tina Plain area by 2030.
• Rehabilitate and increase the productivity of 8,000 km2 (1,920,000 feddan) of rangeland and rainfed areas using SLM practices in the north coastal areas (rangelands and rain-fed farming areas) by 2030.
• Rehabilitate and increase the productivity of 7,500 km2 (1,800,000 feddan) of cropland using SLM practices in the reclaimed areas in western desert fringes of middle and upper Egypt Governorates by 2030.
• Reclamation and cultivation of 6,300 km2 (1.5 million feddan) of virgin land in reclaimed desert soils at different locations in the western desert of Egypt by 2030.
• Gain in land productivity and SOC stocks in about 8,333 km2 of cropland in reclaimed desert lands at different location (cultivated areas) by 2030 as compared to 2015.
• Halt the conversion of cropland to other land cover classes by 2030.
• Increase by 25% forest cover / tree cover through agroforestry and SLM in existing forests by 2030 as compared to 2015.
• Halt the occurrence of soil erosion by rain water, creating dams for water harvesting to be utilized for agricultural purposes for an area of 2,500 km2in dry valleys of elevated areas of the inland Sinai and Eastern Desert by 2030.
Rationalize water consumption by growing crops of low water requirements and adopting modern irrigation systems for around 1,000 km2 in some oases in the western desert of Egypt by 2030.
El Salvador
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
- Para el 2030, restaurar 2500 hectáreas de superficie de ecosistemas críticos
- En el 2030 se alcanzará la NDT tomando como referencia la línea base de los años 2018-2019
- Para el año 2030 se conserva, mantiene y se incrementa en un 5% la superficie de bosque a partir de datos del 2018
- Para el año 2030 se han implementado sistemas agroforestales en cultivos de maíz y frijol en un 2% del área potencial (equivalente a 7,184.16 hectáreas en ocho años)
- Para el 2035 mejorar los porcentajes de zafra verde, a través de la adopción de cosecha mecanizada
- Al 2030 restaurar 5000 hectáreas, localizadas en sitios afectados de las áreas naturales protegidas, zonas de amortiguamiento y, otros ecosistemas claves, para rehabilitar la estructura y funcionalidad de los ecosistemas forestales intervenidos
- Para el 2030 fortalecer el sistema de alerta temprana contra incendios para la prevención de incendios forestales (reducción de los incendios forestales en un 15%)
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
- By 2030, restore area of 2,500 ha of critical ecosystems
- By 2030, the LDN will be achieved taking as reference years 2018-2019 as the baseline
- By 2030, conserve, maintain and increase by 5% the forest area compared to 2018 data
- By 2030, implement agroforestry systems in corn and bean crops in 2% of the potential area (equivalent to 7,184.16 ha in eight years)
- By 2035, improve the percentages of green harvest, through the adoption of mechanized harvesting
- By 2030, restore 5,000 ha, located in affected areas of natural protected areas, buffer zones and other key ecosystems, to rehabilitate the structure and functionality of the intervened forest ecosystems
- By 2030 strengthen the early fire warning system for the prevention of forest fires (reduction of forest fires by 15%)
Equatorial Guinea
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Objetivo General:• La NDT se alcanza en 2030 en comparación con 2000 a 2010.
Objetivos Específicos (metas):
• Reducir la conversión de los bosques en otros tipos de coberturas en un 40% con respecto a los niveles de 2000-2010, con la mejora de la cobertura vegetal de aquí al año 2030.
• Mejorar la productividad y el stock de carbono de los suelos, especialmente las zonas de arbustos y pastizales, las zonas húmedas y áreas artificiales, de aquí al año 2030.
• La Noción de NDT está integrada en los textos legales y reglamentarios de aquí al año 2025.
• Promover la investigación y los conocimientos sobre la gestión sostenible de suelos, a través de una constante movilización de fondos de aquí al año 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
General objective:• LDN will be achieved in 2030, with reference to the period between 2000 and 2010.
Specific objectives (targets):
• Reduce conversion of forests into other land cover categories by 40% with reference to 2000-2010 levels and improve vegetation cover by 2030;
• Improve land productivity and soil organic carbon, especially in shrub and grassland areas, as well as in wetlands and artificial zones, by 2030;
• The LDN concept will be included in legal and regulatory texts by 2025;
• Promote research and knowledge on sustainable land management, through constant resource mobilization by 2030. *An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the national scale:• LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 10 % of the national territory has improved (net gain)
• Improved Adhanet stoves dissemination is achieved by 2021 as compared to 2015 as key contribution to LDN.
LDN at the sub-national scale:
• LDN is achieved in Maekel province by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss)
• LDN is achieved in Debub province by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss) and an additional 27% of the province has improved (net gain)
• LDN is achieved in Gash Barka province by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss) and an additional 12% of the province has improved (net gain)
• LDN is achieved in Anseba province by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss)
• LDN is achieved in Northern Red Sea (NRS) province by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss) and an additional 10% of the province has improved (net gain)
• LDN is achieved in Southern Red Sea (SRS) province by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss) and an additional 5% of the province has improved (net gain).
Specific targets to avoid, minimize and reverse land degradation:
• Improve productivity of 10,954 sq km of cropland by 2030.
• Improve SOC stocks of 17,803 sq km in cropland and grasslands by 2030 as compared to 2015.
• Rehabilitate 17,853 sq kms of degraded and abandoned land for crop production by 2030
• Halt the conversion of forests and wetlands to other land cover classes by 2025.
• Restore 79 sq km of indigenous forest land.
• Increase forest cover by 10% by 2030 as compared to 2015.
• Reduce the rate of top soil loss (soil erosion) by 20% by 2030 as compared to 2015 estimate.
• Increase soil organic carbon by 10 t/ha in cropland achieved through SLM practices.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Increase forest cover through Afforestation/Agroforestry in existing forests; areas of shrubs/grassland; wetlands; croplands by 465,290 ha;
• Increase by 10% net land productivity in all land cover categories through SLM practices;
• Improve by 50% productivity and SOC stocks in cropland and grasslands by 2030 as compared to 2015;
• Increase Protected Area land coverage from 70 000 ha to 113 000 ha by 2022;
• Rehabilitate 115,000 ha of degraded and abandoned land for crop production by 2030;
• Reduce current annual loss of forest to cropland of 9.1 km2 to 4 km2 by 2022 and achieve zero forest loss by 2030;
• Reduce the rate of soil sealing (conversion to artificial land cover) by 30% by 2030 as compared to 2010.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Cible principale :
▪ D’ici à 2030, le Gabon s’engage à atteindre l’objectif de Zéro déforestation en vue de l’atteinte de la NDT et l’ensemble des terres dégradées définies par la ligne de référence (2000-2015) doivent être restaurées.
Cibles spécifiques :
▪ Valorisation de l’agriculture traditionnelle à travers des pratiques agricoles durables ;
▪ Réduction à 0,15% d’ici 2030, de la perte du couvert forestier estimée à 0,26% entre 1990-2000 ;
▪ Réduction de moitié d’ici 2030, du déclin de la productivité des terres estimé à 9,71% entre 2001-2015;
▪ Les 19895,85 ha de terres d’exploitation agro-industrielle dont les sols sont menacés de dégradation, sont suivis en vue d’une gestion durable ;
▪ Opérationnalisation du Plan National d’Affectation des Terres pour une meilleure utilisation des terres ;
▪ Restaurer les 19,13% de perte en carbone du sol liés à la conversion des terres gabonaises.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Main target:
▪ Gabon is committed to achieving the goal of zero deforestation in order to achieve LDN by 2030, and all degraded lands defined by the baseline (2000-2015) must be restored.
Specific targets:
▪ Valorise traditional agriculture through sustainable agricultural practices;
▪ Reduce forest cover loss to 0.15% by 2030, estimated at 0.26% between 1990-2000;
▪ Halve the decline in land productivity by 2030, estimated at 9.71% between 2001-2015;
▪ The 19,895.85 ha of agro-industrial land whose soils are at risk of degradation are monitored, with a view to their sustainable management;
▪ Operationalise the National Land Use Plan for better land use;
▪ Restore the 19.13% of soil carbon lost through the conversion of Gabonese land.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the national scale:
• LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 10% of the national territory has improved (net gain).
LDN at the sub-national scale:
• LDN is achieved in the West Coast Region of The Gambia by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss);
• LDN is achieved in the Lower River Region of The Gambia by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss);
• LDN is achieved in the Upper River Region of The Gambia by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 5% of the provincial territory has improved (net gain);
• LDN is achieved in the North Bank Region of The Gambia by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 20% of the provincial territory has improved (net gain);
• LDN is achieved in the Central River Region of The Gambia by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 15% of the provincial territory has improved (net gain);
• LDN is achieved in the land degradation hotspots: Njaba Kunda (Central Baddibu), Ngain Sanjal (Sabah Sanjal) and Njau (Upper Saloum) by 2003 as compared to 2015 (no net loss).
Specific targets to avoid, minimize and reverse land degradation:
• Improve productivity and SOC stocks by 50% in cropland and grasslands by 2030 as compared to 2015;
• Rehabilitate 1099 sq km of degraded grassland and cropland with declining productivity and early signs of decline for crop production and forestry by 2030;
• Halt the conversion of forests and wetlands to other land cover classes by 2025;
• Increase forest cover by 10% by 2030 as compared to 2015.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Integrate LDN principles into national policies, legislation, strategies and planning documents;
• About 1500 ha of degraded forests will be afforested, about 7,500 ha will be reforested and 60% of forests will be managed sustainably;
• Protected areas coverage will be increased up to 12%;
• Degraded land will be rehabilitated
• Irrigation and drainage system will be improved.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
All listed targets should be accompanied by sustainable management of the resource and envisaged to be achieved by 2030.
• Reforest 882.86 km2 of converted forest into other land use/cover types, and rehabilitate/restore all abandoned legal and illegal mineral mining and sand winning sites by 2030.
• Improve productivity and soil organic carbon stocks in 18475.96 km2 of cropland by 2030.
• Rehabilitate/restore 5107.70 km2 of degraded forest, including abandoned legal and illegal mineral mining sites for enhanced productivity by 2030.
• Rehabilitate/restore and sustainably manage 4593.39 km2 of degraded shrubs, and sparsely vegetated areas for improved productivity and reduction in bush/wild fires by 2030.
• Reduce conversion of 45079.72 km2 of remaining forest to other types of vegetation, and halt all illegal mining activities by 2030.
• Increase the soil organic carbon of degraded croplands and rangelands by 66 % (i.e., 1.20 % to 2.0 %) by 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN targets at the national scale:
• Increase the fertility and productivity of 580 ha of cropland by 2030.
• Transform 800 ha of abandoned cropland into agroforestry by 2030.
• Implement soil conservation measures on 120 ha of land by 2030.
• Rehabilitation of 383 ha of degraded land at Bellevue South in Carriacou by 2030.
• Rehabilitation of100 ha of degraded forests in Grenada and Carriacou by 2030.
• Increase forest carbon stocks by 10% by 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Meta nacional al año 2032:
- Promover el manejo de los bosques del país, fomentando y regulando su uso sostenible, protección y restauración, como mecanismo para garantizar su permanencia, recuperación y mejora de su productividad, incrementando la provisión de bienes y servicios para garantizar los medios de vida a la sociedad y contribuir con la reducción de la vulnerabilidad del país a los efectos del cambio climático
- Fortalecer la gobernanza forestal consolidando alianzas con los gobiernos y organizaciones locales, para promover el vínculo de los bienes y servicios del bosque con el desarrollo social, fomentando la cultura forestal, incrementando la legalidad y reduciendo la conflictividad en torno al uso del bosque
- En 2032, al menos un 29% del territorio del país se encuentra cubierto por bosques naturales y se ha incrementado en un 3% la cobertura forestal por medio de la restauración ecológica en tierras que tienen capacidad de uso para protección y conservación de bosques
- Reducir a cero la deforestación anual neta en zonas núcleo de áreas protegidas
- Contribuir al desarrollo económico y social del país, impulsando la vinculación del bosque a la industria forestal y el mercado de manera sostenible, como mecanismo para lograr mayor valor agregado de los productos forestales e incrementar la inversión y generación de empleo, y que se reconozca el aporte del sector forestal a la economía nacional
- Al 2032 se ha mejorado la capacidad de adaptación y resiliencia de la población y los ecosistemas ante el cambio climático
- El 100% de las zonas consideradas de muy alta capacidad de regulación y captación hidrológica es protegido y manejado sosteniblemente, con enfoque de cuencas hidrográficas y/o de ordenamiento territorial, con pertinencia de pueblos maya, xinca, garífuna, etaria y de género; de acuerdo con el contexto social
- Promover e implementar prácticas agrícolas sostenibles para pequeños y medianos productores (agricultura familiar) en marco del Sistema Nacional De Extensión Rural (SNER)
- De la Línea Estratégica: Recuperación de bosques naturales y tierras degradadas. Incrementar la productividad de los bosques degradados por medio de la introducción de técnicas silviculturales, que promuevan el crecimiento y rendimiento de especies de interés; en el caso de las tierras degradadas, al introducir árboles y generar procesos de protección y recuperación de los suelos, se promueve el incremento de las reservas de carbono en estos ecosistemas para buscar convertir tierras poco productivas en bosques y sistemas productivos que generan bienes y servicios para el propietario y la sociedad, por medio del uso sostenible por parte de las comunidades y poblaciones que viven dentro o fuera de ellos
- Se estima que para el periodo 2019-2050 se reducirán 2,454 millones de toneladas de CO2 a través de la reducción del uso de combustibles fósiles, conservación de bosques, mejoras en la agricultura y una adecuada gestión de desechos
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
National targets until the year 2032:
- Promote the management of the country's forests, encouraging and regulating their sustainable use, protection and restoration, as a mechanism to guarantee their permanence, recovery and improvement of their productivity, increasing the provision of goods and services to guarantee the livelihoods of society and contribute to reducing the country's vulnerability to the effects of climate change
- Strengthen forest governance by consolidating alliances with local governments and organizations to promote the link between forest goods and services and social development, fostering forest culture, increasing legality and reducing conflict over forest use
- By 2032, at least 29% of the country's territory is covered by natural forests and forest cover has been increased by 3% through ecological restoration on lands that have the capacity to be used for forest protection and conservation
- Reduce net annual deforestation in core zones of protected areas to zero
- Contribute to the economic and social development of the country, promoting the linkage of the forest to the forestry industry and the market in a sustainable manner, as a mechanism to achieve greater added value of forest products and increase investment and employment, and recognize the contribution of the forestry sector to the national economy
- By 2032, the adaptive capacity and resilience of the population and ecosystems to climate change is improved
- 100% of the areas considered to have a very high hydrological regulation and catchment capacity are protected and managed sustainably, with a watershed and/or territorial planning approach, with relevance to Mayan, Xinca, Garifuna, age and gender, in accordance with the social context
- Promote and implement sustainable agricultural practices for small and medium-sized producers (family farming) within the framework of the National Rural Extension System (SNER).
