SLA Side-Event at UNCCD 3rd Scientific Conference
11 March 2015

During the UNCCD’s 3rd Scientific Conference, the Soil Leadership Academy (SLA) held a side-event to consult on its land degradation neutrality (LDN) policy cycle approach and its curriculum. Conference participants were invited to further develop the curriculum, by identifying possible gaps and setting priority topics. Participants’ feedback at this side-event assisted in fine-tuning the Academy’s approach, ensuring it meets the rigorous scientific standards required.
UNCCD Executive-Secretary Monique Barbut opened the event with inspiring comments about the social, economic and environmental benefits that flow from achieving LDN. A panel debate then commenced, where international experts led discussions about the major components of the policy cycle. Finally, the debate was opened up to the 80 side-event participants, who suggested solutions to potential bottlenecks when implementing sustainable land management (SLM), and made valuable suggestions to improve the SLA's curriculum and LDN policy cycle concept.