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This Ad Hoc Working Group (AHWG) was set up to review and analyze the reports submitted to the third and fourth sessions of the Conference of the Parties. In reviewing reports submitted by different regional and subregional entities, AHWG highlights challenges, best practices and successes.

The conclusions and concrete recommendations on further steps to take to implement the Convention can be read in decision 3/COP.5 and cover the following topics:

  • Strategies and policy frameworks
  • Institutional aspects including the implementation review process
  • Participatory process and outreach at the local level
  • Consultative mechanism for partnership arrangements
  • Measures taken within the NAP framework
  • Subregional and regional cooperation
  • Financing of the Convention
  • Issues related to the CST, including benchmarks and indicators

The work of the AHWG helped Parties to decide that a standing subsidiary body of the Convention was needed, resulting in establishing the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC).