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All publications & documents
LDN methodological note

The LDN methodological note has been prepared based on the document developed during the UNCCD LDN pilot project and in the context of two Programmes implemented by the UNCCD Secretariat and the GM in cooperation with multiple partners, such as the Global Support Programme and the Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Programme (LDN TSP). The note aims at providing guidance to countries…

LDN methodological note
UNCCD Youth Engagement Strategy

This Youth Engagement Strategy (YES) requested by the Parties to the UNCCD, with its comprehensive vision, guiding principles and strategic objectives, is a blueprint for action and serves as a roadmap for youth’s role as a key stakeholder in land stewardship. It articulates a future where young people are not only participants but agents of change in shaping the policies that affect their…

UNCCD Youth Engagement Strategy
Green job opportunities: Senegal

The technical briefs "Gender-sensitive income generation and green job creation opportunities in the Central and West African Sahel within the Great Green Wall area" for Senegal and Burkina Faso examine green job and income opportunities in these countries as part of the Great Green Wall initiative, focusing on the challenges and opportunities women face in accessing these green jobs. The need…

Green job opportunities: Senegal