Call for CSO panel nominations

Dear representatives of the UNCCD accredited civil society organizations (CSOs),Through decision 5/COP16, Parties requested the UNCCD Executive Secretary “to facilitate the renewal of the membership of the Civil Society Organization Panel until the next Conference of the Parties starting immediately after sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties, in accordance with previous decisions.”Following that request, the secretariat would like to share with you the call for nominations (see the right-hand menu) and the information related to the elections. Organizations willing to nominate representatives to serve as panel members will need to submit the documents stated in section 1 paragraph d) of the attached document. The deadline for the submission of the candidates is 18 February 2025. After that, and once the candidates have been reviewed and accepted the election process will be open from 21 February to 7 March 2025. Please share this information among your networks and come up with the best member to represent you for the next two years. Only organizations accredited to the Conference of the Parties to the UNCCD can nominate candidates

Call for CSO panel nominations
Notification on the high-level segment of COP16: Ministerial dialogues

The secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) presents its compliments to the Parties of the UNCCD and has the honour to refer to it last communication of 16 July 2024 related to the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16), the twenty-second session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC22) and the sixteenth session of the Committee on Science and Technology (CST16) to the UNCCD which will take place in Riyadh, at Al Imam Saud Ibn Faysal Rd, Hittin, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 2 to 13 December 2024. In that respect the secretariat of UNCCD would like to inform that following a communication from the host country, the High-level segment of the COP will be held at the ministerial level. Following consultations with the COP15 Bureau, the Ministerial segment will be held during the first week of COP from 2 to 3 December 2024. Accordingly a revised draft agenda and schedule of work is being made available: secretariat would be grateful to receive the official nomination of your Government via and remind all participants that online registration is mandatory for each individual via secretariat would also like to draw your attention that participants are responsible for getting their own visas, hotel reservations and any type of health or other insurance they may need. Visa applications can be sent at the host country website or contact them via e-mail for any visa enquiries. Hotel reservations can be booked through the host country website or contact them via e-mail

Notification on the high-level segment of COP16: Ministerial dialogues
UNCCD COP16 visa and accommodations

To UNCCD focal points and representatives of the UN and observer organizations:Please be informed that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made available a dedicated platform to grant free visa entries to duly registered COP16 participants. Participants must apply using the following link only after receiving the official letter generated by the COP16 online registration system confirming their participation in COP16.Participants will need to fill in the required information and will receive their respective visas via the email they used for the application. The COP16 visa will be valid for 3 months and will include a single entry only.For any further enquiries about visa arrangements to attend COP16 please contact visa(at)unccdcop16.orgOther arrangements for entering the country: No visa is required for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizens.GCC residents, citizens of 66 countries and US, UK, Schengen visa holders can apply online or get a tourist visa on arrival. Information on eligibility and requirements is available at Visit Saudi official website.Requirements for a tourist visa (e-visa/on arrival):Valid for one yearStay up to 90 days per visitMultiple entry in the countryAccommodationThe host country has further made available a dedicated platform for COP16 participants to book their respective accommodations. For any additional information related to accommodation please contact cop16.accommodation(at) 