- Strategic Line: Recovery of natural forests and degraded lands
- Increase the productivity of degraded forests through the introduction of silvicultural techniques that promote the growth and yield of species of interest; in the case of degraded lands, by introducing trees and generating processes of protection and recovery of soils, promote the increase of carbon reserves in these ecosystems in order to convert unproductive lands into forests and productive systems that generate goods and services for the landowner and society, through the sustainable use by populations living inside or outside of them
- It is estimated that in the period 2019-2050, 2,454 million tons of CO2 will be reduced through the reduction of fossil fuel use, forest conservation, improvements in agriculture and proper waste management
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Objetivo General:• La NDT se alcanza en 2030 en comparación con 2000 a 2010.
Objetivos Específicos (metas):
• Reducir la conversión de los bosques en otros tipos de coberturas en un 40% con respecto a los niveles de 2000-2010, con la mejora de la cobertura vegetal de aquí al año 2030.
• Mejorar la productividad y el stock de carbono de los suelos, especialmente las zonas de arbustos y pastizales, las zonas húmedas y áreas artificiales, de aquí al año 2030.
• La Noción de NDT está integrada en los textos legales y reglamentarios de aquí al año 2025.
• Promover la investigación y los conocimientos sobre la gestión sostenible de suelos, a través de una constante movilización de fondos de aquí al año 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
General objective:• LDN will be achieved in 2030, with reference to the period between 2000 and 2010.
Specific objectives (targets):
• Reduce conversion of forests into other land cover categories by 40% with reference to 2000-2010 levels and improve vegetation cover by 2030;
• Improve land productivity and soil organic carbon, especially in shrub and grassland areas, as well as in wetlands and artificial zones, by 2030;
• The LDN concept will be included in legal and regulatory texts by 2025;
• Promote research and knowledge on sustainable land management, through constant resource mobilization by 2030. *An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Meta: “Alcançar a NDT até ao ano 2030 em relação a 2000-2010”Em relação ao coberto florestal:
• Para alcançar a NDT até ao ano 2030, a Guiné-Bissau precisa aumentar o coberto florestal em cerca de 4,5%, isto é reflorestar cerca de 40.000 hectares de terra, estimando um aumento do coberto florestal em pouco mais de 1.000 hectares por Sector Administrativo, durante um período de 12 anos.
Em relação a Dinâmica da Produtividade da Terra:
• Através da recuperação das terras baixas apropriadas para o cultivo do arroz (bolanhas de água salgada e de água doce), num total de 26.000ha. o programa conta recuperar a dinâmica da produtividade de terras e favorecer o crescimento em pelo menos 1,5% sobre a percentagem das terras consideradas “Estáveis” e “Em Crescimento”
Em relação ao Stock de Carbono:
• Até ao ano 2030, conseguir o retorno à média nacional de stock de carbono no solo, existente no ano 2000 e correspondendo ao valor médio de 70,2 Ton./ha.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Goal: "Achieve LDN by 2030 compared to 2000-2010".In relation to forest cover:
• To achieve LDN by the year 2030, Guinea-Bissau needs to increase forest cover by about 4.5%, i.e. to reforest about 40,000 ha of land, with an estimated increase in forest cover of just over 1,000 ha per Administrative Sector, for a period of 12 years.
In relation to land productivity dynamics:
• Through the recovery of a total of 26,000 ha of lowlands suitable for rice cultivation (saltwater and freshwater ponds), the program aims to recover land productivity dynamics and to promote growth by at least 1.5% on the percentage of land considered "Stable" and "Growing".
In relation to Carbon Stock:
• By the year 2030, achieve a return to national average soil carbon stock present in the year 2000 and corresponding to an average value of 70.2 ton/ha. *An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• LDN is achieved at the national level: aim is no net loss for the whole land area of the country and all its land cover classes, compared to the 2000-2010 baseline. (by 2030)
• The LDN TSP is aligned to the global SDG15 to achieve by 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Meta nacional: Planificación y ejecución de acciones para capitalizar el objetivo de lograr la Neutralidad en la Degradación de Tierras de Honduras al año 2030, usando como referencia el periodo 2000 - 2018 e iniciando con la recuperación de tierras degradadas correspondientes al 11.04% equivalente a 1,242,402 ha de la superficie total de Honduras del territorio nacional.
Metas específicas:
Componente: Prevención y reducción de la degradación de tierras.
M1. Al año 2026 se contará y aplicará un marco regulatorio a nivel nacional que orienta las acciones de intervención de la tierra hacia el estado de neutralidad en la degradación de tierras.
M2. Al 2030 se ha incrementado la cobertura forestal del país en un 6 % (370,000 ha). Según la línea base del Programa de NDT - Honduras se tiene una disminución de la estructura de bosques del 5.57% (3,688.44 Km²), igualmente los humedales se han reducido en 10.04% (208.50 Km²) de su área total.
M3. Al 2030 se ha reducido en un 50% (20,000 ha) el área afectada por incendios forestales principalmente en las áreas municipales ejidales, nacionales y protegidas.
M4. Al 2030 unas 200,000 ha de pino, atendidas mediante el monitoreo, seguimiento y prevención de la plaga de gorgojo.
M5. Realizar procesos de gestión de paisajes resilientes en áreas protegidas.
Componente: Sistemas agroforestales productivos eficientes.
M1. Al 2030 se ha reducido en un 50% (24,000 ha) las zonas deterioradas por decreciente productividad de la tierra.
M2. Mejorar el carbono orgánico de los suelos, especialmente en las zonas de pastizales y vegetación arbustiva, humedales y áreas artificiales en al menos 10,500 ha, de aquí al año 2030.
M3. Restaurar el 40% de las zonas inundadas con especies adaptadas a las condiciones de humedad temporal.
Componente: Educación, capacitación, difusión y sensibilización sobre el valor del recurso agua, suelo y tierra.
M1. Promover los conocimientos y la investigación científica sobre la gestión sostenible de suelos, para reducir la tasa de degradación de tierras.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
National Target: Planning and execution of actions to capitalize on the objective of achieving Land Degradation Neutrality in Honduras by the year 2030, using as a reference the period 2000 - 2018 and starting with the recovery of degraded lands corresponding to 11.04% equivalent to 1,242,402 ha of the total area of Honduras' national territory.
Specific targets:
Component: Prevention and reduction of land degradation.
M1. By 2026, a regulatory framework will be in place and applied at the national level that guides land intervention actions towards land degradation neutrality.
M2. By 2030 the country's forest cover has increased by 6% (370,000 ha). According to the baseline of the NDT Program - Honduras, there is a decrease in the forest structure of 5.57% (3,688.44 Km²), likewise wetlands have been reduced by 10.04% (208.50 Km²) of their total area.
M3. By 2030, the area affected by forest fires has been reduced by 50% (20,000 ha), mainly in municipal ejido, national and protected areas.
M4. By 2030, some 200,000 ha of pine trees will have been tended to through monitoring, follow-up and prevention of the weevil pest.
M5. Carry out resilient landscape management processes in protected areas.
Component: Efficient productive agroforestry systems.
M1. By 2030, 50% (24,000 ha) of the areas deteriorated by decreasing land productivity have been reduced.
M2. Improve soil organic carbon, especially in grassland and shrub vegetation, wetlands and artificial areas in at least 10,500 ha, by 2030.
M3. Restore 40% of flooded areas with species adapted to temporary wet conditions.
Component: Education, training, dissemination and awareness of the value of water, soil and land resources.
M1. Promote knowledge and scientific research on sustainable soil management to reduce the rate of land degradation.
*An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.Indonesia
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Improve productivity and SOC stocks in 80,000 ha of annual crops and plantation lands by 2035 as compared to 2017.
• Increase the current SOC levels by 2035: for shrubs and grasslands; crop land.
• Conversion of bare land to pasture lands in 100,000 ha by 2035 as compared to 2017.
• Reduce salinization rate by improving productivity and SOC stocks in cropland and plantation lands 10,000 ha. by 2035 as compared to 2017.
• Conversion of sand dune land to grasslands in 150,000 ha by 2035 as compared to 2017.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
National priorities, with different target year, to be considered in national plans and programmes dealing with land issues*:
• Improve understanding of ongoing land degradation processes and validation of Land Productivity Dynamics monitoring by 2017.
• Identification of targets and action/measures in pilot areas with stakeholders by 2018.
• Implementation of measures in pilot areas by 2020.
• Improve awareness of land degradation causes and impacts among policy makers at national and local level by 2020.
• Mitigation of pressures on 12,200 sq km of degrading forest areas with SLM measures by 2030.
• Mitigation of pressures on degrading agricultural areas with SLM measures by 2030.
LDN targets at the national scale*
• Rehabilitation measures on 200 km2 of dryland forests by 2030.
• Rehabilitation measures on 12,000 km2 of non-dryland forests by 2030.
• Rehabilitation measures on 50 km2 of shrubs, grasslands and sparsely vegetation in drylands by 2030.
• Rehabilitation measures on 1,000 km2 of shrubs, grasslands and sparsely vegetation in non-drylands by 2030.
• Rehabilitation and SLM measures, including legislative framework, capacity building and economic measures, on 1,000 km2 of cropland in drylands by 2030.
• Rehabilitation and SLM measures, including legislative framework, capacity building and economic measures, on 10,000 km2 of cropland in non-drylands by 2030.
• Zero urban areas growth by 2050, in line with the EU target.
* National priorities and LDN targets should be considered as preliminary scientific results. The process for their update and validation is currently ongoing.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN National target
Jamaica has defined that “LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 10% of degraded lands of the national territory are improved”.
LDN sub-targets
- LDN measures are incorporated as development and planning objectives within the Local Sustainable Development Plans (LSDP) for parishes of Manchester, Clarendon, St. Elizabeth and St. Catherine. Additionally, going forward, LDN becomes a fixture in all LSDPs
- Coordinate with the Forest Department and others to increase by at least 50% reforestation efforts in the parishes of Hanover, Portland, St. Andrew, St. James and St. Mary
- Develop a policy framework to assess the implications of urban expansion on agricultural land decline in parishes of St. James, St. Catherine, Clarendon St. Andrew and St. Thomas
- LDN is achieved in the parish of Manchester by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline when there was no net loss. Manchester Parish has the highest level of degradation and moderate biomass production. This intervention will improve efforts to increase biomass production significantly
- LDN is achieved in the parishes of Clarendon, Hanover and Westmoreland by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline. These parishes have lowest levels of degradation and the most stable and improving degradation conditions and an additional 5% net gain
- Improve 10% the productivity and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks in cropland and grasslands for the entire country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline. This will be in addition to reducing soil erosion by 15% by 2030
- Increase efforts to rehabilitate and replant mangroves in South Clarendon, St. Elizabeth and St. Catherine
- Increase forest cover by 5% by 2030 as compared to 2015, through a series of reforestation activities that would amount a total of 200 km2 in the country
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• By 2030, promote the implementation of community based forest management, forest landscape restoration with indigenous species, avoiding overgrazing, area closure, alternative livelihood systems, and ensure the restoration of 3.0% of its forest and woodland habitat lost between 1990 and 2005.
• By 2030, ensure the rehabilitation and improvement of the productivity of 5,000 ha of forest land by stopping uncompensated conversion of forest area, especially in slopes, into cropping or urban areas, and promoting agroforestry, and, alternative livelihood systems, in order to avoid reduction of carbon sock and limit the risk of erosion.
