Events around the world 2022

Planning an event on 17 June? We'd love to feature it on our website! Please send us a short one-paragraph description, together with the event photo or a flyer, using this address: communications [at] (communications[at]unccd[dot]int). We look forward to hearing from you!
Algeria: During the week-long national observance state agencies raised awareness on the theme "Rising up from drought together" through several activities that included tree planting ceremonies, workshops, national broadcasts and to CSO panels.
Burkina Faso: The Ministry of Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change organized various awareness raising activities that included the presentation of the UNCCD work and a seminar on nature-based solutions.
Chad: National observance of Desertification and Drought Day 2022. The Ministry of Environment of Chad organized multiple awareness raising activities from workshops, to tree and seedling planting, to national TV broadcasts and other educational activities.
Cameroon: UNCCD CDIO marked Desertification and Drought Day 2022 in Cameroon with its project "Children and the UNCCD." The team visited a school and village to sensibilize the local population on the impacts of DLDD, while presenting the measures to prevent land erosion.
Côte d'Ivoire:
- National observance of Desertification and Drought Day 2022 was held in Bongouanou
- Mains Unies d'Afrique observed Desertification and Drought Day in four different cities in Côte d'Ivoire. In Dabakala, Bouaké, Alepé and Sikensi tress were planted in the presence of the authorities of these different localities.
Kenya: The event at Eldume Primary School in Eldume Sublocation, Ilchamus Location, Baringo South Sub-county of Baringo County on 17 June included tree planting/growing, donation of water storage tanks, and and awareness raising through print and social media, technology exhibition and a school competition focused on environmental conservation messaging.
Mali: Tree planting project in elementary schools curated by the UNCCD CDIO.
Morocco:The Kingdom of Morocco and France officially launched the “Ghabati, Hayati” program, first international cooperation program under the "Forests of Morocco 2020-2030" strategy. Moreover, the Kingdom of Morocco alsoorganized other awareness raising activities to leverage action and public engagement.
Mozambique: The Ministry of Land and Environment organized a clean and planting day, as well as a seminar to raise awareness on this year's theme "rising up from drought together."
Namibia: The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism organized an event in the Kunene Region to raise awareness on the need for global cooperation on drought and desertification.
- The Federal Ministry of Environment in Nigeria organized a public lecture, tree planting, an exhibition and the distribution of seedlings. UNCCD Land Hero Musa Ibrahim joined the activities to advocate for nature-positive solutions.
- Virtual symposium "Rising up from drought together" organized by UNIC, UNDP, FAO and WMO on 17 June 9:30 AM UTC+1 (zoom link)
Zambia: UNCCD Land Hero David Chapoloko appeared on national TV to raise awareness on the UNCCD COP15 outcomes and this year's theme of Desertification and Drought Day "Rising up from drought together."
Zimbabwe: National observance of Desertification and Drought Day organized by the Environmental Management Agency
China: The government and the China Desertification Control Society organized an online event on 16 June to commemorate the adoption of UNCCD 26 years ago, celebrate the achievements in the country and promote the potential future of contributions of China to the international process and initiatives towards the global goal of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN), and bring together experts across disciplines to promote an interface between science and policy, the Convention’s implementation and public awareness. A new LDN assessment tool for the Great Green Wall has beenbe launched during the event.
India: The Environment Ministry of Environment commemorated the day to generate large-scale awareness for understanding the key role of land in all environmental and economic concerns that world as well as India is facingnowadays. India is striving towards achieving the national commitment of Land Degradation Neutrality and restoring 26 million hectares of degraded land by 2030 through sustainable use of land resources.
Iran: A ceremony took place on 17 June in Tehran, with representatives of the West Asia's embassies, International Civilization and a group of researchers and scholars. On 18 June, the Golestan General Directorate for watershed management and natural resources hold an event at the University of Gonbad Kavous to raise awareness of desertification as a serious concern in a changing climate.
Iraq: Mission East conducted a tree-planting campaign in cooperation with school administration & youth groups in Iraq. Thanks to the NGO Coordination Committee in Iraq for organising a joint NGO event with focus on desertification and drought issues.
Pakistan: National observance of Desertification and Drought Day 2022.
Qatar: Al Dhayeen municpality distributed seedlings on the occasion of World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. The activities included drawing and coloring and the distribution of gifts to children with the aim of encouraging the public to plant trees for reforestation.
