Events around the world 2023

Planning an event on 17 June? We'd love to feature it on our website! Please fill in this form or send us a short one-paragraph description, together with the event photo or a flyer, using this address: communications [at] (communications[at]unccd[dot]int). We look forward to hearing from you!
- Annex I: Africa
Algeria, 2023-06-17Journée mondiale de la lutte contre la désertification et la sécheresse - organized by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
As part of the commemoration of Desertification and Drought Day, the General Directorate of Forestry of the Algerian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development organized a series of activities on 17 and 18 June 2023. The first of these was an awareness-raising campaign on desertification and drought across Algeria's 58 Wilayas (Departments), which highlighted the gender dimension and the role played by women in the management of arid lands through an exhibition of local produce. This was followed by wo study days to better equip the members of the scientific and technical committee in the fight against desertification and the Green Dam to assess the progress of the project and to evaluate the planting of plant species in the various regions covered by the dam. Algeria is taking concrete measures to support family farming and the allocation of agricultural concessions to women, as well as promoting women-led activities, in particular in the extraction of essential oils, pottery, burnous, livestock farming, milk products and honey. The development of these value chains has created a large number of jobs, contributing to the national economy and improving the living conditions of the local populations.
More information: ReportBenin, Cotonou, 2023-06-17Formation des jeunes filles sur le thème “Femme: sa terre et ses droits - organized by YILAADans le cadre de la célébration de la Journée Mondiale de la Désertification, l’Organisation Internationale Youth Initiative for Land in Africa (YILAA) en collaboration avec UNCCD CSO PANEL AFRICA, ODD TV, APODD ET JVE BENIN, lance un appel à candidature pour la sélection des filles et femmes pour bénéficier d’une formation sur le thème : ”Femme, sa terre, ses droits”.
Cameroon, 2023-06-17Commémoration de la Journée Internationale de la lutte contre la désertification et la sécheresse - organized by JADDDans le cadre de la commémoration de la journée internationale de la
lutte contre la sécheresse et la desertification, sous le thème : " Femmes, sa terre, ses droits", l'organisation JADD en partenariat avec la commune de Figuil, Région du Nord Cameroun ont mené une causerie éducative sur le rôle de la femme dans la lutte contre la désertification et la sécheresse, ses droits ses droits d'accès au terre, avec un accent mis sur l'Agenda2030. De même, plus de 100 plants de neem ont été plantés
Sous la Coordination de Monsieur le Maire de la commune de Figuil, Mme Mawe Moumbe Nzoda Cecile, coordinatrice Générale de JADD et son staff; plus de 50 personnes dont ( les femmes agents commerciaux ; femmes leaders associatifs de la ville de Figuil et ses environs et les hommes leaders des associations qui oeuvrant dans la protection de l'environnement ont été éduquées sur le rôle de la femme dans la lutte contre ce fléau et l'importance d'accès au terre, la sensibilisation des populations sur l'impact de la désertification et la sécheresse sur la population.
En plus d'une formation sur les ODD en lien avec la désertification et la sécheresse , Plus de 100 plants de neem ont été mis en terres sur une superficie d'environ 2.000 M2 dans la forêt communale de Mairie de Figuil.
Cameroon, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 - organized by Nature Gives BackNature Gives Back social media campaign by indigenous youth activist Mache Dolores
Chad, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 observance - organized by Ministry of Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentPlanned activities include a statement by the minister, production and distribution of promotion materials; validation of the Hadjer-Lamis Provincial Action Program to Combat Desertification (PAP/LCD) and planting of seedlings; field trip to Milezi central nursery honoring female plant producers combined with a maintenance project and large-scale tree planting, a soccer match between N'Djaména's two leading women's teams and interactive radio and TV interviews and debates on the day's theme "Her Land. Her Rights."
Côte d'Ivoire, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 activities - organized by Mains Unies d'AfriqueThe NGO “Mains Unies d'Afrique” mobilized women, young people and local authorities, with the technical and logistical support of water and forestry officials, to:
• Reforesting 4,500 m² with 495 trees in the village of Songon M'brathé in the autonomous district of Abidjan
• Planting 60 trees over an area of 546 m² in the village of Montezo in the commune of Alepé in the south of Côte d'Ivoire, in partnership with the NGO TAEMAVie and ONACI (national farmers' organization of Côte d'Ivoire)
• Planting 70 trees on 637 m² in the sub-prefecture of Logoualé
• Planting around thirty trees over an area of 273 m² in the town of Bouaké, in the centre of the country
• 170 trees were planted over an area of 1,546 m² in the town of Sikensi
More information: ReportCôte d'Ivoire, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 activities - organized by Change human's Life (CHL)The NGO Change Human's Life (CHL) contributed to the fight against land degradation by offering trainings and organizing planting of 200 seedlings in the locality of M'bahikoi, a village in the department of Adzopé in the south of Côte d'Ivoire. Hermann KOUAME, President of the NGO CHL, spoke to participants about "soil degradation, gender promotion and women's rights", outlining the need to mobilize the whole community while empowering including women to amplify the impact in the fight against desertification.