• Improve the productivity by at least 10% of 100,000 ha of the rangeland reserve areas by the year 2030 through avoiding overgrazing, promoting controlled grazing, and rangeland management/improvement.
• Take urgent and significant actions such as stopping artificialisation /urbanization of arable lands, through land use law.
• Through sustainable land management practices particularly implementing biophysical soil and water conservation practices improve the productivity of 10 000 ha of bare land and other areas by the year 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Страна стремится к достижению нейтрального баланса деградации земель к 2030 году.
В числе комплексных задач развития страны предполагается повышение эффективности использования земель. В течение 5 лет будут увеличены площади орошаемых земель на 40%, тем самым их площадь будет доведено до 2 миллионов гектаров.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• The country aims to achieve a neutral balance of land degradation by 2030.
Among the complex tasks related to the country's development, the Republic of Kazakhstan is supposed to increase the efficiency of land use. Within 5 years, irrigated land areas will be increased by 40%, thus their area will be brought up to 2 million hectares.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the national scale:
- LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 9 per cent of the national territory has improved (net gain)
LDN at the sub-national scale:
- LDN is achieved in Ewaso Ngiro North (Lak Dera 2) of Kenya by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss)
- LDN is achieved in the Tana River catchment zone of Kenya by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 16.7 per cent of the zone has improved (net gain)
- LDN is achieved in Athi River catchment zone (Galana, Pangani, Kenya South east Coast) of Kenya by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss)
- LDN is achieved in Rift Valley catchment zone (Lake Turkana, Naivasha, Natron) of Kenya by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional of 9 per cent of the zone has improved (net gain)
- LDN is achieved in the Lake Victoria region (Nile basin) of Kenya by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 9 per cent of the zone has improved (net gain)
Specific targets to avoid, minimize and reverse land degradation:
- Increase forest cover through Afforestation/Agroforestry in existing forests; areas of shrubs/grassland; wetlands; croplands by 5.1 M Ha
- Increase by 16 per cent net land productivity in forest, shrub land/grassland and cropland showing declining productivity; achieved through SLM practices
- Increase soil organic carbon by 319626 total tonnes in cropland land use achieved through SLM practices
- Halt the conversion of forests to other land cover classes by 2030
- Rehabilitation of all abandoned Mining and quarrying areas through enforcement of by- laws
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Улучшить экологическое состояние пастбищ путем внедрения системы ротации пастбищ в (не менее чем) 40 айыльных аймаках;
• Улучшить доступ к 10 000 Га пастбищ через улучшение пастбищной инфраструктуры (мосты/дороги, водопойные пункты);
• Практики устойчивого управления земельными ресурсами внедрены на 100 000 Га земель (включая и пастбища и леса);
• Мелиоративные работы проведены на 10 000 Га сельскохозяйственных земель.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• Improve the environmental condition of pastures through the introduction of a pasture rotation system in at least 40 village districts (ayil aimaks);
• Improve access to 10,000 ha of pastures via improved pasture infrastructure (bridges /roads, water points);
• Sustainable land management practices are adopted in 100,000 ha of land (including both pastures and forests);
• Land improvement works are conducted on 10,000 ha.
Lao People's Democratic Republic
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
The National Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Targets in Lao PDR for the period to 2030 are:
- To ensure food security/potential commercial production to develop good, safe and sustainable agriculture by 2030.
- Sustainable Forest Management: to increase forest cover to 70% of land area by 2020 (16.58 million hectares), and maintaining at that level going forward
- To increase soil organic carbon in forests, by 2030, in 6 provinces in the Northern part of Lao PDR
- To minimize the impact on the natural resources and environment
- Proper forest management/Community awareness: Community Forestry is very important issue to Protect forest in rural community
Land Management/Electricity Sectors
- Restoration of degraded land areas through the National Planning of Land Management (2030)
- Forestry land including wetland: 16,5 Million ha, 70% of total land area
- Agriculture land including wetland: 4,5 Million ha, 19% of total land area
- Industry land, culture land and national defense and security land: 2,05 Million ha, 8,6% of the total land area
- Transportation land: 0,37 Million ha, 1,6% of the total land area
- Construction land: 0,18 Million ha, 0,8% of the total land area
- Reforestation: natural or intentional restocking of existing forests and woodlands (forestation) that have been depleted, usually through deforestation
- To help to rebuild habitats and degradation which are the leading threats to the health of a species, in order to protect important species of animals
- Proper implementation of the National land use master plan 2018: Finalize land use planning, to register and issue land title nationwide by 2030, manage and administer the land that comply with law and regulation.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Targets:• Improve Land Productivity and Soil Organic Carbon stock, in forests, croplands and grasslands;
• Improve the mosaic of the landscape, including forests, other wooded lands, grasslands and croplands and limit their conversion to other land covers;
• Enhance the role of forests and trees in urban and rural areas in providing sustainable products and services.
• Restore forest landscapes through reforestation and afforestation on at least 10,000 hectares;
• Implement Sustainable Forest Management practices on all public forests, and promote the sustainable management of private forests, thus reducing the occurrence of forest fires and the conversion of forests into other land-uses;
• Restore and manage grasslands in high mountain areas on at least 1,000 hectares;
• Promote sustainable agricultural practices on at least 80,000 hectares;
• Enhance the sustainability of cities and towns through the development of urban and peri-urban forestry and the implementation of agro-sylvo-pastoral practices;
• Leverage Land Degradation Neutrality into land-use planning;
• Leverage Land Degradation Neutrality into sectorial policies and strategies;
• Develop financial incentives for the implementation of sustainable land management practices, in line with mitigation and adaptation strategies on climate change and conservation of biological diversity;
• Promote research on sustainable land management;
• Develop partnerships with local, national and international organizations for the promotion of sustainable land management practices and land degradation neutrality.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
The Lesotho target is to achieve LDN by 2030 as compared to the 2015 baseline and an improvement of 5% of the land. The improvement is expected mainly in the Lowlands and Foothills of Lesotho where majority of the land is used for cropping. The target is to also improve Soil Organic Carbon in all land classes.
Specific targets to avoid, minimize and reverse land degradation:
• Improve productivity and SOC stocks to 1% in all land classes by 2030 as compared to 2015;
• Rehabilitate 600,000 hectares of degraded land to functionality by 2030;
• Convert 135,600 ha of bush land back to rangeland by 2030 as compared to 2015;
• Halt the conversion of forests and wetlands to other land cover classes by 2022;
• Increase forest cover by 61,325 ha by 2030 as compared to 2015;
• Reduce the rate of soil erosion and sealing (conversion to artificial land cover) by 20% by 2030 as compared to 2015.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the national scale:
• LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 10% of the national landscape has improved (net gain).
LDN at the sub-national scale (Counties):
• LDN is achieved in selected districts in Lofa, Grand Bassa, Grand Gedeh, Nimba, Gbarpolu, Rivercess and Grand Kru Counties respectively by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss) and an additional country specific percentage of the landscape in those Counties has improved (net gain):
- Additional 10% of landscape improved in Voinjama, Foyah, Quadugbonie Districts in Lofa County (135,191.9 ha targeted degraded area);
- Additional 10% of landscape improved in Boe and Quillah, Buu Yao, Lower Doe, Yarmein Districts in Nimba County (123,360.2 ha targeted degraded area);
- Additional 7% of landscape improved in Lower Belleh and Bopulu Districts in Gbarpolu County (203,959.7 ha targeted degraded area);
- Additional 12% of landscape improved in Disrtict 4, Nekree, St. John River Districts in Grand Bassa County (939,18.79 ha targeted degraded area);
- Additional 7% of landscape improved in B’hai, Gboe-ploe, Putu Districts in Grand Gedeh County (103,453.0 ha targeted degraded area);
- Additional 5% of landscape improved in Fen River, Jo River, Norwein Districts in Rivercess County (556,76.5 ha targeted degraded area);
- Additional 6% of landscape improved in Upper Jloh, Lower Jloh, Felo-Jekwi,Nrokwi-Wesldow, Grandcess-Wedabo Districts in Grand Kru County (585,18.5 ha targeted degraded area).
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Cible globale :
• Madagascar s’engage à atteindre la neutralité de la dégradation des terres d’ici 2030.
Cibles spécifiques :
• Améliorer la productivité et les stocks de carbone dans les zones cultivées et les zones de pâturage ;
• Améliorer la couverture des infrastructures vertes ;
• Réduire la conversion de forêts à d’autres types de couverts végétaux d’ici 2030 ;
• Réduire la conversion de zones humides à d’autres types de couverts végétaux d’ici 2030.
Mesures identifiées pour atteindre la Neutralité de la Dégradation des Terres :
• Intégrer le principe de la Neutralité de la Dégradation des Terres dans l’aménagement du territoire ;
• Intégrer le principe de la Neutralité de la Dégradation des Terres dans la conception et/ou la mise en œuvre des politiques/stratégies sectorielles ;
• Chaque année, pratiquer au moins 200 000 ha de parcelles d’agriculture durable d’ici 2025 ;
• Réduire les feux de pâturage d’ici 2030 ;
• Chaque année, restaurer 400 000 ha de paysages à l’aide d’infrastructures vertes d’ici 2025 ;
• Renforcer les capacités d’innovations intersectorielles à travers la gestion durable des terres ;
• Mobiliser des incitations financières pour promouvoir la recherche sur la gestion durable des terres en lien avec la biodiversité et le changement climatique.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Global target:
• Madagascar commits to achieving land degradation neutrality by 2030.
Specific Targets:
• Improve productivity and carbon stocks in cultivated areas and grazing areas;
• Improve the cover of green infrastructure;
• Reduce conversion of forests into other types of land cover by 2030;
• Reduce conversion of wetlands into other types of land cover by 2030.
Measures to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality:
• Integrate the principle of Land Degradation Neutrality within land planning;
• Integrate the principle of Land Degradation Neutrality in the design and/or implementation of sectoral policies/strategies;
• Each year, practice sustainable agriculture in land parcels totaling at least 200,000 ha by 2025;
• Reduce pasture fires by 2030;
• Each year, restore 400,000 ha of landscapes using green infrastructure by 2025;
• Reinforce intersectoral innovation capacities through sustainable land management;
• Mobilize financial incentives to promote research on sustainable land management in relation to biodiversity and climate change.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
At national scale Malawi has set a target of achieving land degradation neutrality by 2030 as compared to the baseline of 2015 (no net loss) and an additional 2% of the land territory of 9.4 million hectares improvement. This translates to 188,000 hectares with net gain as compared to 2015.
At sub-regional level the following are the targets:
• LDN is achieved in the High Lands of Nyika, Viphya and Mulanje, Dedza and Zomba mountains by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss);
• LDN is achieved in the land degradation Hotspots along the Rift Valley Escarpment Area of Malawi by 2030 as compared to 2015;
• Attain land degradation neutrality on the Plateaux ecological zone by 2030 as compared to 2015;
• Attain land degradation neutrality in the Shire River basin catchment by 2030; compared to 2015 and an additional 2% of the basin has improved (Net gain).
Specific targets for avoiding, minimizing and reversing land degradation:
• Improve productivity of 754,320 hectares cropland by 2030;
• Improve Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks on cropland to 55 ton/ha by 2025 as compared to 44.7 ton/ha estimated in 2015;
• Rehabilitate one million hectares of degraded land for crop production by 2030;
• Halt the conversion of forests and wetlands to other land cover classes by 2020;
• Improve forest (plantation & indigenous) cover by 33,750 hectares by 2030 as compared to 2015;
• Reduce the rate of top soil loss (soil erosion) to 20 tons per hectare per year by 2030 from the 2015 estimated rated of 29 tons/ha/year;
• Increase forest cover by 2% from 2015 baseline by 2022;
• Restore 820,000 hectares of degraded indigenous forest by 2030;
• Sustainably manage 138,000 hectares of plantation forest by 2025;
• Restore 36,000 hectares of degraded stream banks by 2030;
• Protect 2.4 million hectares of natural forest by 2035.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Cibles nationales volontaires en vue d’atteindre la neutralité en termes de dégradation des terres au Mali
Les cibles nationales volontaires envisagées pour le Mali sont prioritairement:
- d’augmenter d’ici 2030, la superficie forestière à 26% de la superficie totale du territoire,
- à réduire, la proportion des terres cultivées annuellement, affectées par une baisse de fertilité et sujettes à l’érosion soit environ 2,5 millions ha,
- de réduire d’au moins 25% la perte annuelle de superficie forestière soit environ 125 000 ha, avec comme finalité d’accroître la production agricole et de préserver les écosystèmes avec une amélioration nette du couvert végétal de 10%.
