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All publications & documents
Pivotal Soil Carbon

Environmental change and carbon are intrinsically linked. When contained in greenhouse gases, carbon is a part of the problem. But in its organic form in the soil, carbon represents a major part of the solution. The first metre of soil contains more than twice the amount of carbon than the amount in the atmosphere, and about three times the amount that resides in the world’s vegetation.  …

Pivotal Soil Carbon
Land Matters for Climate: Reducing the Gap and Approaching the Target

The land use sector represents almost 25% of total global emissions. these emissions can be reduced. there is also great potential for carbon sequestration through the scaling up, and scaling out, of proven and effective practices. improved land use and management, such as low-emissions agriculture, agro-forestry and ecosystem conservation and restoration could, under certain circumstances,…

Land Matters for Climate: Reducing the Gap and Approaching the Target
2015 - Evaluation of Partnerships Involving the Secretariat andor the GM (September 2015)

Monitoring and evaluation refers to evidence-based measurement of the achievement of planned results. It enables a timely recognition and correction of problems in delivering a given task, and the identification of successful practices that can be strengthened and replicated.  Monitoring and evaluation increases the likelihood of a continuous delivery of tangible results. 

2015 - Evaluation of Partnerships Involving the Secretariat andor the GM (September 2015)