More information: ReportEritrea, Asmara, 2023-06-16Desertification and Drought Day 2023 national observance - organized by Ministry of AgricultureActivities included takeholders workshop, website Article ( &, radio news in 9 national languages, TV news in English, Tigrinya, Tigre and Arabic, newspaper article in Eritrea Profile, and news in national newspapers
More information: Event website, ReportKenya, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 roundup - organized by National Environment Management Agency KenyaThe National Environment Management Agency is planning a range of activities in Kitui County on 17 June that will focus on raising awareness on the key role the importance of women's land rights and securing ownership of land in the fight against desertification. The activities will include a guided panel discussion, a village-wide dialogue, a media campaign through local radio stations, a survey on the participation of women in sustainable land management and resource conservation under different land tenure systems, a display of water-harvesting technologies, an inventory of drought-tolerant crop varieties, community donations of water-harvesting devices, drought resilient plants and farm animals.
More information: ReportKenya, 2023-06-19Her Land. Her Rights webinar - organized by Pan- African Climate Justice AllianceA thought-provoking session on he impact of desertification on our environment and biodiversity. Let's raise awareness together!
More information: Event websiteMorocco, Rabat, 2023-06-15Desertification and Drought Day 2023 - organized by UNCCD Regional liaison office for Annex IProgram organized by UNCCD Regional liaison office for Annex I will take place at Hôtel Fairmont La Marina Rabat Salé starting at 9:00 am local time
More information: PDFMorocco, 2023-06-16Hybrid roundtable - organized by UNCCD Regional Liaison Office (RLO) AfricaUNCCD Regional Liaison Office (RLO) Africa will host a hybrid roundtable on 16 June to withof key partners such as the African Union, regional commissions (IGAD, ECOWAS, SADC, ECAC), UNECA, UNWOMEN, FAO, IFAD, ICESCO, the network of women's agricultural and commercial cooperatives in Africa as well as the diplomatic community accredited in Morocco. Information stands of women's cooperatives will be featured at the event. One of the key moments highlight of the national celebration of the Desertification and Drought Day will be sSigning of an MoU with France and Canada to support women’s participation in agricultural and forestry projects.
Niger, 2023-06-17Journée mondiale de lutte contre la désertification et la sécheresse - organized by Comité Scientifique Français de la Désertification17 juin journée mondiale de la Journée mondiale de lutte contre la désertification et la sécheresse , le CSFD donne la parole à Mamane Amina Tidjani du ministère de l’Environnement nigérien. Voir également le dossier thématique sur les questions de genre en zones arides coordonné par Isabelle Droy
Nigeria, 2023-06-17Women's march and tree planting - organized by Women Environmental Program NigeriaWomen Environmental Programme, an NGO that empowers women, youth and children to address the environmental, economic and social challenges that affect them, organized together with the Ministry of Environment a march and a tree planting exercise to commemorate the Desertification and Drought Day under the theme "Her Land. Her Rights."
Nigeria, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 - organized by UNCCD Land HeroesUNCCD Land Hero Musa Ibrahim participated in the National Dialogue on Desertification and Drought
Nigeria, 2023-06-24Célébration de la Journée internationale de lutte contre la désertification - organized by L'Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l’Environnement ANSENL'Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l’Environnement ANSEN à procédé aujourd'hui 24 juin 2023 à la célébration de la Journée internationale de lutte contre la désertification qui est fêtée chaque année le 17 juin. Les plants nous ont été offert par le Directeur Régional de l’Environnement de la Communauté Urbaine de Niamey. La cérémonie s'est déroulée au sein du lycée scientifique national des jeunes filles en construction derrière le CES Zam de Niamey
- Annex II: Asia
China, Bayannuur, 2023-06-06Symposium on desertification prevention and control - organized by Ministry of ecology and environment
Symposium on strengthening the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promoting construction of crucial ecological projects, including the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program
China, Yulin, 2023-06-15Desertification and Drought Day 2023 national observance - organized by National Forestry and Grassland AdministrationNFGA together with provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, is organizing diverse promotion events under the international theme "Her Land, Her Rights" and the national theme "Combat Desertification Scientifically, With You, With Me, With Her." Campaign websites and videos will emphasize the important role of desertification prevention and control in promoting rural revitalization, maintaining national ecological security and accelerating new energy development in desertified areas.