Aussi le Mali s’engage à prendre des mesures et appuyer les initiatives et efforts en cours pour atteindre la neutralité en 2030 grâce aux actions spécifiques suivantes:
- Réduire le taux de conversion entre 2000 et 2015 de la couverture terrestre occasionnant une dégradation dans les forêts, les pâturages et les terres cultivées, de 35 à 20 % ;
- Réduire de 25% la déforestation annuelle soit une baisse de 125 000 ha;
- Accroître la superficie forestière de 10% entre 2015 et 2030 soit environ 200 000 ha, grâce à la reforestation et à l’afforestation;
- Diminuer de 50% la superficie des forêts, terres cultivées, des pâturages, affectée par un déclin de la productivité nette des terres soit environ 1 000 000 ha;
- Préserver la superficie des zones humides.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
National voluntary targets towards achieving land degradation neutrality in Mali
The priority voluntary national targets envisaged for Mali are:
- To increase the forest area to 26 per cent of the total land area by 2030,
- To reduce the proportion of annually cultivated land affected by declining fertility and prone to erosion, that is about 2.5 million ha,
- To reduce by at least 25 per cent the annual loss of forest area, that is around 125 000 ha, with the aim of increasing agricultural production and to preserve ecosystems with a net improvement in vegetation cover of 10 per cent.
Mali is therefore committed to take measures and support ongoing initiatives and efforts to achieve neutrality by 2030 through the following specific actions:
- Reduce the conversion rate between 2000 and 2015 of land cover causing degradation in forests, pastures and cultivated land from 35 to 20 per cent
- Reduce annual deforestation by 25 per cent, that is a reduction of 125 000 ha
- Increase the forest area by 10 per cent between 2015 and 2030, that is about 200,000 ha, through reforestation and afforestation
- Decrease by 50 per cent the area of forest, cultivated land and pasture, affected by a decline in net land productivity, that is about 1 000 000 ha
- Preserve the area of wetlands
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Mauritius Island:
• Halt further agricultural land conversion by 2030;
• Maintain and expand agriculture land in Mauritius island from 61,040 ha to 71,182 ha including the rehabilitation of 10,142 hectares of abandoned sugar cane land into Agroforestry, crop production using bio-farming and smart agricultural practices by 2030;
• Maintain and expand forest cover in Mauritius island to 52,290 ha including restoration of mountain and river reserves and expansion of 4530 hectares forests into protected areas in private forest land by 2030;
• Minimise impervious layers from Ride to reef, limit maximum building plot coverage to 40% in rural inland areas and 20% coastal areas, encourage vertical building extension and contain sprawl of urban (artificial) areas within 44,283 ha in Mauritius island by 2030;
• Maintain and restore 403 ha of Wetlands and mangroves areas by ecosystem based adaptations;
• Maintain and restore 187 ha of coastal sand area from coastal erosion and sea level rise by ecosystem based adaptation.
Rodrigues Island:
• Increase forest cover in Rodrigues Island to 3,950 ha by 2030;
• Restore 1,379 ha of degraded pasture land in Rodrigues Island by 2030;
• Minimise impervious layers from ridge to reefs by; limiting building plot coverage 20% coastal areas to 40% on inland (ridge) areas, and encourage vertical building extension and contain sprawl of urban artificial areas within 678 ha in Rodrigues island by 2030;
• Maintain and restore 53.4 ha of Wetlands and mangroves areas using ecosystem based adaptation;
• Maintain and restore 90 ha of coastal sand area from coastal erosion and sea level rise using ecosystem based adaptation.
Moldova; Republic of
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Improving land/soil conservation and ecological restoration of degraded lands and farmland buffer strips up to 100% to achieve by 2030 no net loss of productive land/soils and increase drought resiliency, adaptation capacity and biodiversity services of agricultural ecosystems.
Main interventions:
• Creating a special "recovery fund" for ecological restoration and improving condition and quality of about 880,000 ha of degraded land;
• Creating the green belt of farmland buffer strips for land and soil conservation;
• Increasing the national forest cover up 15% to promote land sector sustainability and to contribute to increasing biodiversity services and carbon stocks in a changing climate;
• Remediating 1,588 sites contaminated by persistent organic pollutants and prevention of new accumulations of pesticides, other hazardous substances and chemicals.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Target 1: Reduce deforestation and forest degradation to maintain the forest area and reach 9% of the total area by 2030 compared to 7.85% in 2015.
• Target 2: Promote sustainable grassland management and stop further grassland degradation.
• Target 3: Increase agricultural yields by 2.5 t/ha per annum by 2030 compared to 1.6 t/ha per annum in 2015.
• Target 4: Ensure no net loss of wetlands by 2030 compared to 2015 (3963.3 sq. km).
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Avoiding, minimizing land degradation and redirecting land use changes;
• Increase of land productivity on agricultural land;
• Protection of natural ecosystems from wildfires and floods;
• Improvement of soil monitoring system.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Reforest and increase the productivity of 13.8 km2 (1380 ha) forests that have been converted into croplands or shrubs, grasslands and sparse vegetation by 2040;
• Improve the productivity of the 414,3 km2 (41 430 ha) forest area currently showing early signs of decline and having declining productivity by 2030;
• Improve the productivity of 104 013 km2 (10,4 M ha) of shrubs, grasslands and sparsely vegetated areas currently showing signs of declining productivity by 2040;
• Improve the productivity of 14 849 km2 (1.5 M ha) of cropland by 2035;
• Reduce bush encroachment on 18 880 km2 (1,9 M ha) by 2040;
• Maintain the current soil organic carbon levels beyond 2040: Forests at 17 t/ha; Shrubs, grasslands, sparsely vegetated land, Cropland at 14 t/ha; Wetlands at 16 t/ha.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• By 2030, halt the conversion of forests to other land cover classes and maintain the forest cover at the most recent baseline figure of National Forest Reference Level, 2017 (44.70%, as of 2014).
• By 2030, increase the agricultural growth by 6% per annum. The current baseline is 3% as of 2010 (Agriculture Development Strategy, ADS 2015-2035).
• By 2030, increase the Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stock in forest and cropland by 1.0% per year. The current baselines are 132.4 t/ha for forest and 86.1 t/ha for cropland, and an average rate of SOC loss was estimated at -0.01% per annum (default global data/ UNCCD).
• By 2030, out of 26277 hectares of wetlands (Lakes, Reservoirs, Ponds and Marginal swamps) 10% of wetland ecosystems will be restored. Their resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stock will be enhanced by conservation and restoration of degraded ecosystems, focusing on degraded forests, protected areas, and conservation areas which will contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to combat desertification/land degradation.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Meta 1: Al 2030 se ha incrementado la cobertura forestal del país en un 21.47%.
• Meta 2: Al 2030 mejoradas 1,166,362 hectáreas, en zonas deterioradas por decreciente productividad de la tierra.
• Meta 3: Al 2030 unas 6,464 Kilometro lineales de cortinas rompe vientos establecidos en 29 municipios ubicados en:
- Departamento de Managua: municipios Tipitapa, Ticuantepe y Managua.
- Departamento de Masaya: Municipios de Masaya, Nindirí, Tisma.
- Departamento de León: municipios de Nagarote, La Paz Centro, León, Malpaisillo- Larreynaga, Telica, Quezalguaque.
- Departamento de Chinandega: municipios de Posoltega, Chichigalpa, Chinandega, Villanueva y El Viejo.
- Algunos municipios de los Departamentos de Carazo, Granada y Rivas.
• Meta 4: Al 2030 unas 104,000 hectáreas de pino, atendidas mediante el monitoreo, seguimiento y prevención de la plaga de gorgojo, dentro de áreas protegidas. Principalmente en la zona norte centro del país: Nueva Segovia, Madriz, Estelí y Matagalpa.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• Target 1: By 2030, increase national forest cover by 21.47%.
• Target 2: By 2030, improve the state of deteriorated land due to decreasing land productivity in 1,166,362 ha.
• Target 3: By 2030, establish 6,464 linear kilometres of windbreaks in 29 municipalities located in:
- The department of Managua: municipalities of Tipitapa, Ticuantepe and Managua.
- The department of Masaya: municipalities of Masaya, Nindirí and Tisma.
- The department of León: minicipalities of Nagarote, La Paz Center, León, Malpaisillo- Larreynaga, Telica and Quezalguaque.
- The department of Chinandega: municipalities of Posoltega, Chichigalpa, Chinandega, Villanueva and El Viejo.
- Some municipalities in the departments of Carazo, Granada and Rivas.
• Target 4: By 2030, include 104,000 ha of pine forest in protected areas, and maintain them using monitoring, follow-up, and weevil outbreak prevention. This will be primarily carried out in the central northern area of the country: Nueva Segovia, Madriz, Estelí and Matagalpa.
*An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.Niger
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Le Niger s’engage à atteindre la NDT d’ici à 2030 et réduire les superficies des terres dégradées de 9% à 5% afin d’augmenter, de 17% à 19%, la couverture végétale et améliorer de façon durable les conditions de vie des populations.
De façon spécifique, les actions nécessaires seront mises en oeuvre pour :
• Restaurer 44% (4 440 500 ha) sur les 10 761 076 ha de terres dégradées en 2010;
• Réduire à 2% (252 101 ha) la superficie des terres cultivées présentant une tendance négative de productivité primaire nette;
• Réduire de 1% (100 074,3 ha) à 0% le taux annuel de conversion des forets/savanes/zones humides en d’autres types d’occupation;
• Mettre un terme à l’ensablement et l’érosion hydrique (ravinement) le long du fleuve Niger;
• Séquestrer 292 000 tonnes de carbone dans le sol et/ou la biomasse par les bonnes pratiques agroforestières (brise vent, haies vives, RNA, Banque fourragère, banque alimentaire etc.).
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Niger commits to achieving LDN by 2030 and reducing the area of degraded land from 9% to 5%. This, with the aim of increasing vegetation cover from 17% to 19% and sustainably improving the living conditions of people.
More specifically, necessary actions will be taken to:
• Restore 44% (4,440,500 ha) of the 10,761,076 ha of degraded land in 2010;
• Reduce to 2% (252,101 ha) the area of cultivated lands showing negative trends of net primary productivity;
• Reduce from 1% (100,074.3 ha) to 0% the annual rate of forest/savanna/wetland conversion into other types of land;
• Halt sand encroachment and water erosion (gully erosion) along the Niger river;
• Sequester 292,000 tons of carbon in the ground and/or biomass through good agroforestry practices (windbreak system, hedges, assisted natural regeneration, forage bank, food bank, etc.).
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the national scale:• LDN is to be achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 20 % of the national territory has improved (net gain).
LDN at the sub-national scale:
• LDN is to be achieved in the following regions by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss) and an additional 20% of the following regions has improved (net gain): South western region, South East region, South Southern region, North western region, North Eastern region, North Central region, Imeko Game Reserve of Imeko/Afo LGA, Ogun state, Aworo Forest Reserve of Yewa North LGA, Ogun state, Saki of Saki East LGA, Oyo state, Ilesha Ibaruba of Baruten LGA, Ejeba of Ughilli North LGA, Delta, Oroma-Etiti of Anambra west LGA, Anambra state, Orishaeze of Ngor-Okpalla LGA, Imo state, Ifiang Nsung of Bakasi LGA, Cross Rivers, Badoko of Kachia LGA, Kaduna state, Amba of Nsarawa LGA, Nasarawa state, Banaga of Anka LGA, Zamfara State.
Specific targets to avoid, minimize and reverse land degradation:
• Improve land productivity and soil organic carbon stocks (SOC) in 463,300 hectares of cropland and grasslands by 2030 as compared to 2015;
• Rehabilitate 1,722,660 ha of cropland showing declining land productivity and 10,565,040 ha of cropland showing early signs of declining land productivity by 2030;
• Halt the conversion of forests and wetlands to other land cover classes by 2020;
• Increase forest cover by 20% by 2030 as compared to 2015;
• Reduce the rate of soil sealing (conversion to artificial land cover) by 40% by 2030 as compared to 2015.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Pakistan is committed to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) by 2030. The specific targets identified to achieve LDN at national level, by 2030, are as below:
- Attain Land Degradation Neutrality in:
- At least 30 per cent of degraded forest
- At least 5 per cent of degraded croplands
- At least 6 per cent of degraded grasslands (rangelands)
- At least 10 per cent of degraded wetlands
- Limiting conversion of forest lands/ grasslands/croplands to artificial land
- Converting other lands (bare lands) into croplands and productive lands to avoid soil loss/erosion and reverse land degradation
- Reclaiming forest lands
- Enforcement of Land Use Plans and sustainable management practices
- Improved Climate Change Resilience for sustainable water management
- Shift to Green Economy through social enterprise and businesses
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Meta nacional: Se alcanzará la meta NDT al año 2030 usando como referencia el año 2015 y con la recuperación de tierras degradadas correspondientes al 10 % del territorio nacional.
• Al 2030 se ha incrementado la cobertura boscosa en un 26 %.
• Para el 2025 disminuir la conversión de 18.000 ha de bosques en rastrojos y arbustos y/o suelos agrícolas.
• Al 2030 aumentar la productividad de 62.000 hectáreas de tierras de uso agrícolas y 12.000 hectáreas de matorrales y pastizales con productividad decreciente y con estados tempranos de deterioro.
• Al 2020 mejorar la coordinación entre las distintas instituciones, sociedad civil, gremios y fomentar mecanismos participativos.
• Para 2020 mejorar el marco legal existente que ayude a potenciar el programa NDT.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• National target: Using 2015 as the reference year, LDN will be achieved by the year 2030, with the recovery of degraded lands corresponding to 10% of the national territory.
• By 2030 increase forest cover by 26%.
