UNCCD at UNESCO climate resilience conference
19 April 2023
The side event will start with expert presentations highlighting the science behind the interaction between land degradation and climate change and the pivotal role land can play in conferring drought and flood resilience. It will provide an opportunity to share the UNCCD SPI work on the land-drought nexus and the role the drought-smart land management in enhancing water security and building resilience. It will introduce the proactive actions that can be taken by communities on land to minimize their growing exposure and vulnerability to drought and floods. The results of the SPI work on approaches to assess drought resilience at multiple scales will be showcased. The participants will also be informed of ongoing scientific assessment of the SPI on historical aridity trends and future projections and anticipated impacts.
A moderated interactive dialogue will follow the expert presentations, where experts from international institutions and policymakers from countries will exchange views. These speakers will bring practical experience from the water, land, biodiversity, and disaster risk management sectors to discuss policy needs, perceived gaps and practical implementation challenges encountered. They will also relay the opportunities for improvement in future policy development so that joint integrated solutions can be more readily pursued. The audience will be invited to share their comments and ask the panelists.
See the event flyer for more info.
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