National event with 300 participants will take place in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province in China to unveil an Initiative to Jointly Prevent and Control Sandstorm Sources, and launch the Desertification Prevention and Control Fund under China Green Carbon Foundation. The ceremony will include a screening of the documentary '30 Years of Sand Control and Sand Industry in China, followed by keynote speeches, academic panels and field trips focusing on desert carbon sequestration, sand and dust control anddesertification-combating technologies.
Fiji, Suva, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 national observance - organized by Ministry of Agriculture and WaterwaysDesertification and Drought Day event took place the village of Nawailevu in Bua Province, a former bauxite mining site, where community is now focusing on rehabilitating the land, creating a model farm on 15 acres to cultivate fruit, greens and root vegetables with the inclusion of agroforestry. In his welcome speech, Deputy Prime Minister of Fiji Manoa Kamikamica emphasized gender-responsive land restoration and women’s land privileges are the foundation of household harmony and national development goals. School children attending the event enjoyed the Fiji Backyard Gardening Competition, and the National Sustainable Land Management Awards have been presented at the event.
India, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 observance - organized by Familial ForestryFamilial Forestry, led by UNCCD Land for Life award winner Shyam Sunder Jyani in ajasthan, India, conducted a broad range of land restoration and tree planting activities to commemorate Desertification and Drought Day 2023.
India, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 observance - organized by Gram Bharati SamitiGBS organized a workshop at Gandhivan Jaipur on the theme prescribed by UNCCD, 'Her land, Her rights'.A total of 50 women and men participated in the event. The event was organized at Gandhivan, is an environment prototype developed by Gram Bharati Samiti situated in the Aravalli range in the form of a dense forest in village Todaldi Tehsil Jamwaramgarh.
More information: ReportIndia, 2023-06-17Workshop to commemorate Desertification and Drought Day - organized by Indian Council of Forestry Research and EducationThe Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Land Management (CoE-SLM), Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun organized a workshop aimed to advance gender equality and land restoration goals under the theme "Her Land. Her Rights." The Centre was inaugurated by Shri Bhupender Yadav, Hon’ble Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India on 20th May 2023. The centre aims to facilitate the restoration of degraded lands, achieving land degradation neutrality and promoting South-South cooperation.
More information: ReportIran, Islamic Republic of, Gorgan, 2023-06-176th Desertification and Drought Day seminar in Golestan - organized by Golestan Natural Resources and Watershed Management General DirectorateKazakhstan, 2023-06-17Publication on regional strategies to address desertfication - organized by The Regional Environmental Centre for Central AsiaAhead of the DDD2023, CAREC published an editorial highlighting the transboundary nature of the desertification in Central Asia, highlighting the regional strategies for drought risk management and mitigation as well for the sand and dust storm management, developed with the support of the UNCCD secretariat.
Korea, Republic of, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 observance and competitions - organized by Korea Forest ServiceTo celebrate the 2023 Desertification and Drought Day, the Korea Forest Service will organize various commemorative events in partnership with the Gyeongsangnam-do Provincial Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ROK. Business and NGOs will also join the event which will include an observance ceremony, a poster competition, and an English speech contest for future generations. All these events will highlight the importance of combating desertification and planting trees in response to the climate crisis. A number of events to support global reforestation campaign called “Plant Our Planet” will also take place.
Oman, Muscat, 2023-06-18Desert Shadows Initiative - organized by Environment AuthorityTo mark the Desertification and Drought Day, the Environment Authority, represented by the General Directorate of Environment in Dhofar Governorate, implemented an initiative entitled "Desert Shades", which aims to plant wild trees in places close to water sources in desert areas.
More information: Event websiteOman, Al Buraimi, 2023-06-18Distributing seedlings of wild trees in the old markets - organized by Environment AuthorityTo mark the Desertification and Drought Day 2023, the Environment Authority, represented by the Environment Department in Al Buraimi Governorate, distributed seedlings of wild Sidr and Ghaf trees in Al Buraimi market to encourage the community to plant wild trees in the governorate.
More information: Event websiteOman, Al Hamra, 2023-06-18An initiative entitled "Towards Green Al-Hamra" - organized by Environment AuthorityTo mark the Desertification and Drought Day 2023, the Environment Authority, represented by the Environment Department in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate, launched an initiative entitled "Towards Green Al-Hamra", with the participation of the Wali Al Hamra Office, Al Hamra Municipality, the Omani Women's Association in Al Hamra Wilayat, Al Hamra Sports and Cultural Club, Sheikh Mohsen Zahran Al Abri Library and the Al-Taawoun sport Team. The initiative included a number of activities, including planting wild seedlings, pruning some trees and a lecture on the Desertification and Drought Day.