• By 2025, reduce the conversion of 18,000 ha of forest to stubble and shrubs and / or agricultural land.
• By 2030, increase the productivity of 62,000 ha of agricultural land and 12,000 ha of scrub and grassland with declining productivity and early stage of deterioration.
• By 2020, improve coordination among the different institutions, civil society, unions and encourage participatory mechanisms.
• By 2020, improve the existing legal framework that helps to strengthen the LDN programme.
Papua New Guinea
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Restoration of degraded forest and agricultural land in 500,000 ha in Degraded forests: East and West Sepik; Madang, East west, New Britain, Morobe, Manus.
• SLM in 200,000 ha in Highlands, Coastal areas.
• 4 million ha area will be brought under the protected area network to avoid any degradation nationally.
• 100,000 ha will be rehabilitated in Western province, Enga, Morobe, New Ireland, Milne Bay, East and West Sepik and Madang.
• 100,000 ha to be rehabilitated in Gulf, Central, Hela, SHP.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Meta general 1
Contar con estrategias para mejorar la productividad de la tierra y los servicios ecosistemicos.
Metas específicas:
- Implementar la NDT como herramienta de monitoreo para el manejo de RRNN
- Reducir la deforestación en el año 2030 teniendo como línea de base los datos obtenidos del 2015
- Mejorar la productividad de las tierras en el año 2030 teniendo como línea de base los datos obtenidos del 2015
- Mejorar la reserva del carbono orgánico del suelo en el año 2030 teniendo como línea de base los datos obtenidos del 2015
- Elaborar procedimientos específicos de la NDT para zonas de alto riesgo o vulnerables de mayor impacto
- Elaborar propuestas concretas de procedimientos para compensación y retribución por servicios.
Meta general 2
Contar con estrategias concretas para mejorar las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones afectadas.
Metas específicas:
- Adoptar el PAN como herramienta política de gestión territorial, uso de la tierra y combate a la degradación de tierras
- Promover, acompañar y fortalecer políticas educativas de NDT en áreas urbanas y rurales
- Propiciar acciones de buenas prácticas para el NDT
Meta general 3
Contar con estrategias para reducir la vulnerabilidad de los ecosistemas a la sequía, en espacial a los cercanos a poblaciones.
Metas específicas:
- Impulsar la actualización del Plan de Ordenamiento Ambiental como herramienta de manejo y gestión territorial asociado a los recursos naturales
- Elaborar e institucionalizar alianzas estratégicas con entes académicos fomentando la investigación y capacitación de recurso humano sobre el tema de NDT
Meta general 4
Contar con estrategias para generar beneficios ambientales.
Metas específicas:
- Propiciar buenas prácticas en el manejo de recursos naturales en base a la Ley de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental
- Elaborar proyectos de cooperación con organismos nacionales e internacionales en la búsqueda de mejora continua de la NDT
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Overall Target 1
To have strategies to improve land productivity and ecosystem services.
Specific targets:
- Implement LDN as a monitoring tool for Natural Resources management
- Reduce deforestation by 2030 using 2015 data as a baseline
- Improve land productivity by 2030 based on data from 2015
- Improve soil organic carbon stock by 2030 based on 2015 data
- Develop specific LDN procedures for high-risk areas or highly vulnerable impact areas
- Elaborate concrete proposals of procedures for compensation and remuneration for ecosystem services
Overall Target 2
To have concrete strategies to improve the living conditions of the affected population.
Specific targets:
- To adopt the NAP as a political tool for land management, land use and combating land degradation
- Promote, accompany and strengthen LDN educational policies in urban and rural areas
- Promote good practice actions for achieving LDN
Overall Target 3
To have strategies to reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems to drought, especially those close to towns.
Specific targets:
- To promote the updating of the Environmental Stewardship Plan as a tool for territorial management associated to natural resources
- To elaborate and institutionalize strategic alliances with academic entities promoting research and training of human resources on the subject of LDN
Overall Target 4
To have strategies to generate environmental benefits.
Specific targets:
- Promote good practices in the management of natural resources based on the Environmental Impact Assessment Law
- Elaborate cooperation projects with national and international organizations to have the continuous improvement of the LDN
*An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Meta: Alcanzar la NDT al 2030
Submetas transversales referidas a la planificación integrada del uso de las tierras (submeta transversal 1 y 2) y al monitoreo (submeta transversal 3), según las recomendaciones de la CNULD para la implementación efectiva de la NDT:
- Submeta transversal 1: Al 2022, se ha aprobado la normativa sobre ordenamiento territorial que incorpora el enfoque NDT y favorece la consolidación de la institucionalidad y los instrumentos existentes para la planificación del uso de la tierra en el Perú
- Submeta transversal 2: Al 2030, se ha mejorado la coordinación intersectorial y la gobernanza para el manejo sostenible de la tierra y la restauración de tierras degradadas bajo liderazgo del MINAM
- Submeta transversal 3: Al 2022, el monitoreo y evaluación de la degradación de la tierra alineada al indicador 15.3.1 de los ODS “proporción de tierra degradada en relación con la superficie total de tierra” se encuentra operativo y articulado a otros esfuerzos nacionales y subnacionales de monitoreo de los ecosistemas terrestres
Submetas para alcanzar la NDT al 2030, según la estructura de organización de meta y medidas NDT en Perú.
Revertir la degradación de la tierra – restaurar o rehabilitar las funciones ecológicas basadas en la tierra:
- Submeta 1: Recuperación del 7.5% de las tierras desertificadas, degradadas y afectadas por la sequía, y una recuperación anual de por lo menos 0.5% de las tierras afectadas por desertificación
- Submeta 2: Al 2030, 3.5% de los suelos agrarios de uso intensivo recuperados para procesos productivos resilientes ante peligros asociados a cambio climático
- Submeta 3: Al 2030, 30% de áreas forestales conservadas y recuperadas que cuentan con un adecuado manejo forestal y de fauna silvestre, reducen los riesgos ante los efectos del cambio climático y garantían los servicios ecosistémicos de ecosistemas forestales y otros de vegetación silvestre
Evitar y reducir los factores de degradación de la tierra – reducir prácticas de uso insostenible de la tierra y limitar los factores de degradación de la tierra:
- Submeta 4: Al 2030, reducir el cambio de uso del suelo para la reducción del 30% de emisiones de GEI del Perú.
- Submeta 5: Al 2030, optimizar las prácticas agropecuarias y prácticas de uso del suelo y silvicultura para la reducción del 30% de emisiones de GEI del Perú
- Submeta 6: Al 2030, 9410 hectáreas de suelos agrarios acondicionados con prácticas de manejo y conservación que mejoran su capacidad productiva en zonas vulnerables a peligros asociados al cambio climático
- Submeta 7: Al 2030, el 39% de los productores agrarios implementan buenas prácticas agropecuarias considerando los efectos del cambio climático
- Submeta 8: Al 2030, 7 036 886 hectáreas de pastos naturales y cultivados manejados e instalados en zonas vulnerables al cambio climático
- Submeta 9: Al 2030, el puntaje de la efectividad de la gestión de las ANP del SINANPE con bosque, evaluada mediante la herramienta METT, es del 25%
- Submeta 10: Al 2030, 195 usuarios forestales de bosques naturales y plantaciones implementan acciones de gestión integrada de plagas en bosques para reducir los riesgos ante eventos extremos climáticos
- Submeta 11: Al 2030, el 70% de los gobiernos regionales y locales ejecutan los procesos de la gestión de riesgos de incendios forestales en un contexto de cambio climático
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Target: Achieve LDN by 2030
Cross-cutting sub-targets relating to integrated land-use planning (cross-cutting sub-target 1 and 2) and monitoring (cross-cutting sub-target 3), as recommended by the UNCCD for the effective implementation of the LDN:
- Cross-cutting sub-target 1: By 2022, regulations on land use planning have been approved that incorporate the LDN approach and favour the consolidation of existing institutions and instruments for land use planning in Peru
- Cross-cutting sub-target 2: By 2030, intersectoral coordination and governance for sustainable land management and restoration of degraded lands has been improved under the leadership of MINAM
- Cross-cutting sub-target 3: By 2022, monitoring and assessment of land degradation aligned with SDG indicator 15.3.1 "Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area" is operational and articulated with other national and sub-national land ecosystem monitoring efforts
Sub targets to reach the LDN by 2030, according to the organizational structure of LDN targets and measures in Peru.
Reversing land degradation – restore or rehabilitate land-based ecological functions:
- Sub-target 1: 7.5 per cent of desertified, degraded and drought-affected land recovered, and annually recovery of at least 0.5 per cent of land affected by desertification
- Sub-target 2: By 2030, 3.5 per cent of the intensively used agricultural soils recovered for productive processes resilient to climate change-associated hazards
- Sub-target 3: By 2030, 30 per cent of forest areas conserved and recovered, with adequate forest and wildlife management, reduce risks from the effects of climate change and ensure ecosystem services of forest ecosystems and other natural vegetation ecosystems
Avoid and reduce land degradation factors – reduce unsustainable land use practices and limit land degradation factors:
- Sub-target 4: By 2030, reduce land-use change to reduce 30 per cent GHG emissions in Peru
- Sub-target 5: By 2030, to optimize agricultural,cattle ranging and land use and forestry practices, to reduce 30 per cent GHG emissions in Peru
- Sub-target 6: By 2030, 9 410 hectares of agricultural land include management and conservation practices that improve their productive capacity in areas vulnerable to hazards associated with climate change
- Sub-target 7: By 2030, 39 per cent of agricultural producers implement good agricultural and cattle ranging practices considering the effects of climate change
- Sub-target 8: By 2030, 7 036 886 hectares of natural and cultivated pastures are managed and established in areas vulnerable to climate change
- Sub-target 9: By 2030, the management effectiveness score of SINANPE NPAs with forest, as assessed by the METT tool, is 25 per cent
- Sub-target 10: By 2030, 195 forest users of natural forests and plantations implement integrated pest management actions in forests to reduce risks from extreme climate events
- Sub-target 11: By 2030, 70 per cent of regional and local governments implement forest fire risk management processes in the context of climate change
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
The Philippines seeks to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality by 2030, with the following targets. Attain Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) in:
• At least 60% (4.05 M ha) of degraded forest, shrubland, and wetlands by 2030 and achieve the balance by 2040.
• At least 50% (2.2 M ha) of degraded croplands by 2030 and achieve the balance by 2040.
• Attain LDN in five (5) Pilot River Basins.
• Strengthen consensus-based stewardship of protected areas and ancestral domains.
• Improve Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in chemically degraded agricultural areas.
• Improve urban resilience to Climate Change and Drought by preventing further forest conversion in key watersheds and wetlands.
• Limit conversion to artificial land -- only 5% of cropland particularly in key target areas/watersheds.
• Sustain positive trends in land management (reversion from cropland to forests) particularly in key watersheds.
Russian Federation
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
See LDN TSP Country Report.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the national scale:
• LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to baseline 2015 (no net loss);
• National Forest Cover increased from 29.6% (2015) to 30% (2024) and maintained at 30% by 2030 based on the National Strategy for Transformation and Prosperity (NST1);
• Area under agroforestry increased from 6% in 2015 to 12% in 2030 (in line with Environment and Natural Resources Sector Strategic Plan (ENR SSP/ NST1 2017-2024));
• Level of land productivity and SOC at country level maintained and improved by 2030 compared to 2015 baseline;
• The percentage of land designated for biodiversity conservation will be increased from 10.13% in 2017 to 10.3% in 2020 according to ENR SSP;
• Biomass energy reduced from 83.3% (2014) to 42% (2024);
• Increase of land protected against soil erosion from 1,034,509 ha in 2018 to 1,495,624 ha in 2024 according to Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture.
LDN at the sub-national scale:
• LDN is achieved in the Eastern Province: Districts of Nyagatare, Kayonza, Rwamagana Kirehe, and Ngoma by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss) and an additional of 7% of the Province has improved (net gain);
• LDN is achieved in the Western Province: Districts of Rubavu, Ngororero, Nyabihu, Rutsiro, and Rusizi by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss) and an additional of 12% of the Province has improved (net gain);
• LDN is achieved in the Southern Province: Districts of Nyaruguru, Huye, Gisagara and Ngoma by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss) and an additional of 6% of the Province has improved (net gain);
• LDN is achieved in the Northern Province by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss);
• LDN is achieved in the City of Kigali: Districts of Gasabo, Kicukiro and Nyarugenge by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss) an additional of 23% of the Province has improved (net gain).
Saint Kitts and Nevis
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• LDN will be achieved by 2030 and an additional 5% of degraded lands of the national territory are improved.
LDN sub-targets:
• LDN is achieved in the Saint John Capisterre, Christ Church Nichola Town and Saint Mary Cayon areas in the island of Saint Kitts by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline (no net loss). It corresponds to the areas with most degradation in St Kitts.
• LDN is achieved in the Saint James Windward area in the island of Nevis by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline (no net loss). It corresponds to the areas with most degradation in Nevis.
• LDN is achieved in Saint George Basseterre parcel of the island of Saint Kitts by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline plus an additional 5% has improved (net gain) [Challenging approach: where the capital of the country is]. It corresponds to the areas where there is not much degradation and the stable and improving conditions are one of the best on the island.
• LDN is achieved in Saint George Gingerland parcel of the island of Nevis by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline plus an additional 5% has improved (net gain) [Challenging approach: where the capital of the country is]. It corresponds to the areas where there is not much degradation and the stable and improving conditions are one of the best on the island.
• Improve productivity and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks in cropland and grasslands for the entire country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline.
Saint Lucia
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN target at the national level:
▪ LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 15% of degraded lands of the national territory are improved (net gain).
LDN targets at the sub-national level:
▪ LDN is achieved in the Barre d’Isle- Castries area by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline (no net loss).
▪ LDN is achieved in the Migny-Soufriere watershed area by 2025 as compared to the 2015 baseline (no net loss).
▪ LDN is achieved in Millet/Roseau watersheds by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline plus an additional 5% has improved (net gain).
▪ LDN is achieved in Vieux Fort and Canelles watersheds by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline plus an additional 5% has improved (net gain).
▪ Improve productivity and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks in cropland and grasslands by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline.
▪ Improve local data and develop a mechanism for the collection and management of land productivity and soil organic carbon data for future monitoring needs.
Sao Tome and Principe
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Até 2030, reduzir a menos de 5% a conversão de florestas e savanas a outro tipo de ocupação de solo;
• Reduzir de 85% a 15% o abate ilegal de árvores até 2030;
• Restaurar até ao ano 2025 cerca de 32000 ha de florestas e paisagens degradadas;
• Até 2030, melhorar em 50% o processo de fabrico de carvão, melhorando assim a produtividade (eficiência) e reduzir desperdícios;
• Até 2030 reduzir em 25% o uso dos pesticidas e fertilizantes químicos, aumentando em 25% a utilização de produtos biológicos.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• By 2030, reduce to less than 5% the conversion of forests and savannas to other land uses;
• Reduce illegal logging from 85% to 15% by 2030;
• By 2025, restore about 32,000 ha of degraded forests and landscapes;
• By 2030, improve the charcoal manufacturing process by 50%, thereby improving productivity (efficiency) and reducing waste;
• By 2030, reduce by 25% the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, increasing the use of organic products by 25%.
Saudi Arabia
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN targets at national level:
- Promote sustainable land use practices to secure natural capital and environmental services
- Plan the land uses to reduce adverse environmental impact
- Rehabilitate degraded areas and promote eco-tourism and biodiversity
- Increase protected areas to reach 30% of Saudi Arabia's total land area
- Spur combating desertification innovation by promoting scientific research and adopting advanced technologies
- Afforest degraded sites with suitable endemic plants to assist natural regeneration
Specific targets:
- Rehabilitate 2.4 million hectares of rangeland areas through vegetation cover improvement
- Organize grazing to contribute to rangelands sustainability
- Enable sustainable rehabilitation of abandoned agricultural lands
- Rehabilitate degraded areas in abandoned terraces
- Rehabilitate designated mountain forests' degraded sites by planting 2.8 million trees
- Protect existing mangrove sites and prevent degradation
- Rehabilitate degraded sites in coastal areas trough plantation
- Rehabilitate designated valleys’ degraded sites by planting 1.8 million trees
- Implement water harvesting technologies to rehabilitate degraded areas
- Mitigate drought through development of renewable and non-renewable groundwater and surface water resources
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Sur la période 2020-2035, 18 809.96 km2 de terres forestières seront restaurées et gérées durablement.
• Sur la période 2020-2035, 10 257.06 km2 de terres de parcours et de prairies seront restaurées et gérées durablement.
• Sur la période 2020-2035, 19 894.12 km2 de terres cultivées seront restaurées et gérées durablement.
• Sur la période 2020-2035, 1 147.58 km2 de zones humides seront restaurées et gérées durablement.
• Sur la période 2020-2035, 1 348.27 km2 de zones marginales (zones artificielles, terrain nu et autres domaines) seront restaurées et gérées durablement.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• Over the 2020-2035 period, 18,809.96 km2 of forest lands will be restored and sustainably managed.
• Over the 2020-2035 period, 10,257.06 km2 of grasslands and rangelands will be restored and sustainably managed.
• Over the 2020-2035 period, 19,894.12 km2 of cultivated lands will be restored and sustainably managed.
• Over the 2020-2035 period, 1,147.58 km2 of wetlands will be restored and sustainably managed.
• Over the 2020-2035 period, 1,348.27 km2 of marginal areas (artificial lands, bare lands and others) will be restored and sustainably managed.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Priorities for enabling environment to achieve LDN by 2030:
- Recognizing elements and targets of land degradation neutrality in legislations
- Improvement, restoration, rehabilitation of degraded areas, implementation of measures of sustainable land management
- Establishment and development of sustainable, systematic land monitoring
- Establishment of appropriate, detailed national databases for the implementation of the LDN methodology;
- Raising public awareness and the role of education in combating land degradation and droughts
Associated measures to achieve LDN:
- To increase the area of national territory under forests to 41.4% by 2050
- To increase the area under forests in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina to 14.3% by applying the system of forest protection belts
- To increase the level of forest cover in areas under bare and degraded soil, in mountainous areas south of the Sava and Danube Rivers, in the area of 100,000 ha by 2030 so as to control erosion and torrential processes
- To maintain the determined positive trend of land degradation neutrality, applying appropriate measures and activities, through spatial and planning documentation
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Maintain forest cover through sustainable management of forest and biodiversity over and area of 287 Km2 (2,870 ha);
• Maintain and restore coastal wetlands and mangroves forests over an area of 7.93 Km2 (793 ha);
• Expand and promote good/smart agricultural/agronomic measures and practises over an area of 6.82 Km2) (682 ha);
• Apply effective LDN and SLM/ land use planning and contain urban/artificial areas within an overall area of 56.6 Km2 (5660 ha);
• Put in place an LDN monitoring system (GIS & Remote Sensing) and develop adequate human resources skills at the national level to continuously assess and review the land use/cover carrying capacity/LDN measures of each sector annually to achieve LDN.
Sierra Leone
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Target 1: By 2030, promote reforestation through agro-forestry and sustainable land management practices, and the implementation of alternative livelihood schemes to restore 175 sq. km originally forested land in 2000 that has changed or lost its forest cover by 2010.
• Target 2: By 2035, ensure the rehabilitation of 12,237 sq.km of land area suggested as having declined, shown early signs of decline, or stable but stressed conditions in net productivity between 2000 and 2010. This includes 353 sq.km of total land area having declined in land productivity, 2,161 sq. km showing early signs of decline, and 9,723 Sq. Km showing stable but stressed conditions between 2000 and 2010.
• Target 3: By the year 2030, improve the productivity of 1,864 sq.km of land area covered by shrubs, grasslands and sparse vegetation through controlled grazing, avoiding overgrazing, and adopting wild bush fire management practices.
• Target 4: By 2030, ensure to improve the productivity of 8,464 sq.km. of croplands through sustainable land management practices, agro-forestry, and the establishment of green corridors, especially in large scale commercial farms.
• Target 5: By 2035, implement wetlands conservation measures in order to improve 330 sq. km of wetlands showing decline, early signs of decline or stable but stressed conditions in net land productivity dynamics.
• Target 6: By 2023, implement land reclamation and land rehabilitation programmes in the dredged mined-out areas degraded by Sierra Rutile Mining Company.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the National Scale
- LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to baseline 2015 (no net loss), an additional 10% territory has improved by 2030 (net gain)
- National forest cover increased from 10.14% (2015) to 10.20% (2022) and maintained at 30% by 2030 through agroforestry and SLM in existing forests
- Level of land productivity and SOC at the national level maintained and improved by 2030 compared to 2015 baseline
- Traditional Biomass energy consumption reduced from 65.77% in 2015 to 32% in 2024
- Increase land protected against soil erosion to 1,034,509 ha by 2024
- Areas of stressed or declining land productivity reduced by 50% by 2030
LDN at the Sub-National Scale
- LDN is achieved in the land degradation hotspots; additional 10% of the degraded Hotspot areas has improved (Net Gain) by 2030 as compared 2015. Particularly land degradation hotspots include:
- Areas with early signs of declining land productivity are patches scattered in Gedo, Lower Jubba, Bakool, Middle Shabeele, Hiiraan, Togdheer, Sool, Sanaag, Waqooyi Galbeed, Awdal and Bari
- Stable but stressed areas are patches scattered in Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba, Gedo, Bay, Bakool, Lower Shabelle, Middle Shabeele, Hiraan, Galgaduud, Mudug, Nugaal, Sool, Bari, Sanaag, Togdheer, Waqooyi Galbeed and Awdal regions
- Declining areas are patches scattered in Mudug, Sanaag, Awdal, Bari regions
Specific targets to Avoid, Minimize and Reverse Land Degradation
- Reduce conversion of forests and wetlands into other land cover classes by 2030 (no net loss)
- Rehabilitation of degraded forests from 6,363 ha in 2015 to 17,988 ha by 2024
- Improve land productivity on 33,342 ha of Tree-covered areas, 472,227 ha of grassland, 7,709 ha of cropland currently showing stressed productivity through sustainable land management practices
- Minimize conversion of grassland and croplands into artificial surfaces by 2030 (no net loss)
- Stop the occurrence of soil erosion by rainwater, particularly in the northern ranges owing to steep topography by creating dams for water harvesting to be utilized for agricultural purposes by 2030
- Rehabilitate and increase the productivity of (472,227 ha) grassland by 2030
- Restore and increase the productivity of (448,527 km2) of agricultural land using modern agricultural techniques and SLM practice in all areas by 2030
- Improve carbon stocks of cultivated (61,898 ha) areas by 2030
- Stop the conversion of cropland to other land cover classes by 2030
South Africa
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the national scale:
• LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 5% of the national territory has improved (net gain).
LDN at the sub-national scale:
• LDN is achieved in the grassland biome by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss);
• LDN is achieved in the thicket biome by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss);
Specific targets to avoid, minimize and reverse land degradation:
• Improve productivity and SOC stocks in 6 000 000 ha of cropland by 2030;
• Rehabilitate and sustainably manage 1 809 767 ha of “forest” by 2030;
• Rehabilitate and sustainably manage 1 349 714 ha of fynbos by 2030;
• Rehabilitate and sustainably manage 87 621 ha of thicket by 2030;
• Rehabilitate and sustainably manage 2 436 170 ha of grassland by 2030;
• Rehabilitate and sustainably manage 2 646 069 ha of savanna (< 5m) by 2030;
• Rehabilitate and sustainably manage 149 877 ha of Succulent Karoo by 2030;
• Rehabilitate and sustainably manage 528 632 ha of Nama Karoo by 2030;
• Rehabilitate and sustainably manage 76 525 ha of desert by 2030;
• Rehabilitate 61 900 ha of wetlands by 2030;
• Clear 1 063 897 ha of alien invasive species by 2030;
• Clear 633 702 ha of bush encroached land by 2030, and
• Rehabilitate 350 000 ha of artificial areas by 2030.
South Sudan
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
➢ LDN at the national scale
- LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss)
- LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 10% of the national territory has improved (net gain)
➢ LDN at the sub-national scale (if applicable/done)
- LDN is achieved in each of the former 10 states of South Sudan by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss)
- LDN is achieved in the semi-arid areas, northern borders of South Sudan, and around main towns in South Sudan as well as on Dongotono, Didinga, and Imatong moutains by 2030 as compared to 2015 and an additional 25% of the territory has improved (net gain)
➢ Specific targets to avoid, minimize and reverse land degradation
- Improve productivity in 21,950.6 km² and 2,194.4 km2 SOC stocks in lands of South Sudan by 2030 as compared to 2015
- Rehabilitate 27,019.6 km² of degraded and abandoned land of South Sudan by 2030
- Halt the conversion of forests and wetlands to other land cover classes by 2030
- Increase forest cover by 20% by 2030 as compared to 2015
- Reduce the rate of soil sealing (conversion to artificial land cover) by 100% by 2030 as compared to 2015.
Sri Lanka
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Halt the conversion of forests and wetlands to other land cover classes.• Restore and improve degraded forest (80% in the dry zone and 20% in the wet zone).
• Increase forest cover from 29% to 32%.
• Reduce rate of soil degradation to improve land productivity and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks.
• Reduce soil erosion of lands cultivated with annual and plantation crops.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
National targets:
• Inventory of renewable natural resources in the country (Inventory of forest resources - Survey of pastoral lands - Wetlands inventory - Inventory of wild animals);
• Reservation of 15% of the country to be registered by the government as renewable natural resource area (Complete forest reservation - Mapping, reservation and recording of pasture lands - Reservation of wildlife areas - Completion of the wetland reservation and registration of the requirements of the RAMSAR Convention);
• LDN is achieved by 2030 as compared to 2010 at national level (no net loss);
• Improve the implementation of land use sustainability and planning and evaluation in state agencies related to the land degradation neutrality (Provision of a national database - Raise institutional and individual capacities in planning, implementation and evaluation - Improve coordination mechanisms between the center and the states in all sectors - Development of a sustainable land management methodology - Develop an integrated land use sustainability plan).
