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All publications & documents
Nature-based solutions for drought resilience

A new report from TNC shows the potential for nature to help us adapt to a changing climate. This technical brief highlights the critical role of nature in building drought resilience. The world is facing the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, with drastic impacts on communities and ecosystems that are expected to accelerate in the coming decades. Nature-based Solutions (NbS)…

Nature-based solutions for drought resilience
UNCCD Data Dashboard

A site where core topics under our mission and mandate can be explored through the information submitted by country Parties in their national reports during the 2022 reporting process. Access the UNCCD Data Dashboard here.

UNCCD Data Dashboard
Global drought snapshot 2023: The need for immediate action

The numbers presented in the new publication on drought speak volumes about the urgency of addressing this pressing issue. To combat the negative effects of drought, global drought resilience is not a matter of choice but a necessity. By prioritizing proactive measures, holistic landscape restoration, sustainable water management, regenerative agricultural practices and disaster preparedness,…

Global drought snapshot 2023: The need for immediate action
Land and the road to decarbonization and resilience

Land can play a substantial role in simultaneously overcoming the challenges of mitigating and adapting to climate change. Nature conservation, sustainable land management, and ecosystem restoration, under inclusive land governance, integrated land use planning and landscape management, offer immediate, cost-effective, and potentially large-scale mitigation and adaptation benefits. With…

Land and the road to decarbonization and resilience
Regional factsheet on Central Asia

In Central Asia, governments and international organizations have undertaken significant efforts since the 1990s to inventory, develop, and promote sustainable land management (SLM) practices, which encompass both traditional methods specific to the region and innovative approaches aimed at mitigating and addressing emerging risks and issues stemming from climate change and land degradation.

Regional factsheet on Central Asia