More information: Event websiteOman, Nizwa, 2023-06-18Workshops for the members of the Omani Women's Association - organized by Environment AuthorityThe Environment Authority, represented by the Environment Department in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate, in cooperation with the Omani Women’s Association in the Wilayat of Nizwa, organized a workshop for members of the association on the national initiative to plant 10 million trees, and another workshop entitled “Make beautiful flowers in my environment” on how to use waste paper and unexploited raw materials to make flower ornaments
More information: Event websiteOman, Muscat, 2023-06-20Lectures on the role of women in combating desertification - organized by Environment AuthorityAs part of the Desertification and Drought Day activities, the Environment Authority, represented by the Environment Department in Al Buraimi Governorate, in cooperation with the Student Environmental Council at Al Buraimi University, organized several awareness lectures on the role of women in combating desertification and the importance of adopting "Women - Her Land - Her Rights" approach.
More information: Event websiteOman, Salalah, 2023-06-20Green belt cultivation campaign - organized by Environment AuthorityAs part of the Desertification and Drought Day activities, the Environment Authority, represented by the General Directorate of Environment in Dhofar Governorate, organized a campaign to plant wild trees in the green belt fences, with a target of 4,300 seedlings.
More information: Event websiteOman, Mahut, 2023-06-20Wild tree trimming campaign - organized by Environment AuthorityIn the context of celebrating the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, the Environment Agency, represented by the Environment Department in Al Wusta Governorate, organized wild tree trimming campaign with the participation of the local community in the Wilayat of Mahut to involve local residents in preserving wild plants and stimulate their growth.
More information: Event websiteOman, Suwaiq, 2023-06-20Lecture on combating desertification and Islamic teachings - organized by Environment AuthorityTo mark the Desertification and Drought Day 2023, the Environment Authority, represented by the Environment Department in North Al Batinah Governorate, in cooperation with the Women's Education and Counseling Center in the Wilayat of Suwaiq, presented a lecture on combating desertification and the faith-based approach to environmental stewardship, as well as a drawing workshop for the girls of Hillat Al-Quraiha in the Wilayat.
More information: Event websiteOman, Madha, 2023-06-21Awareness lecture on the causes of desertification and methods of its control - organized by Environment AuthorityAs part of the Desertification and Drought Day activities, the Environment Agency, represented by the Environment Department in Musandam Governorate, in cooperation with the municipality in the governorate, organized an awareness lecture in the presence of women from the governorate to introduce them to the causes of desertification and methods of control, especially environmental-based solutions.
More information: Event websiteOman, Muscat, 2023-06-22Tree seedlings distribution campaign - organized by Environment AuthorityThe Environment Authority organized a campaign to distribute seedlings to the public in one of the major commercial centers, in celebration of the Desertification and Drought Day
More information: Event websiteOman, Barka, 2023-06-25Consumer Exhibition – Barka Habta - organized by Environment AuthorityThe Omani Women’s Association of the Wilayat of Barka organized a consumer exhibition – Barka Habta (Habta is a seasonal traditional market that is held in various Wilayats of the Sultanate of Oman ahead of the muslim festivals of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha), where the Environmental Authority, represented by the Environment Department in the Governorate of South Al Batinah took part in the exhibition to celebrate the Desertification and Drought Day and to introduce national efforts to combat desertification, including the national initiative to plant ten million trees.
More information: Event websitePalau, Koror, 2023-06-17Environmental clean-up - organized by One Reef WorldwideKoror State Government, Uchul a Chei Fishers and OneReef collected over 410 lbs of debris consisting of plastics, aluminum, plywood and other materials. This waste was brought to the KSG Solid Waste Management Office to separate for recycling.
More information: Event websiteSaudi Arabia, 2023-06-17Afforestation activities to mark Desertification and Drought Day - organized by Tabuk Green AssociationTABUK is a non-governmental and non-profit organization that conducts public-facing environmental activities, programs and events in cooperation with government agencies and the United Nations Environment Program in West Asia.
Saudi Arabia, Al-Qassim, 2023-06-18Desertification and Drought Day 2023 Forum - organized by National Center for Vegetation Cover Development and Combating DesertificationAn event to commemorate the Desertification and Drought Day 2023 highlighting the Kingdom’s efforts to combat desertification and the importance of improving degraded land by engaging women and local communities.