Sub-national targets:
• Determine the productivity of pastoral land in each state and increase it to 2.5 tons / hectare;
• Develop a methodology for the sustainability of pastoral lands at the national level;
• Forest conservation and reforestation of 66 square kilometers of degraded forests in Kassala and Blue Nile states.
Specific targets:
• Improving the quality of pastures’ soil and SOC;
• Improve production in rainfed agricultural areas (clay) to mean 10 Shawwal per feddan (and sand) 5 Shawwal per feddan;
• Increase the carbon stock in the soil by 30,5742 tons (Compensation of carbon losses by base year and add the same amount by forest farming in North, Nile, Khartoum, North Kordofan and North Darfur)
• Increasing the forest area according to the plan of the National Forestry Commission;
• Cultivation of trees and shrubs of high nutritional value in the pasture lands in the semi-desert and savannah-poor areas, especially in the area of 12563 km2;
• Raising the productivity of declining agricultural areas (15496 km 2) and cropland with early signs of decline (59719 km 2) and stable but stressed (32467 km2).
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Suriname has agreed that “LDN will most likely be achieved by 2030”.
LDN Sub-targets
- LDN is achieved in the district of Saramacca by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline plus an additional 15% has improved (net gain). [Challenging approach] This corresponds to the areas where there is not much degradation and the stable and improving conditions are one of the best on the country.
- LDN is achieved in the districts of Coronie and Commewijne by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline plus an additional 10% has improved between the two districts (net gain). [Challenging approach] This corresponds to the areas where there is not much degradation and the improving condition is one of the best on the country.
- Improve productivity and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks in cropland and grasslands for the entire country by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline, through
- Sustainable land management practices and soil erosion prevention methods.
- Increase institutional capacity for SLM in key institutions
- Support an integrated information system on land use (National Planning Office, MI-GLIS, NIMOS, SBB, CELOS-NARENA, Central Bureau of Statistics etc.)
Syrian Arab Republic
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
The general national targets of land degradation neutrality in the Syrian Arab Republic:
By 2030, the Syrian Arab Republic seeks to achieve land degradation neutrality on the entire territory of the country.
Special voluntary targets of land degradation neutrality in the Syrian Arab Republic:
The specific targets of land degradation neutrality in Syria address the various land cover that constitute the land of Syrian Arab Republic, as follows:
- Land degradation neutrality targets in agricultural lands:
- By 2025, Protect (avoid - reduce) of entire agricultural land from degradation
- By 2030, reverse 20% of the degraded agricultural lands (rehabilitation, reclamation and restoring)
- Land degradation neutrality targets in range lands (Badia):
- By 2030, 1.4 million hectares of range land will be protected from degradation (water erosion, wind erosion, overgrazing, and pollution) and increase productivity by 2015 or earlier
- By 2030, the rehabilitation of 0.9 million ha of the Badia lands, which showed different types of degradation (water erosion, wind erosion, overgrazing, and pollution)
- Land degradation neutrality targets in forest lands:
- By 2025, protect the entire forestland from degradation
- By 2030, rehabilitate 50 per cent of the forest land with different signs of deterioration (cut-fires)
- Land degradation neutrality targets in the sector of water resources and wetlands:
- ·By 2025, 100% of water resources and wetlands are protected from degradation
- By 2030, rehabilitation of 50 per cent of water resources and wetlands that subjected to different degradation levels and increased efficiency of water resources
- Land degradation neutrality targets in sector of biodiversity:
- By 2025, protect (avoid - reduce) ecosystems and habitats
- By 2030, rehabilitate 50% of ecosystems and natural habitats
- Land degradation neutrality targets in the urban areas:
- By 2025, urban land management according to the principles of land degradation neutrality
- Land degradation neutrality in the sector of regulatory and legislative matters:
- By 2030, improve regulatory and legislative matters in Syria to ensure that the land degradation neutrality targets are implemented and achieved
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Целями по достижению нейтрального баланса деградации земель на период до конца 2030 года для Таджикистана являются:
- Освоенные 11,321 гектар новых орошаемых земель, в том числе 1,771 гектар за счет средств государственного бюджета, 9,550 гектаров за счет инвестиционных государственных проектов и внутренних и внешних прямых инвестиций
- Восстановленные 5,580 гектаров выбавших из сельскохозяйственного оборота земель за счет средств государственного бюджета, местных бюджетов, средств от услуг отрасли, что в целом позволит привлечь в сельскохозяйственное производство 16,901 гектар орошаемых земель
- Площадь лесов, переданных под планы управления будут составлять 685,000 га
- Площадь, отведенная под планы управления пастбищами будет, составлять 83,000 га
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Targets for achieving land degradation neutrality for the period until the end of 2030 for Tajikistan are:
- Cultivated 11,321 hectares of new irrigated lands , including 1,771 hectares at the expense of the state budget, 9,550 ha at the expense of state investment projects and domestic and foreign direct investments
- Restored 5,580 hectares of lands withdrawn from agricultural circulation at the expense of the state budget, local budgets, funds from industry services, which in total will allow attracting 16,901 hectares of irrigated lands to agricultural production
- The area of forests transferred under management plans will be 685 000 ha
- The area allocated for pasture management plans will be 83 000 ha
Tanzania, United Republic of
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN target at national level:
• LDN is achieved by year 2030 as compared to year 2010 and an additional 25% of the forest has improved (net gain).
LDN targets at the sub-national scale:
• LDN is achieved in the following land degradation hotspots: Dodoma, Singida, Tabora, Shinyanga and Manyara regions by 2030 as compared to 2010 additional 25% of the degraded hotspot regions has improved (net gain).
Specific LDN targets and measures based on targets to avoid, minimize and reverse land degradation:
• Restore 11,011,950 ha of forests through sustainable forest management;
• Prevent and avoid decline of land productivity of forests on 2,640,600 ha by 2030;
• Improve land productivity of shrub and grassland on 1,714,500 ha by 2030;
• Improve land productivity of croplands on 8,462,500.5 ha by 2025;
• Improve land productivity of wetlands on 361,275 ha by 2030;
• Increase soil organic carbon in cropland to 54.5tons/ha by 2030;
• Reduce soil erosion (loss of top soils) by 19tons/ha.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Specific targets to achieve LDN at the national level:
• Increase the proportion of national forest cover through reforestation and rehabilitation degraded forest including headwater and mangrove forests by participation of local community.
• Restore and rehabilitate degraded land to be productive land, emphasized on sustainable agriculture.
• Reduce soil carbon loss and increase soil carbon sequestration by soil and water conservation and promote awareness raising and community participation in land management.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• To protect up to about 73% of important areas for forest functions and conservation of water resources, soil and biodiversity by 2023;
• To involve more than 53% of targeted villages in community based forest management by 2023;
• To sustainably manage at least the five out of 29 priority watersheds by 2023; and
• To conserve a total of 228,174.57 ha of dense forest cover, 278,999.19 ha of sparse forest cover and 238,508.55 ha of non-forest areas by 2023.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Cible principale :
• Restaurer d’ici 2030, au moins 80% des terres dégradées (soit 187 920 ha) et limiter à 2% (soit 108 802 ha) la dégradation des terres non encore dégradées en vue de renforcer la préservation des écosystèmes terrestres par rapport à la situation référence (2010).
Cibles spécifiques :
• Accroitre de 3% (soit 43 557 ha) la superficie des forêts du Togo ;
• Réduire aux 1/3 (soit 73 260 ha) les terres présentant une tendance negative en matière de productivité nette.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Main target:
• Restore by 2030 at least 80% of degraded lands (187 920 ha) and limit to 2% (108 802 ha) the degradation of non-degraded land, with the aim of reinforcing terrestrial ecosystem preservation with reference to the baseline (2010).
Specific targets:
• Increase by 3% (43,557 ha) the forest area of Togo;
• Reduce to 1/3 (73,260 ha) the lands showing negative trends with regard to net productivity.
Trinidad and Tobago
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Trinidad and Tobago commits to the following national target:
“LDN is achieved by 2030 with no net loss for the whole land area of the country and all its land cover classes, compared to the 2000-2015 baseline.”
The following sub-targets are elaborated to contribute to the national target:
- Rehabilitate 100 ha of spent quarry lands through community-based agroforestry
- Rehabilitate 100 ha of degraded forest and increase forest carbon stock by 5 per cent by 2030
- Improve productivity and soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in 500 ha of cropland by 2030, compared to the 2015 baseline
- Improve national data and develop a mechanism for the collection and management of land productivity, land cover and SOCdata for future monitoring needs
- Increase local, sectoral and national awareness of SSM/SLM and LDN in support of addressing the drivers of land degradation
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
To increase the forest area:
• Increase the ratio of country’s forest land by 5% by 2030.
• Afforestation in 6,000 sq km by 2030,
• Soil conservation in 9,000 sq km by 2030 and
• Rehabilitation of 58 sq km of mine sites by 2019.
To improve productivity in forest land:
• Forest rehabilitation in 15,000 sq km by 2030
• 0.5 ha decrease in area affected by fire by 2030,
• Reduce the number of the human-induced fire by 3% by 2030.
To improve productivity in pasture land:
• Rehabilitate 7,500 sq km of pasture by 2030.
To improve productivity in agricultural land:
• Increase irrigation in 22,000 sq km by 2030,
• Carry out land consolidation activities in 140,000 sq km by 2023,
• Identify plains of great agricultural potential and register them as agricultural land in 55,000 sq km by 2023,
• Rehabilitate 20,000 sq km by 2030.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Рабочей группой были определены предполагаемые цели LDN на национальном уровне и меры по их достижению в перспективе:
∙ Разработать и утвердить к 2025 году на правительственном уровне обновлённую Национальную программу действий по борьбе с опустыниванием, предусматривающую в перспективе проведение комплексной инвентаризации почвенных и земельных ресурсов с детальной характеристикой орошаемых земель и пастбищных угодий страны (в рамках Национальной программы социально-экономического развития на период 2025-2052 гг.)
o Последовательная реализация Плана работ по борьбе с опустыниванием потребует создания постоянно действующего Секретариата или Национального центра по борьбе с опустыниванием. Это предусматривает правовой статус соответствующей структуры и возложение на неё функции по координации (синергию с Рио-конвенциями) и контролю за выполнением положений КБО ООН на национальном уровне.
∙ Обеспечить озеленение пустынных территорий, орошаемых земель, населённых пунктов общей площадью до 160 тыс. га к 2025 году (в рамках Национальной лесной программы).
o Лесовосстановление и новые лесопосадки лиственных, хвойных и плодовых деревьев, виноградника и пустынных растений в объёме не менее 3 млн. саженцев в год.
∙ Минимизировать негативное влияние Аральского кризиса на территориях Заунгузских Каракумов (Дашогузский велаят, северная часть Лебапского велаята) в период до 2025 года в рамках Национальной Аральской программы.
o Совершенствование национальной системы постоянного экологического мониторинга состояния составных частей окружающей среды (атмосферного воздуха, почвы, водных ресурсов) путём разработки подзаконных актов к соответствующим законам.
Предполагаемые цели LDN и меры по их достижению на национальном уровне были представлены на семинаре для национальных заинтересованным сторон и восприняты как актуальные, согласующиеся с государственной политикой по рациональному землепользованию и вполне осуществимые в перспективе
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
The working group has defined the expected LDN targets at the national level and measures to achieve them:
- Develop and approve an updated National Action Programme to Combat Desertification at the governmental level by 2025, which will eventually include a comprehensive inventory of soil and land resources with detailed description of irrigated land and rangelands in the country (as part of the National Socio-Economic Development Programme for the period 2025-2052)
- Consistent implementation of the Action Plan to Combat Desertification will require establishment of a permanent Secretariat or a National Centre to Combat Desertification. This envisages a legal status of an appropriate entity and assigns it the function of coordination (synergy with the Rio Conventions) and monitoring of implementation of the provisions of UN Convention to Combat Desertification at the national level.
- Ensure greening of desert areas, irrigated lands, settlements with total area up to 160 thousand ha by 2025 (within the framework of the National Forest Program).
- Reforestation and new afforestation of deciduous, coniferous and fruit trees, vineyards and desert plants in the amount of not less than 3 million seedlings per year.
- Minimize the negative influenceof the Aral Sea crisis on the territories of the Zaunguz Karakum Desert (Dashoguz velayat, northern part of Lebap velayat) until 2025 within the framework of the National Aral Program.
- Improvement of the national system of permanent environmental monitoring of the state of environmental components (atmospheric air, soil, water resources) through the development of by-laws to the relevant laws.
The proposed LDN targets and measures to achieve them at the national level were presented at the workshop for national stakeholders and were perceived as relevant, in line with the state policy on rational land use and quite feasible in the future.
*An unofficial translation into English is provided for countries which articulated their targets in other languages.Uganda
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
At the national scale:
• Land Degradation Neutral Uganda in 2030 compared to 2015 baseline i.e. LDN achieved by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss);
• 21% tree or forest cover by 2030 (in line with Vision 2040 and NDC);
• 12 % wetland cover by 2030 (in line with Vision 2040 and NDC);
• Areas of declining or stressed land productivity reduced by 50% by 2030;
• Level of SOC at country level maintained or improved by 2030 compared to 2015 baseline.
