Development finance and land rights: Leveraging the VGGT to enhance food systems, climate resilience and land…
11 October 2021
he 49th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) will be held virtually from 11 to 14 October 2021. The UNCCD together with the Land Portal Foundation, FAO, GIZ, RVO and USAID are holding a side event on “Development finance and land rights: Leveraging the VGGT to enhance food systems, climate resilience, and Land Degradation Neutrality” on Monday, October 11, 2021 from 12:45 to 14:15 CEST.
Despite wide international recognition, financing and investment in land rights remain marginal in comparison to overall development investment. This side event will bring together key actors to discuss the state of art of finance and philanthropy for land and property rights as crucial mechanisms for creating sustainable food systems, enhancing climate resilience, and achieving land degradation neutrality. Participants in the event will hear about the cutting edge of philanthropy and development investment in land and property rights from world's foremost experts. Member countries and other key stakeholders will obtain key information to support decision making processes for improved operationalization of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT). The overall aim of this event is to lay the building blocks for improved development mechanisms for land and property rights, and ultimately sustainable agriculture, enhanced food security and nutrition.
Participants in the side event will be encouraged to actively engage in the discussion and submit questions to the panelists.
To participate in the side event, please register on the CFS49 website.