2nd intersessional meeting of the CST16 Bureau: Remarks by Ibrahim Thiaw
13 September 2022
Sustainable land management & restoration

Dear colleagues,
Alarmed again by the worldwide extreme heat-wave, drought and water scarcity, the world is at a critical moment.
We are at the critical important moment to move forward from the COP commitments and decisions to actions. Among them is the decision to further scientific guidance.
But the major task of this Committee on Science and Technology (CST) Bureau meeting is the renewal of Science-Policy Interface (SPI).
217 applications received – symbolizes the raising awareness of the importance of Land and drought issues and the interlinkage between land, and climate change and food, water and energy of our daily life.
This is a fundamental step to ensure highly competitive and qualified, full geographically represented and gender balanced expertise to join in the UNCCD’s science policy interface and to dedicate to Land and Drought agenda.
So I have three key messages related to that:
First, Keep addressing key bottlenecks that require focused science if we are to help countries address DLDD, achieve LDN, and enhance drought resistance
Second, Consider innovation, because innovation starts with current science
I see some young scientists around the table - I hope the promising young generation could also play a role to bring more innovative views in the process of science policy interfacing.
Last but not least - Do all you can to achieve gender parity in the SPI membership. It will not be easy, but is absolutely necessary.
To enable synchronization with and joint efforts of all relevant processes, we need to improve cooperation with relevant scientific bodies and panels including major reports of IPCC, IPBES, ITPS, IDMP and UNEP-IRP.
I am glad to know, there are also quite some female scientists. This a good basis for you to achieve gender parity in the SPI membership, which will not be easy, but is absolutely necessary.
I am glad that the CST bureau will also discuss on the CST’s intersessional workplan, including improvement of the Role of CST and SPI in translating science into policy and communication messages to general public.
We all know without involvement of public, there will be no transition to sustainable development.
I am looking forward you discussion and guidance on how we can maximize participation of the Science Technology Correspondents (STCs) into the work of CST and CRIC.
The STCs are working on science on ground, who are understanding more on the social economic and ecological realities, scientific demand, and challenges in the communities. Their voice need be heard, their contributions are of valuable for transition on ground.
I wish you a successful meeting.
This report serves as a roadmap for policymakers, drawing 2pathways to where the objectives of land restoration, social protection, financial inclusion and disaster risk…