The UN Secretary-General remarks for One Planet Summit 2021
11 January 2021
Sustainable land management & restoration
Dear friends,
2021 must be the year to reconcile humanity with nature.
Until now, we have been destroying our planet.
We have been abusing it as if we had a spare one.
Our current resource use requires almost two planets but we only have one.
If we compare Earth’s history to a calendar year, we have used one third of its natural resources in the last 0.2 seconds.
We have been poisoning air, land and water – and filling oceans with plastics.
Now, nature is striking back.
Temperatures are reaching record highs.
Biodiversity is collapsing.
Deserts are spreading.
Fires, floods and hurricanes are more frequent and extreme.
And we are extremely fragile.
Meanwhile, COVID-19 has taken more than 1.8 million lives and devastated economies.
For the first time in this century, poverty is increasing.
Inequalities are deepening.
As we rebuild, we cannot revert to the old normal.
Pandemic recovery is our chance to change course.
With smart policies and the right investments, we can chart a path that brings health to all, revives economies and builds resilience and rescues biodiversity.
Innovations in energy and transport can steer a sustainable recovery and an economic and social transformation.
Nature-based solutions – such as Africa’s Great Green Wall – are especially promising.
Preserving the world’s biodiversity also yields jobs: according to the World Economic Forum, emerging business opportunities across nature could create 191 million jobs by 2030.
But the world has not met any of the global biodiversity targets set for 2020, and biodiversity is facing a financing gap of $711 billion per year until 2030.
Sustainable financing is essential if we are to transition away from polluting sectors.
Our meeting in Kunming, the COP in China, this year is a vital step in establishing a post-2020 global framework for biodiversity and stopping the extinction crisis.
Dear friends,
A new momentum is emerging.
Many large emitters have committed to achieving zero net emissions by 2050.
The main goal of the United Nations in 2021 is to build a truly global coalition for carbon neutrality.
Every country, city and business must adopt an ambitious roadmap to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
The time has come to:
Put a price on carbon.
Stop building new coal plants.
End fossil fuel subsidies.
Shift the fiscal burden from taxpayers to polluters.
Align public and private financial flows with the Paris Agreement commitments and the Sustainable Development Goals.
And integrate the goal of carbon neutrality into all economic and fiscal decisions.
We must also help the most vulnerable, who are already suffering from the effects of climate change.
Today, adaptation efforts account for only 20 per cent of climate finance.
Only 14 per cent of climate finance is dedicated to the least developed countries.
This is far from enough, especially to protect small island States, which face an existential threat.
Everyone must do much more.
COP26 cannot be another missed opportunity.
For three years, the One Planet Summit has been bringing together private, public and civil society actors around concrete initiatives at the country level.
The High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, which will be formally launched today, is a perfect example.
Dear friends,
We begin a new year under the sign of hope.
Together, let us seize the opportunity to build a safer, fairer and more sustainable world.
Thank you.
Chers amis,
Un nouvel élan est en train de naître.
De nombreux grands émetteurs se sont engagés à atteindre des émissions nettes nulles d'ici 2050.
L'objectif principal des Nations Unies en 2021 est de construire une véritable coalition mondiale pour la neutralité carbone.
Chaque pays, ville et entreprise doit adopter une feuille de route ambitieuse pour atteindre zéro émission nette d'ici 2050.
Le temps est venu de :
Mettre un prix sur le carbone.
D’arrêter de construire de nouvelles centrales à charbon.
De mettre fin aux subventions pour les énergies fossiles.
De transférer la charge fiscale des contribuables aux pollueurs.
D’aligner les flux financiers publics et privés avec les engagements de l'Accord de Paris et les Objectifs de développement durable.
Et d’intégrer l'objectif de neutralité carbone dans toutes les décisions économiques et fiscales.
Nous devons également aider les plus vulnérables, celles et ceux qui souffrent déjà des effets du changement climatique.
Aujourd'hui, les efforts d'adaptation ne représentent que 20% du financement climat.
Seulement 14% de la finance climat est dédiée aux Pays les Moins Avancés.
C’est très insuffisant, notamment pour protéger les petits États insulaires dont l’existence même est menacée.
Chacun doit en faire beaucoup plus.
La COP26 ne peut pas être un autre rendez-vous manqué.
Depuis 3 ans, le One Planet Summit permet de rassembler les acteurs privés, publics et de la société civile autour d’initiatives concrètes au niveau des pays.
La Coalition de la Haute Ambition pour la Nature et les Peuples, qui sera lancée formellement aujourd’hui, en est le parfait exemple.
Chers amis,
Nous entamons une nouvelle année sous le signe de l’espoir.
Ensemble, saisissons l’occasion pour construire un monde plus sûr, plus équitable et plus durable.
Je vous remercie.
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