UNCCD COP16 visa and accommodations
UNCCD COP16 note verbale

The secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) presents its compliments to the Embassy and has the honour to inform that the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16), the twenty-second session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention (CRIC22) and the sixteenth session of the Committee on Science and Technology (CST16) to the UNCCD will take place in Riyadh, at Al Imam Saud Ibn Faysal Rd, Hittin,  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 2 to 13 December 2024. The secretariat of UNCCD has the honour to invite the Government of your country to participate in COP16 under the overarching theme “Our land, our future”.Regional consultations of affected country Parties of the Convention’s regional implementation annexes for Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Northern Mediterranean and Central and Eastern European country Parties in preparation to COP16 will be convened  in two periods, one set of meetings will happen in the regions during September and October, and the second set of meetings will happen in Riyadh prior to the session from 30 November to 1 December 2024, at the same venue. For the regional consultation meetings, specific invitations and information will be sent to the different regions. A high-level segment[1] including a Leaders Summit will be organized at the beginning of the session on 2 and 3 December. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is working closely with the secretariat and numerous partners to deliver an ambitious Riyadh Action Agenda that will include thematic days to raise awareness and scale up transformative solutions. During the thematic days several side events and official high-level events will happen under different formats including High Level Interactive Dialogues, Ministerial Round Tables and Special Events. Specific information about the thematic days and the events will be uploaded at high-level interactive dialogues focusing on the following topics: (a) agri-food systems, (b) land governance and (c) science-innovation and technology will be organized from 5 to 9 December 2024. Ministerial dialogues on drought resilience and finance will be organized from 10 to 11 December 2024.During the initial segment, from 2 to 6 December, in addition to the CST16 and CRIC22 sessions, the Committee of the Whole (COW) would initiate its work. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the civil society input in the deliberations of the COP, two half-days of open dialogue sessions have been planned on 5 and 9 December in the morning.During the concluding segment, the COP will consider all decisions not previously adopted. It will decide inter alia on the date and venue of the twenty-third session of the CRIC taking into account decision 13/COP.13 on the terms of reference of the CRIC, its operations and its schedule of meetings, and any further decision on the matter taken during the current session.The secretariat and the incoming presidency recognize the importance of whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches, and welcomes the inclusion of representatives of youth, women, and civil society organizations, indigenous peoples and local communities, private sector, academia, local governments, among others, as part of your delegation.All Embassies of Parties and NFP to UNCCDIn order to assist delegations in preparing for the conference, a provisional agenda and relevant documents for the session are being made available on the UNCCD website[2] including the “Information for participants” (ICCD/COP(16)/INF.1) document.It is requested that representatives of Parties to the Convention be provided with full powers to participate in the session, including the possibility to serve as officers of COP16 and its subsidiary bodies, and of any sessional committees, working groups or subsidiary bodies, established by the Conference.The secretariat of the UNCCD would like to remind that, in accordance with Rule 19 of the rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties, the credentials of delegations shall be issued either by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or, in the case of a regional economic integration organization, by the competent authority of that organization. Parties are kindly requested to observe this requirement.It is brought to the attention of States that are not Parties at the time of COP16 that, in accordance with article 22, paragraph 7 of the Convention and rule 7 of the rules of procedure of the Conference of the Parties, anybody or agency, whether national or international, governmental or non-governmental, which is qualified in matters covered by the Convention and which has informed the Permanent Secretariat of its wish to be represented at a session of the Conference of the Parties as an observer may be so admitted unless at least one third of the Parties present at the session object.Please also note that COP16 will be a paperless session. Accordingly, official pre-session documents for COP16/CRIC22/CST16 sessions will be made available on the UNCCD website and the UNCCD Conference app. Official documents prepared in session will also be posted on the website and the Conference app. Limited quantities may be printed on demand only.The secretariat would be grateful if the Government of your country would kindly nominate the representative(s) who will attend COP16. Online registration will be available from 15 July 2024 on this link: All participants are required to upload an official nomination letter confirming their capacity to attend the COP16 session. For more information on the online registration, please refer to the document “Information for participants” (ICCD/COP(16)/INF.1). The secretariat would like to draw your attention that participants are responsible for getting their own visas, hotel reservations and any type of health or other insurance they may need. While the secretariat will assist with the issuance of Note Verbale, participants requiring visas must therefore obtain these from the Embassies or Consulates of Saudi-Arabia in their country before their departure to Riyadh.The secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Embassy, the assurances of its highest consideration.[1] Information about the high-level segment will be included in document ICCD/COP(16)/INF.2 and made available on the UNCCD website[2] Please check the following link: 

UNCCD COP16 note verbale
Budget consultations ahead of UNCCD COP16

The international community has recognized the importance of addressing land degradation and building resilience to drought as the basic conditions for food and water security and for achieving the objectives on climate change and biodiversity. This acknowledgement has translated into a growing demand on the UNCCD secretariat and the Global Mechanism for information, policy guidance, convening of partners and measures to facilitate implementation and resource mobilization, along with an evolving intergovernmental negotiations agenda in the meetings of the COP and its subsidiary bodies. However, the growth in the workload has not been reflected in core resources provided to the secretariat and the Global Mechanism to support Parties in their efforts to implement the UNCCD.  During its meeting on 13 November 2023, the Bureau of COP 15 considered, among other matters, the status of the UNCCD core budget. As background, the UNCCD secretariat provided information showing that although the Convention process has significantly evolved during the last decade, the budget has remained at the same level. The secretariat also presented how during the 2022-2024 budget triennium, high inflation has further decreased the real value of the budget.   The COP Bureau recognized the severity of the budget issues and noted that the situation should be thoroughly considered in the decision on the next biennium budget, to be made at UNCCD COP16 in December 2024 in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Bureau proposed that the secretariat organize an informal meeting for information-sharing and discussion toward the next UNCCD COP. Two such informal online consultation meetings took place on 13 March and 22 May 2024, both of which were chaired by Ms. Marine Collignon of France. In these meetings, the UNCCD secretariat presented detailed information about the status of the current UNCCD budget and potential elements for the next budget 2025-2026, and Parties were invited to comment and ask questions. The meetings were open to all Parties, and the documents that were provided for them are available through the link on right.  Guided by the feedback that was received during the informal online consultation meetings, the secretariat is now preparing the official budget documentation to be submitted for the consideration of COP16.  In line with the document deadlines for the COP, this documentation is scheduled to be available as an advance copy in early September. After that, the budget matters may be discussed, if Parties so wish, in the regional meetings preparatory to the COP.  Further informal online consultations may also be organized, if needed.  For comments and questions concerning the UNCCD budget process, please contact Mr. Somarajan Pillai and Ms. Satu Ravola   