Sri Lanka, Colombo, 2023-06-27World Desertification and Drought Day -2023 - organized by Ministry of EnvironmentAs part of the Desertification and Drought Day 2023, Natural Resources Division of the Ministry of Environment organized a programme with the collaboration of GEF funded Healthy Landscape project implementing under Ministry of Environment. Under the theme “Her Land, Her Rights”, awareness programme was conducted at National Television channel with links to the traditional food and handy craft exhibition to promote entrepreneurship among women and raise awareness on traditional food verities which will increase the food security of the family. Awareness programme of gender mainstreaming for Sustainable Land Management for policy makers, was conducted simultaneously.
Thailand, 2023-06-03Desertification and Drought Day 2023 activities - organized by Department of Land DevelopmentUnder the theme "Her Land, Her Rights: Women's Roles in Land and Environmental Management," events in several provinces emphasized equal access for women to land resources and their active involvement in land management to achieve sustainable development goals, counter desertification and drought, and restore degraded soil. An exhibition showcasing sustainable land management models, livestock breed improvement for soil and water conservation, and study visits to exemplary land management practices invited participants from various sectors, including government agencies, private sector, social organizations, community leaders, farmers, volunteer soil doctors and the general public.
Uzbekistan, 2023-06-17Aral Eco marathon - organized by Ministry of Ecology, Environment and Climate ChangeAral Eco marathon was organized by the Ministry of Ecology, Environment and Climate Change to mark the Desertification and Drought Day to attract the attention of the world community to the environmental problems of the region and to inspire everyone to take active part in addressing them.
More information: Event website, ReportViet Nam, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 activities - organized by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentPlans to celebrate Desertification and Drought Day 2023 include a digital info display at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; tree planting at a university campus in the Northeast and a discussion on "Her land, her rights" broadcast on national television.
- Annex III: Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
Antigua and Barbuda, 2023-06-16The Impact of bush fires on female farmers in Antigua and Barbuda video series - organized by Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM)
Communications team at the Ministry of Agriculture in Antigua & Barbuda will be producing a series of videos and articles highlighting some of the female fFarmers nationally, focusing on bush fires and their effects. The media pieces will be released in the local and regional media and all social platforms of the Ministry.
Argentina, 2023-06-16Día Internacional de la Lucha contra la Desertificación y la Sequía - organized by Consejo Federal de Medio Ambiente (COFEMA)Participá del encuentro sobre la sequía, la desertificación y la degradación de tierras: "Mujeres. Sus tierras. Sus Derechos"
Disertarán representantes del COFEMA, productoras campesinas y científicas.
Se presentará la Guía para la elaboración de Planes de Acciones Provinciales contra la lucha y la Desertificación.
Viernes 16 de junio - 10 h
More information: Event websiteArgentina, 2023-06-22Mitigacion del Cambio Climatico y Seguridad Alimentaria : El Rol del CARBONO en suelo - organized by IICABrazil, 2023-06-17Celebração 17 de junho pelo Governo do Brasil - organized by Departamento de Combate à Desertificação Secretaria Nacional de Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais e Desenvolvimento Rural SustentávelThe Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change through the newly created National Secretariat of Peoples and Traditional Communities, has organized a Seminar to debate the challenges of combating desertification in the Brazilian Northeast. The event will be streamed live on our YouTube account –
More information: Event website, PDFGuatemala, 2023-06-16El día mundial de lucha contra la desertificación - organized by Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos NaturalesUn evento el día 16 de junio de 2023, para conmemorar el día mundial de lucha contra la desertificación, bajo el lema de la convención “Mujeres, Sus Tierras; Sus Derechos”.
Se contará con la participación del Viceministro de Recursos Naturales y Cambio Climático, como máxima autoridad en el evento, el Director de la Dirección de Cambio Climático y El jefe del departamento de Lucha Contra la Degradación de tierras, la desertificación y la Sequía en Guatemala -DTDESEQ- como punto focal técnico ante la Convención.
Dentro de las actividades que se desarrollarán en el taller, se destaca la participación del Consejo de Mujeres Indígenas y de Biodiversidad en Guatemala, quienes darán a conocer las acciones que realizan en sus comunidades, el Programa EbA LAC, que dará a conocer el tema de: Género y Cambio Climático desde el Programa EbA LAC, así como el proyecto Proyecto Canje de deuda para la Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Guatemala, que desarrollará el tema de El Involucramiento de la mujer en las actividades relacionadas a la conservación del suelo.
Así mismo se contará con la participación de la FAO Guatemala, quien desarrollará el tema sobre Agricultura sostenible adaptada al clima y el Proyecto de Adaptación al cambio climático en el Corredor seco de Guatemala, dará a conocer sus acciones en el campo. Al finalizar el evento se elaborará un informe, el cual se les trasladará por esta vía.
