Model National Drought Plan

Recalling Decision 36/COP. 11, the Namib declaration, which calls for increased emphasis on mitigating the impacts of droughts and the development of national drought policies to enhance long-term drought preparedness and resilience at all levels, including government stakeholders and farmers with special reference to vulnerable communities; Also recalling Decision 9/COP. 12 which highlights the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration to develop and implement national drought plans that can be implemented at local levels to build societal resilience to the impacts of drought while also enhancing land rehabilitation bringing about SLM, reducing biodiversity loss and enhancing the provision of ecosystem services; Also recalling Decision 29/COP. 13 which requests the secretariat and appropriate UNCCD institutions and bodies, including the Science-Policy Interface, within their respective mandates to: (a) Implement the drought initiative for the biennium 2018−2019 which proposes action on: (i) drought preparedness systems; (ii) regional efforts to reduce drought vulnerability and risk; and (iii) a toolbox to boost the resilience of people and ecosystems to drought; (b) Support countries to develop and implement national drought management policies, as well as the establishment and strengthening of comprehensive drought monitoring, preparedness and early warning systems; Noting that national drought plans could be part of a wider Disaster Risk Reduction strategy, Integrated Soil and Water Management policy, National climate change adaptation plans or sustainable development policy; Cognizant of the need for countries to develop and implement national drought management policies focusing on ‘proactive’ and precautionary approaches; This document is prepared as a guide for the Drought Initiative by summarizing and minor modifications of the “National Drought Management Policy Guidelines” prepared by WMO and GWP1 .
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