Budget consultations ahead of UNCCD COP16
Gender Caucus at CRIC21

UNCCD has an unwavering commitment to advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment, based on decisions taken by our Parties. This commitment is expressed in our Gender Action Plan, in implementation since 2014. At our COP15 held in Abidjan in 2022, a Gender Road Map to accelerate implementation of our Gender Action Plan was also approved, to ensure that we pick up the pace towards transformative change. We have established a Gender Caucus comprised of country champions, selected UN agencies and CSO partners, to provide expert guidance on how to focus our strategies on gender issues in drought, land degradation and desertification. The Gender Caucus is convened at each CRIC and UNCCD COP. Established at COP14, the Gender Caucus has proven to be an effective platform to advance gender related conversations within the Convention. A strong Gender Caucus can contribute more meaningfully to the work of the Parties and help to effectively accelerate implementation of the Gender Action Plan. In its official statement from its 19th session, the Committee for the Review of Implementation of the Convention (CRIC 19/5) noted that “the Gender Caucus proved to be an excellent tool to increase gender-aware action among delegates and should be continued.” The principal objective of the multi-stakeholder Gender Caucus is to provide support to strengthen the gender responsiveness of the policy and programme agenda and initiatives of the UNCCD as outlined in the approved Gender Action Plan. Support the acceleration of the implementation of the UNCCD Gender Action Plan (GAP) at the international and country level for all Annexes. Assist in identification of bottlenecks to GAP implementation at the international, country and local level Serve as a platform for exchange of gender expertise, information, training and tools among UNCCD stakeholders interested in gender issues and the UNCCD Secretariat During CRIC21 – to be held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, in November 2023 – two sessions of the Gender Caucus will be held. All Parties are cordially invited and encouraged to attend these sessions: Gender Caucus session 1: 14 November, 13:00 to 15:00, location TBD Opening words by UNCCD Executive Secretary or Deputy Executive Secretary Overview of Gender Action Plan and Gender Road Map Review and discussion of CRIC Recommendations to optimize gender phrasing Gender Caucus session 2: 16 November, 13:00 to 15:00 hours Panel led by FAO: “How can we utilize local knowledge and women's empowerment to create more drought-resilient dryland forests and silvopastoral ecosystems?” Final review and discussion of CRIC recommendations

Gender Caucus at CRIC21
18 countries selected for support to strengthen LDN Targets and integrated land use planning frameworks

Following the “Call for Requests for Support to Assist Countries in Strengthening Land Degradation Neutrality Targets and Integrated Land Use Planning Frameworks” launched on May 12th, the UNCCD would like to thank all the countries that responded to the call. After a thorough evaluation of all applications against the established selection criteria, and taking also into consideration a balanced representation of countries at (sub)regional levels, the following 18 countries were selected for participation in the second phase of the Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Programme (LDN TSP 2.0) and the related GEF Enabling Activity project “Integrating Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) into land use planning frameworks to strengthen national UNCCD enabling environments”: Argentina, Benin, Central African Republic, Georgia, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Republic of Moldova, South Africa, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia and Türkiye. Detailed information on the selection process is included in document ICCD/CRIC(21)8 to be presented at the upcoming 21st Session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention. The Secretariat and the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD look forward to working closely with the 18 selected countries as they advance in transforming their land-based agendas and lead the way for the UNCCD community in this regard.  

18 countries selected for support to strengthen LDN Targets and integrated land use planning frameworks
Survey on mid-term evaluation, SPI and the Gender Action Plan

