
Choosing healthy land for our future: The contributions of the integrated land use planning

From water scarcity to water security: Monitoring drought resilience
This publication presents science-based evidence concerning sustainable land use systems (SLUS) and the potential of the SLUS approach to achieve land degradation neutrality (LDN) targets, reduce inequalities, achieve social justice, improve economic viability and, consequently, help achieve multiple United Nations sustainable…

For the first time, the aridity crisis has been documented with scientific clarity, revealing an existential threat affecting billions around the globe. The analysis points to human-caused climate change as the primary driver of this shift. Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation, transport, industry and land use changes warm the planet and other human activities warm the planet…

Country Parties gathered at the UNCCD COP14 requested that the UNCCD Science-Policy Interface (SPI) provide “science- based evidence on the potential contribution of integrated land use planning (ILUP) and integrated landscape management (ILM) to positive transformative change, achieving land degradation neutrality (LDN) and addressing desertification, land degradation, and drought issues” …

Drought is a complex phenomenon: its causes are varied, and it has both direct and indirect impacts on food security, human well-being and ecosystem health. Episodes of drought that occur where land has become degraded can spur human migration and even civil unrest. The need to increase water security is vitally important, something achievable by addressing the links and interactions among water…

The report provides an analytical overview of common tools and approaches that are used, or can be used, to support integrated land use planning (ILUP) and integrated landscape management (ILM) and identifies ways in which these tools and approaches can aid in achieving LDN targets.

Data & Knowledge
Knowledge-sharing systems
The Knowledge Sharing Systems interactive search tool provides an overview of relevant resources and websites reported by country Parties in biannual reports submitted to the UNCCD secretariat through the PRAIS system.