Sand and dust storms compendium: Information and guidance on assessing and addressing the risks

The aim of the Compendium is to provide information and guidance on how to assess and address the risks posed by sand and dust storms and plan actions to combat sand and dust storms. The Compendium brings together information and guidance from a wide range of sources. It includes approaches and methodology frameworks on data collection, assessment, monitoring and early warning, impact mitigation and preparedness, and source mapping and anthropogenic source mitigation that are required in the development and implementation of policies related to sand and dust storms at sub-national, national, regional and global levels, taking into account the principles set out in the Policy Advocacy Framework for Sand and Dust Storms, and the cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary nature of the impact that sand and dust storms can cause to societies, economies, and the environment.
Select file
- Full report ENG
- Summary for decision makers ENG
- Summary for decision makers FR
- Summary for decision makers ESP
- Summary for decision makers ARA
- Summary for decision makers CHI
- Summary for decision makers RUS
- Key messages ENG
- Key messages FR
- Key messages ESP
- Key messages ARA
- Key messages CHI
- Key messages RUS