Guyana, Georgetown, 2023-06-17Building a Healthy Soil Ecosystem for a Sustainable Future webinar - organized by Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM)The webinar will highlight issues of women's access to land tenure in the Caribbean to jump-start a regional discourse on women's and youth involvement in agriculture and land restoration, focusing on innovative ways of addressing land degradation within the context of Caribbean SIDS, climate change, food security, soil fertility and drought resilience. PISLM will share its experience implementing GEF-funded sustainable land management projects in in Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica and St. Lucia, in collaboration with UNEP, UNFAO and University of the West Indies, St. Augustine in Trinidad. The focus of these projects is to improve food security through implementation of large-scale innovative farming mechanisms that reduce reliance of imported foods and processed products, promoting reliable access to fresh and healthier foods.
More information: PDFMexico, Guadalajara, 2023-06-17Ministerial event to mark Desertification and Drought Day 2023 - organized by UNCCD Regional liaison office for Latin America and the CaribbeanMexico: On 17 June, RLO LAC is organizing a Desertification and Drought Day event in Guadalajara chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, with 150 in-person guests and a live stream via virtual platforms. Participants will include representatives of indigenous groups, subnational governments, academia, civil society and other prominent guests. Evento conmemorativo nacional: Día Mundial contra la Desertificación y la Sequía 2023 - “Mujer. Su Tierra. Sus derechos”
Mexico, 2023-06-17Avanza México en acciones para enfrentar efectos de la sequía en el medio rural - organized by Secretaria de Agricultura y Desarrollo RuralA través del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP) y la Comisión Nacional de Zonas Áridas (Conaza) se impulsa el desarrollo de paquetes tecnológicos que abarcan desde variedades vegetales con mayor resistencia a la sequía, hasta técnicas agrícola-pecuarias para aprovechar el agua de las precipitaciones y mantener humedad en los suelos. Asimismo, a través del Servicio Nacional de Inspección y Certificación de Semillas (SNICS) se desarrollan instrumentos de trabajo para ejecutar la Política Nacional de Semillas.
Saint Lucia, 2023-06-19Desertification and Drought Day 2023 - organized by Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, Natural Resources and Co-OperativesA social media challenge launched on the ministry website in June 2023 invites the public to identify different landscapes and soil types in their communities that have been most affected by desertification. Videos and photos will be shared on the ministry's social media platforms with the hashtag #thislandismyland and the individual who gets the most “likes” will interview farmers and landowners to highlight the negative impacts of desertification on their livelihoods. The results will be publicized during the month of June 2023. A tree planting exercise and presentation will take place at the Anse La Raye Primary School in collaboration with the ACP MEA 3 river bank restoration project on Monday June 19th, 2023.
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of, Caracas, 2023-06-16Desertification and Drought Day 2023 activities - organized by Ministerio del Poder Popular para el EcosocialismoThe main event "Women. Their lands. Their rights: Gender equality and the objectives of land restoration" will take place on June 16 from 09: am to 12:30 pm, (Venezuela time) at the Waraira Repano Hall of the Universidad Popular del Ambiente Fruto Vivas, 6th floor, MINEC headquarters, south tower of the Simón Bolívar Center, El Silencio, Caracas; with the virtual option through the link Zoom Meeting ID: 875 5027 3028 Access code: 557804
Activities across the country will include nature walks, reforestation days, inter-institutional talks in the communities, with the participation of the "Youth Brigade Against Climate Change" and the "Mission Tree"
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of, Montecano, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day activities - organized by Falconian Institute for the conservation and sustianble development of arid and coastal areas (INFALCOSTA)Environmental awareness activities throughout the month of June will include a lecture on xerophyte gardens in the fight against desertification, climate change mitigation and tecosystem restoration; a training and donation of a mill and a lab for the production of protein-rich flour from the fruits of native trees ; a training and delivery of a solar dehydrator for the preservation of fruits and vegetables for drought resilience; activities for ecological restoration of the Xerophytic Forest damaged by fire; planting native species through spreading ecological bolls containing seeds of native species, establishment of agroforestry systems and nurseries for Anative trees. Teachers and students from local schools and the whole community will take an active part in DDD activities..
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of, 2023-06-17El mes del ambiente y el dia mundial lucha contra la desertificacion - organized by INFALCOSTAEl Instituto Falconiano para la investigación, el desarrollo sustentable y conservación de las zonas áridas y costeras
- Annex IV: Northern Mediterranean
Hungary, Budapest, 2023-06-22Regional scientific conference - organized by Ministry of Agriculture
A virtual event will provide an opportunity for the participants to strengthen their capacities in combating desertification, land degradation and drought through sharing knowledge and best practices on women’s role in land-related issues and sustainable land management. The event will include a scientific panel and presentations from the country parties of the region.