Saudi Arabia: 25 local and international experts are participating in the event organized by the National Center for Vegetation Cover development & combating Desertification, which was organized in partnership with the FAO. The NFP to the Convention produced different communication materials to raise awareness on this international day.
Syria: The Ministry of Local Administration and Environment in cooperation with the FAO Damascus Office and the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands (ACSAD) organized a workshop on 4 July 2022. About 50 participants from The Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Forestry Directorate, General Commission for the management, development and protection of Al Badia, General Organization for Remote Sensing, Directorate General of Meteorology, Environment Affairs Directorate in Damascus region, The central directorates in Ministry of Local Administration and Environment discussed strategies and the best practices for the field of drought management and combating desertification in the Syrian Arab Republic and the Arab world.
Uzbekistan: To mark Desertification and Drought Day 2022 the Republic of Uzbekistan organized several activities to raise awareness around this year's topic "Rising up from drought together" for example by holding different workshops and promoting the topic on different national communication channels.
United Arab Emirates: Emirates Environmental Group "Recycle. Reforest. Repeat" event. To commemorate this important day EEG rolled out its popular annual paper recycling project to get an idea of how recycling and conservation is connected.
Vietnam: A dialogue on solutions to combat land degradation organized by the General Department of Forestry under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) on 16 June in Hanoi. Vice General Director of the General Department Pham Van Dien said that the forum offers a venue for sharing information, promoting ideas and initiatives and proposing solutions to prevent land degradation and drought.
Colombia: Colombia commemorates Desertification and Drought Day and its National Soil Day on 17 June. An event has been organized to socialise the progress of the fundamental technical elements for the monitoring and follow-up of soil and land degradation due to desertification and drought in Colombia. The event was live-streamed here.
Cuba: Cuba hosted an award ceremony to recognize the producers making the most progress in sustainable land management, aligning food production with environmental conservation and treating soil, water, biodiversity and climate as interrelated elements, promoting the rehabilitation of degraded areas and the sustainable economic growth.
Guyana: The partnership initiative for sustainable land management released a speech underlining its commitment for the Caribbean Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) multicountry soil management initiative for integrated landscape restoration and sustainable food systems.
Mexico: Mexico organized a hybrid event to observe Desertification and Drought Day 2022, while rewarding UNCCD Land Heroe Alondra Cardiel, who has been raising awareness on the issues of DLDD through her social media platform.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines: UNCCD CDIO Head Richard Byron-Cox was invited to a national TV show to raise awareness on the issues of DLDD. A number of activities was organized the ministries of education, forestry, agriculture and sustainable development.
Venezuela: Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ecosocialismo organized an online event on 17 Junewith over 150 participants to mark the global observance. In addition, 39 activities were organized in a total of 21 federal districts of the country.
- An online webinar was organized to educate the public on the impacts of desertification, land degradation and drought. Sarah Minelli from UNCCD presented the work of the Convention, sharing the recent data on DLDD in Italy.
- A workshop was organized in Sicily to raise awareness about the problems of DLDD in the region in cooperation with NGOs working in the field of sustainable food production to limit pressure on land.
- In Sassari, the Department of Agronomic Sciences and the Desertification Research Centre at the University (Viale Italia 39A) organized a webinar as part of its summer school on the interactions between soil, plants and microorganisms in areas contaminated by potentially toxic elements.
Portugal: Portugal will hold a seminar and a fieldwork afternoon in cooperation with the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests and the Municipality of Mogadouro. The event was live streamed here.
Russian Federation: On 23 June23 the Russian Federation hosted a special event to observe Desertification and Drought Day, presenting its latest frameworks to prevent, combat and reverse DLDD in the Russian Federation towards a sustainable future for people and the planet.
- At the Open Day of the Villa Hammerschmidt UNCCD's communication team presented its work and this year's campaign for Desertification and Drought Day "No Droughtland" to the many visitors. The special droughtland campaign goodies were met with great interest.
- UNCCD CDIO office marked Desertification and Drought Day with a major lecture at the University of Cologne on 26 June.
Coordination Sud/CARI: Quel bilan de la COP15 contre la désertification et la sécheresse?
FAO: Women leadership & advocacy actions in climate change negotiations
Think Tank Génération des Vigilants et ODD TV: Perspectives COP15: implication des jeunes et des médias dans la mise en œuvre de la déclaration finale d'Abidjan
ESCWA marked the 2022 Desertification and Drought Day on 23 June, and announced the winners of the youth challenge on combating desertification and drought in the Arab region.
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