Stepping back from the precipice: Transforming land management to stay within planetary boundaries

This special report on land comes at a time when the scientific evidence is unambiguous: the way we manage our land will directly determine the future of life on Earth. The planetary boundaries framework, highlighted in this report, is a critical scientific tool to understand the complex interdependencies between land, climate, biodiversity and water, among other Earth system components, offering policymakers a focused lens through which to view the potential risks and rewards of different land-use decisions. Science is uniquely positioned to provide the evidence for understanding land degradation, its linkages to other environmental challenges and opportunities for action. By providing reliable data and insights, science can guide policymakers and other actors to make informed decisions, prioritise investments in key areas and design more targeted interventions. This special report on land for the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification was produced by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and funded by the G20 Global Land Initiative.
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