FRANÇAIS | ESPAÑOL | РУССКИЙ The UNCCD is currently undertaking three parallel assessments: An independent assessment of the UNCCD 2018-2030 Strategic Framework A review of the UNCCD Science Policy Interface  An evaluation of the UNCCD Gender Action Plan  The assessments will review progress made, identify successes, challenges and key lessons that have arisen, then develop recommendations to improve performance.  We've approached you due to your involvement with the UNCCD or related processes. We would like to hear your views on the Strategic Framework, Science Policy Interface and Gender Action Plan, and would be grateful if you could complete the following survey, which should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. Your responses will be confidential and will not be used in a manner that would allow identification of individuals. The survey will be open until Sunday 4th June 2023: Thank you for your participation! FRANÇAIS La Convention des Nations unies sur la lutte contre la désertification (CNULD) entreprend actuellement trois évaluations parallèles : Une évaluation indépendante du cadre stratégique 2018-2030 de la CCD Examen de l'interface de la politique scientifique de la CCD  Évaluation du plan d'action de la CCD en faveur de l'égalité des sexes  Les évaluations examineront les progrès réalisés, identifieront les succès, les défis et les principaux enseignements qui ont été tirés, puis élaboreront des recommandations pour améliorer les performances.  Nous avons pris contact avec vous en raison de votre participation à la CNULD ou à des processus connexes. Nous aimerions connaître votre avis sur le cadre stratégique, l'interface de la politique scientifique et le plan d'action pour l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes, et vous serions reconnaissants de bien vouloir répondre à l'enquête suivante, qui ne devrait pas prendre plus de 30 minutes. Vos réponses seront confidentielles et ne seront pas utilisées de manière à permettre l'identification des personnes. L'enquête sera ouverte jusqu'au dimanche 4th juin 2023: Merci d'avance pour votre participation ! ESPAÑOL La CNULD está realizando actualmente tres evaluaciones paralelas: Una evaluación independiente del Marco Estratégico de la CNULD 2018-2030 Una revisión de la interfaz de política científica de la CNULD  Evaluación del Plan de Acción de Género de la CNULD  Las evaluaciones examinarán los progresos realizados, identificarán los éxitos, los retos y las lecciones clave que hayan surgido y, a continuación, elaborarán recomendaciones para mejorar los resultados.  Nos hemos puesto en contacto con usted debido a su implicación en la CNULD o en procesos relacionados. Nos gustaría conocer su opinión sobre el Marco Estratégico, la Interfaz de Política Científica y el Plan de Acción de Género, y le agradeceríamos que rellenara la siguiente encuesta, que no le llevará más de 30 minutos. Sus respuestas serán confidenciales y no se utilizarán de manera que permita la identificación de personas. La encuesta estará abierta hasta el domingo 4 de junio de 2023: Muchas gracias por su participación! РУССКИЙ В настоящее время КБОООН проводит три параллельные оценки: Независимая оценка Стратегических рамок КБОООН на 2018-2030 гг. Обзор интерфейса научной политики КБОООН  Оценка Плана действий КБОООН по гендерным вопросам  В ходе оценок будет проведен обзор достигнутого прогресса, определены успехи, проблемы и основные уроки, которые возникли, а затем разработаны рекомендации по улучшению работы.  Мы обратились к вам в связи с вашим участием в КБО ООН или связанных с ней процессах. Мы хотели бы узнать ваше мнение о Стратегической структуре, взаимодействии научной политики и Плане действий по гендерным вопросам и будем благодарны, если вы сможете заполнить следующий опросник, который займет не более 30 минут. Ваши ответы будут конфиденциальными и не будут использоваться таким образом, чтобы можно было идентифицировать личность. Опрос будет открыт до воскресенья 4 июня 2023 года: Благодарим за участие!

Survey on mid-term evaluation, SPI and the Gender Action Plan
Desertification and Drought Day, 17 June 2023

Dear UNCCD Focal Points and Stakeholders, Women hold a vital stake in the health of the land, yet often don't have control over it. Across the world, women face significant barriers in securing land rights, limiting their ability to thrive and prosper. And when land becomes degraded and water is scarce, women are often the worst affected. The global focus of the 2023 Desertification and Drought Day is on women’s land rights— essential for achieving the interconnected global goals on gender equality and land degradation neutrality by 2030 as well as advancing other Sustainable Development Goals. Under the slogan “Her Land, Her Rights”, this year’s Desertification and Drought Day will send a strong message that investing in women’s equal access to land and related assets is a direct investment in their own future and the future of humanity. This year’s global observance of Desertification and Drought Day will be held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, with events taking place in all parts of the world. I count on your strong support to reach out to people and communities about the key role of gender equality in the sustainable future of land. You will find the announcement and background note in all UN languages on the 2023 Desertification and Drought Day webpage. I also invite you to support the campaign “Women, Girls and Land” that seeks to promote successful examples of women’s contributions to sustainable land management and mobilize action for stronger female leadership in combatting desertification, land degradation and drought. Visit to learn more. Please send your plans for the observance event to, so that we can feature your activities on the UNCCD website. Further information will be shared in due course. Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Xenya Scanlon, Chief of Communications, External Relations and Partnerships. On this year’s Desertification and Drought Day, let us unite our efforts to recognize and empower women and girls to be at the forefront of global land restoration and drought resilience efforts.

Desertification and Drought Day, 17 June 2023