More information: ReportItaly, Sassari , 2023-06-16Verso la giornata mondiale contro la desertificazione e la siccità - organized by The Department of Agricultural Sciences and the Desertification Research Centre NRD at the University of SassariAn international event for academic research and civil society representatives committed to the safeguarding of water resources and the fight against desertification and land degradation.
The first part of the event, which will take place in the Aula Magna "Barbieri" at the Department of Agricultural Sciences (Sassari) from 9:30 to 13:00, will be aimed at students, researchers, agronomists and citizens, and will concern issues related to the projects “I CARE SOIL (Citizen Science experience on soil protection), E.WA.S. (Environment and Water Solutions), VARCOR (Vermitechnology application for valorization and reuse of cocoa residues) and TERRA (Employment of eco-sustainable technologies for the re-use of organic residues in the agricultural chain).
The second part, a virtual meeting, will start at 2.00 pm in the formant of an international webinar: "Her Land. Her rights: a science-civil society dialogue on women's efforts for drought and desertification challenges”, coordinated by Mauro Centritto (IPSP-CNR Director and member of the Civil Society Organizations Panel of the UNCCD), followed by a round table, coordinated by Anna Luise (member of the Science Policy Interface of the UNCCD). Various PhD students, researchers and representatives of civil society will take part in the event.
More information: Event website, PDFItaly, 2023-06-16Publication on on the state of land rights in the drylands - organized by WeCaN Nurturing Community of Knowledge PracticeFAO WeCaN Nurturing Community of Knowledge Practice for Women in dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral systems is a platform for women’s empowerment in dryland regions. This platform is a space for women to connect, share best practices and get involved in knowledge sharing events and trainings. The aim is to boost their advocacy and gender mainstreaming skills and make their voices heard on a local, regional and global level. This Q&A with WeCaN focuses on the state of land rights inBrazil, Palestine and Zambia
Italy, Castelbuono, 2023-06-17Celebrazione della giornata della desertificazione e della siccità a Castelbuono - organized by AssoCEA Messina APS Centro di Educazione Ambientale - Città di Castelbuono - Museo Naturalistico Francesco Mina' PalumboLa prima parte dell'evento, che si svolgerà presso l'Aula Magna del Museo Naturalistico Francesco Mina' Palumbo dalle 10:00 alle 13:00, sarà rivolta a studenti, ricercatori, professionisti e cittadini mentre dopo la pausa dalle 16:00 alle 18:00 con la guida del prof. Rosario Schicchi un “Bioblitz” alla scoperta della Macchia Mediterranea nel Comune di Castelbuono.
More information: Event website, Event FlyerItaly, 2023-06-17La terra delle donne, i loro diritti - organized by Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca AmbientalePublic service announcement on the theme of DDD2023
Italy, 2023-06-19"Innovation for drought and agriculture" event - organized by FAOThe focus of the event is on enabling developing countries to build stronger agricultural sectors through knowledge generation from research and innovation. Discussions will focus on new solutions for Irrigation to optimize management of water resources; biotechnologies for the improvement of performance under water stress conditions; empowering communities through precision agriculture; ways to reduce waste and improve diets through products with a lower water footprint
More information: PDFMalta, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 national observance - organized by Environment & Resources AuthorityMalta promoted the Desertification and Drought Day 2023 through social media and the UNCCD Lead Authority website to raise awareness about the impacts of desertification and drought, promote sustainable land management practices and highlight the importance of gender equality and the role of women in land restoration and sustainable land management. Posts on the aforementioned platforms invited viewers to engage to the events of the day, get informed on the efforts to combat land degradation and protect the health of the planet.
Portugal, 2023-06-16Women in agriculture and land management to fight against desertification conference and field trip - organized by Nature Conservation, Forests and Territorial PlanningPortugal will hold a conference on “Women in agriculture and land management to fight against desertification”. The event will be hosted by the Nature Conservation, Forests and Territorial Planning, bringing together different stakeholders from the EEA grants project Mulheres Agricultoras em Territórios do Interior, women's network for nature conservation and sustainable rural development, NOVTerra Equal Rural Project, Association of Women Farmers and Rural Women of Portugal, Portuguese Association of Animal Traction, Institute of Nature Conservation and Forests. The event will include a field trip to showcase case studies.
Türkiye, 2023-06-17“Her land, her rights” national campaign - organized by General Directorate of Combating Desertification and ErosionTurkiye is planning a nationwide awareness raising social media campaign to focus attention on the female farmers and forestry villagers displaced or otherwise affected by the consequences of the earthquake on the 6 February 2023.