At the sub-national scale (Water Management Zones - WMZs and Highlands):
• LDN is achieved in the four WMZs or watersheds and the highlands by 2030 as compared to 2015 (no net loss).
• LDN is achieved in the four WMZs or watersheds and the highlands and 50% of areas of declining or stressed land productivity have improved by 2030 (net gain).
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Stabilization of soil organic carbon content in agricultural land:
• By 2020 achieve a stable level of the content of soil organic carbon (humus) in agricultural land (not lower than the baseline).
• By 2030 increase the content of soil organic carbon (humus) in agricultural land by not less than 0.1%, including as it relates to these zones:
- Polissya - by 0.10−0.16%;
- Forest Steppe and Steppe − by 0.08−0.10%.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Área 1: Monitoreo, planificación y ordenamiento del uso de la tierra en el medio rural
Meta 1: Para 2030, se cuenta con un mecanismo de monitoreo consolidado de los cambios en el uso de la tierra, los flujos de carbono en la superficie terrestre y la dinámica de la productividad de la tierra
Meta 2: Para 2025, se cuenta con una Estrategia Nacional de Biodiversidad 2030 que incorpora al menos el 50% de las metas de los compromisos voluntarios a la UNCCD
Meta 3: Para 2030, el 50% de los gobiernos departamentales cuenta con medidas específicas en la prevención de degradación de tierras y/o restauración
Meta 4: Para 2030, se cuenta con nueve planes de gestión integrados de recursos hídricos con enfoque de Neutralidad en la Degradación de Tierras
Área 2: Producción agropecuaria sostenible.
Meta 5:
- Para 2030, el área ocupada por sistemas agropecuarios con bases agroecológicas o en transición agroecológica aumenta respecto a la situación actual
- Para 2030, el número de productores con bases agroecológica o en transición agroecológica aumenta respecto a la situación actual
Meta 6:
- Para 2025, la totalidad del área agrícola no genera pérdidas por erosión estimada por encima de la tolerancia definida para cada suelo
- Para 2025, la totalidad del área lechera en la cuenca del Santa Lucía no genera pérdidas por erosión estimada por encima de la tolerancia definida para cada suelo y mantiene el nivel de fósforo en el suelo por debajo del límite permitido
Meta 7:
- Para 2025, la totalidad de la superficie forestada con autorización ambiental, cumple lineamientos que contribuyan a la conservación de la biodiversidad y sus servicios ecosistémicos
- Para 2030, el 80% de la superficie cultivada en sitios prioritarios para la conservación o restauración cumple lineamientos que contribuyan a la conservación o restauración de la biodiversidad y sus servicios ecosistémicos
Meta 8:
- Para 2030, el uso de plaguicidas en la producción agropecuaria disminuye su intensidad respecto a la situación actual
- Para 2022, se cuenta con un nuevo protocolo de actuación implementado para la recuperación de la mayoría de envases de plaguicidas
- Para 2022, se cuenta con un protocolo de actuación implementado para eliminar de forma segura los plaguicidas obsoletos
Meta 9:
- Para 2030, aumenta la participación de los jóvenes y su inclusión en los ámbitos rurales y el sector agropecuario respecto a la situación actual
- Para 2030, se cumple con el 75% de las medidas de los planes de género en las políticas agropecuarias vigentes vinculadas a la UNCCD y su plan de acción en género
Área 3: Conservación y restauración de ecosistemas y hábitats
Meta 10:
- Para el periodo 2020-2030, la tasa de pérdida de campo natural respecto al periodo 2000-2015 se ubica en un 50% a nivel país
- Para 2030, se habrá restaurado (mejorar condición) de 1.000.000 a 3.000.000 de hectáreas de campo natural según medios de implementación
Meta 11:
- Para 2030, se habrá mantenido el área de bosque nativo o presenta un incremento en un 5% según medios de implementación
- Para 2030, la totalidad del bosque nativo mantiene o mejora su estado respecto a la situación actual según medios de implementación
Meta 12:
- Para 2030, un 18% de la superficie terrestre del territorio nacional se encuentra integrada por ecosistemas y hábitats gestionados con objetivos de conservación y restauración
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
Area 1: Rural land-use monitoring, planning and management
Target 1: By 2030, a consolidated monitoring mechanism for land use change, land surface carbon fluxes and land productivity dynamics is in place
Target 2: By 2025, a National Biodiversity Strategy 2030 that incorporates at least 50% of the targets of the voluntary commitments to the UNCCD is in place
Target 3: By 2030, 50% of departmental governments have specific measures on land degradation prevention and/or restoration
Target 4: By 2030, nine integrated water resources management plans with a Land Degradation Neutrality approach are in place
Area 2: Sustainable agricultural production.
Target 5:
- By 2030, the area occupied by farming systems with agroecological bases or in agroecological transition increases with respect to the current situation
- By 2030, the number of producers with agroecological bases or in agroecological transition increases with respect to the current situation
Target 6:
- By 2025, the total agricultural area does not generate estimated erosion losses above the tolerance defined for each soil
- By 2025, the total dairy area in the Santa Lucía watershed does not generate estimated erosion losses above the tolerance defined for each soil and maintains the phosphorus level in the soil below the allowable limit
Target 7:
- By 2025, the total forested area with environmental authorization meets guidelines that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and its ecosystem services
- By 2030, 80% of the area under cultivation in priority sites for conservation or restoration meets guidelines that contribute to the conservation or restoration of biodiversity and its ecosystem services.
Target 8:
- By 2030, the use of pesticides in agricultural production decreases in intensity compared to the current situation
- By 2022, a new action protocol is in place for the recovery of most pesticide containers
- By 2022, an action protocol is in place for the safe disposal of obsolete pesticides
Target 9:
- By 2030, the participation of young people and their inclusion in rural areas and the agricultural sector increases with respect to the current situation
- By 2030, 75% of the measures of the gender plans in the current agricultural policies linked to the UNCCD and its gender action plan are met
Area 3: Conservation and restoration of ecosystems and habitats
Target 10:
- In the 2020-2030 period, the rate of loss of natural countryside with respect to the 2000-2015 period stands at 50% at the country level
- By 2030, 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 ha of natural countryside will have been restored (improved condition) according to means of implementation
Target 11:
- By 2030, the area of native forest will have been maintained or presents a 5% increase according to means of implementation
- By 2030, the total native forest maintains or improves its condition with respect to the current situation according to means of implementation
Target 12:
- By 2030, 18% of the land area of the national territory is integrated by ecosystems and habitats managed with conservation and restoration objectives
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world.
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• Al año 2030 se ha incrementado la cobertura boscosa en 262.361,00ha (0,53%).
• Al 2030 se ha reducido en un 50% la incidencia de incendios forestales en todo el territorio.
• Al 2030 se recupera y mantiene un área agrícola cultivada de 100.000ha por año.
• Al 2030 se ha implementado el manejo sostenible de tierras en el 50% de la cobertura de matorrales y pastizales.
• Al 2030 el 50% de la cobertura de matorrales y pastizales se habrán regenerado de forma natural como bosques.
• Al 2030 se ha promovido y apoyado la integración de la NDT en el ordenamiento del territorio particularmente dentro de las zonas con alto nivel de criticidad de proceso de degradación de la tierra.
• Al 2020 mejorar la coordinación entre las distintas instituciones, sociedad civil, gremios y fomentar mecanismos participativos.
• Para 2020 mejorar el marco legal existente que ayude a potenciar el programa NDT.
National voluntary LDN targets - English*
• By 2030, increase forest cover by 262,361 hectares (0.53 per cent);
• By 2030, reduce by 50% the incidence of forest fires throughout the country;
• By 2030, 100,000 hectares of cultivated agricultural per year are recovered and maintained.
• By 2030, sustainable land management has been implemented in 50% of shrub and pasture cover.
• By 2030, naturally regenerate 50% of shrub and pasture cover as forests.
• By 2030, the integration of the LDN into land use planning has been promoted and supported, particularly in areas with high critical levels of the land degradation process.
• By 2020, improve coordination between different institutions, civil society, trade unions and encourage participatory mechanisms.
• By 2020, improve the existing legal framework that helps to strengthen the LDN programme.
Viet Nam
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
Specific objectives:
With local resources:
• Save water used for irrigation through new technologies and initiatives (including agroforestry technology) in 200,000 ha in the North West (NW); Central Highland (HL);
• Use water efficient technologies in coffee irrigation in 120,000 ha in the Highland.
With international resources:
• Save water used for irrigation through new technologies and initiatives (including agroforestry technology) in 500,000 ha in the North West; Highland, South Central, Red River Delta.
With local resources:
• Forest protection in 1,000,000 ha in the North West, Highland, South Central;
• Natural forest restoration in 160,000 ha in the North West, Highland, South Central;
• Afforestation in 275,000 ha in the North West, Highland, South Central;
• Forest plantation with large timber species in 80,000 ha in the: North West, South Central.
With international support:
• Forest protection in 2,000,000 ha in the North West, Highland, South Central;
• Afforestation in 100,000 ha in the North West, Highland, South Central;
• Natural forest restoration in 250,000 ha in the North West, Highland, South Central;
• Forest plantation with large timber species in 100,000 ha in the North West, South Central.
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
• LDN is achieved by 2030 (no net loss).
• By 2030, the deforestation rate in Zambia is reduced by at least 50%.
• By 2030, 40% of households adopt appropriate alternative energy sources from fuel wood
• By 2030 maintain and/or improve the SOC content (no net loss).
• By 2030 good agricultural practices that mitigate loss of forest cover and SOC are increased from 6000 Km2 in 2015 to 10,000 Km2 in 2030.
• By 2030, Zambia shall seek to halt land use change of wetlands and ecologically sensitive areas and normal functions of these areas shall be achieved (no net loss).
• By 2030 integrated land-use planning adopted and practiced across the nation.
• By 2030 Land Degradation Neutrality values have been integrated in the Eight National Development plan, Programmes and other planning processes.
• By 2030, 50% of agricultural land is under sustainable agricultural practices compared to 2015.
• All land degraded in mining and quarrying areas rehabilitated by 2030 compared to 2015.
• By 2030 increase forest cover by 5% compared to 2015.
• By 2030 the production of timber wood fuel (charcoal & firewood) strengthened and regulated compared to 2015.
• By 2030 the mining industry contributes to management of surrounding indigenous forests and establishment of forest plantations for local communities’ timber needs compared to 2015.
• By 2030 Catchment Management Plans for the six (6) catchments of Zambia incorporate measures to mitigate or prevent land degradation are developed.
• Increasing national water storage by at least 10% by 2030 (i.e. from 188 km3 to 207 km3).
National voluntary LDN targets (original language)
LDN at the national scale:
• Improve land cover of forest, wetlands, shrubs, grasslands and sparsely vegetated areas by 70% by 2030 compared to 2008.
• LDN achieved by 2030 compared to 2008 and an additional 10% (3 905 700 hectares) of the country’s total land area has been improved (net gain).
LDN at sub-national scale:
• LDN is achieved in the land degradation hotspots in Mhondoro, Chivi, Shamva, Hwange, Umzingwane, Chipinge and Zvishavane districts by 2030 as compared to 2008 (no net loss).
• LDN is achieved in the land degradation hotspot in Mhondoro, Chivi, Shamva, Hwange, Umzingwane, Chipinge and Zvishavane districts by 2030 as compared to 2008 and additional 15% of degraded hotspots districts has improved (net gain).
The specific LDN targets detailed below will be achieved by year 2030:
• Reforestation with local and exotic species on 6 455 250 hectares of forest converted to shrubs and on 215 050 hectares of forest converted to cropland.
• Avoid further decline of forest through economic incentives (rehabilitation) of 2 820 hectares of land showing early signs of decline and having a declining productivity.
• Improve sustainable land management practices to avoid soil and gully erosion, encourage and enforce appropriate stoking rates on 175 250 hectares of shrubs, grasslands and sparsely vegetated areas showing early signs of decline.
• Use conservation farming and agro-forestry practices to improve cropland productivity on 361 250 hectares of cropland showing stable but stressed productivity and early signs of decline.
• Embark on land/catchment reclamation/restoration on 5 580 hectares of grazing and cropland affected by gully erosion.
• Enforce laws and regulations, embark on awareness programmes targeting illegal miners and rehabilitate 3 798.60 hectares affected by illegal mining.
• Reduce the 8 857.92 hectares of land affected by alien species through chemical and mechanical control methods.
• Maintain and improve land productivity on 137 545 hectares of forests that are currently stable but stressed.
• Provide alternatives such as rural electrification, renewable energy sources, expand energy for tobacco programme, provide sustainable fencing materials for fencing arable lands and for brick burning , enforce regulations on tree cutting for fuel wood sale and reduce deforestation to protect 297 000 hectares of forest land.
• Enforce construction of conservation works, encourage conservation agriculture and build capacity for farmers to improve 1 083 825 hectares of degraded arable lands
• Improve sustainable land management systems in order to maintain the current soil organic carbon level beyond 2045, forest at 42.3 tons/ha, shrubs, grasslands and sparsely vegetated areas at 38.6 tons/ha, cropland at 38.9 tons/ha and wetlands at 52,2 tons/ha
• Improve wetland management and restoration of 270 080 hectares of the country’s severely degraded wetlands.