UNCCD at World Bank Land Conference
Washington, United States
16 May 2024

Land users are more likely to make investments when they have realistic expectations that they will benefit from the returns. Integrating land tenure considerations into land degradation neutrality (LDN) and land restoration policies, projects, and programmes can contribute to better land and water management and other regenerative practices that enhance food and water security, rural livelihoods, and climate action.
The UNCCD-FAO joint initiative builds the experiences of partners at all scales during the 10 years of VGGT implementation and aims to ensure that tenure-responsive land management and restoration are actionable priorities that contribute to the global land agenda. Join us from 14:00-15:45 EST in the Preston Auditorium for an interactive session on integrating land tenure into sustainable land management, where we will present the results of national multi-stakeholder consultations to restore degraded land, boost climate resilience and improve local livelihoods.
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