- Annex V: Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
Azerbaijan, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 - organized by UNCCD Annex V
A group of young eco-activists organized an environmental clean-up
Belarus, 2023-06-15Пресс-конференция, приуроченная к Всемирному дню борьбы с опустыниванием и засухой - organized by Национальный пресс-центр республики БеларусьRecording available:
Moldova; Republic of, 2023-06-22PRAIS report presentation - organized by Serviciul Hhidorometeorologic de statThe agency is developing a narrative report on the Implementation of the UNCCD in Moldova, based on the data collected for PRAIS, planning to organize an event to present this report, dedicated to Desertification and Drought Day and invite experts from various ministries, institutions, NGOs and FAO Moldova
North Macedonia, Skopje, 2023-06-17Desertification and Drought Day 2023 activities - organized by Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of R.N. MacedoniaUNEP, UNCCD and the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of R.N. Macedonia together with the National Federation of Farmers and the Center for Climate Change will organize the female farmers' expo at the City Park to feature female heroes working in sustainable agriculture and showcase their products. The event will include a panel of experts on sustainable land management and distribution of free seed and seedling samples.
More information: Event websiteNorth Macedonia, 2023-06-19Sharing experience in women-led land restoration - organized by UNCCD Regional liason offices Norther Mediterranean and Central and Eastern EuropeA joint event organized by the National Focal points for UNCCD from Norther Mediterranean and Central and Eastern Europe regions together with UNEP, will focus on sharing experiences around women’s land rights and women’s participation in land restoration and drought resilience projects.
Serbia, Belgrade, 2023-06-17Exchanging best women-led practices in sustainable land management - organized by UNCCD Regional liason office for Central and Eastern EuropeA interregional event in Belgrade will focus on exchanging best women-led practices in sustainable land management.
More information: Event websiteSlovakia, Bratislava, 2023-06-15Uskutočnené podujatia v roku 2023 - organized by NPPC – VÚPOPOdborný seminár: Svetový deň boja proti suchu a dezertifikácii UNCCD
More information: Event website - Non-annex countries
France, Paris, 2023-06-17"A desert skiing epic": film screening and debate - organized by XCSS cross country skiing sand
From 15:00 to 16:30, a screening of the film "A desert skiing epic" followed by a discussion offers an opportunity to discover together the ways to build climate resilience and preserve water resources and ecosystem services from the perspective of sustainable communities. The film features pioneers of cross-country skiing on sand who participated in a solidarity sporting epic to find solutions to resilience and climate adaptation by learning from the peoples of the desert.
More information: Event website, Event FlyerFrance, 2023-06-19Webinaire / les sécheresses en zones sèches : quels leviers d’action politiques? - organized by CARIDans le cadre de la journée mondiale de la lutte contre la désertification et la sécheresse, le Centre d’Actions et de Réalisations Internationales (CARI) à travers les activités du Groupe de Travail Désertification, a écrit une note d’actualité sur la sécheresse que nous avons diffusé au plus grand nombre le 17 juin.
Cette note intitulée « La sécheresse : de l’aléa climatique à l’urgence écologique » a pour but de présenter toutes les spécificités qui caractérisent le phénomène de sécheresse et de montrer l’évolution de sa prise en compte comme enjeu politique mondial par les Etats. Cette note nous amène également à nous questionner sur les engagements politiques pris en matière de lutte contre les sècheresses et leur traduction en actions concrètes sur les territoires les plus exposés.
Vous trouverez ici le lien internet pour accéder au document :
Aussi, le CARI a poursuivi son engagement en organisant un webinaire le 19 juin sur le thème : Les sécheresses en zones sèches : quels leviers d’action politique ?
Ce webinaire a été l’occasion de mettre en discussion la thématique de la sécheresse et de son traitement au sein des négociations internationales avec les divers acteurs du développement, les pouvoirs publics et la société civile francophones.
Vous trouverez le lien ici :
Netherlands, 2023-06-17Series of articles for Desertification and Drought Day - organized by Both EndsUnited States of America, New York, 2023-06-16Desertification and Drought Day 2023 global observance - organized by UNCCDUnited States of America: Global observance of the Desertification and Drought Day 2023 on 16 June will take place in New York City.
More information: Event websiteUnited States of America, 2023-06-17Stand for Her Land online campaign - organized by Landesa globalThe Stand for Her Land Campaign is closing the implementation gap for women’s land rights: the gulf between the strong standards in place to protect women’s rights to land, and the realization of those rights in practice, so that millions of women can realize the transformational power of rights to land.
More information: Event website