Business4Land: Mobilizing private sector to reverse land degradation
17 April 2024
Land Degradation Neutrality

The conversion of land for agriculture to meet the demands for food, feed, fibre and bioenergy production is the leading driver of land-use change, with up to 40% of the world’s land already degraded. The global economy is projected to lose USD 23 trillion by 2050 to land degradation, desertification and drought.
Transforming our production and consumption patterns has enormous potential to reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss, as well as mitigate climate change. The economic benefits of land restoration are huge: half of the world’s GDP is dependent on nature, and every dollar invested in restoration generates up to USD 30 in benefits.
Despite its importance to economic activity, Sustainable Development Goal 15 Life on Land is one of the least financed SDGs. The private sector can play a critical role in achieving the goal to restore 1.5 billion hectares of degraded land by 2030. It can facilitate investments and technology for sustainable production as catalysts for a transition to sustainable land use and promote the expansion of value chains for sustainable consumption for healthy lands and people.
UNCCD made its mark at the Change Now Conference held from 25 to 27 March at the Grand Palais Ephémère in Paris by bringing together innovators and investors from the private sector to find solutions that have the power to reverse and halt current land degradation trends.
The Business4Land strategy, presented by UNCCD during the World Economic Forum 2024 in Davos, seeks to mobilize the power of the private sector to advance Land Degradation Neutrality by enabling transition from our current extractive and extensive land-use models towards sustainable land management.
At the Paris meeting, UNCCD launched discussions on innovative financing models, highlighting the role of private sector investments in land restoration projects and productivity enhancement business models. Highlighting the potential for carbon sequestration and natural-based solutions, the Convention showcased the economic viability of sustainable land-based projects to encourage entrepreneurs to seize untapped opportunities.
Inspired by the spirit of Gustave Eiffel who made possible what seemed impossible in his time, UNCCD invites the private sector to join the Business4Land initiative as a vehicle to leave a healthy legacy to future generations on our planet.
—UNCCD Deputy Executive Secretary Andrea Meza During the Pioneers Dinner at the Eiffel Tower
The Business4Land initiative unites private sector leaders to improve business practices, contribute to sustainable financing tools, explore leveraging mobile new technologies and best practices to support further land restoration investments. Companies are invited to join the Business4Land initiative and define voluntary actions and announce them at UNCCD COP16 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in December 2024.
- To join the Business4Land initiative, visit:
- For more information, please contact: b4l@unccd,int