UNCCD focal points and stakeholders are invited to support WDCD2019
11 February 2019
Dear UNCCD Focal Points and stakeholders,
I am pleased that my first message as the UNCCD Executive Secretary to you is about a very festive occasion.
17 June 2019 will mark the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The day has been celebrated as the World Day to Combat Desertification since 1995, a year after the Convention was adopted in Paris on 17 June 1994. We would like to use this event as an opportunity to renew our collective commitment to restore the productivity of over 2 billion hectares of degraded land and improve the livelihoods of more than 1.3 billion people around the world.
Under the slogan « Let's grow the future together,” we will celebrate the 25 years of progress made by countries and people in sustainable land management. At the same time, we will take a look at the broad picture of the next 25 years where land degradation neutrality would hopefully be achieved as per SDG target 15.3. How do we envision the world where land degradation neutrality provides a solid basis for poverty reduction, food and water security and climate change mitigation and adaptation?
The concept note, logo and other materials are available on our website. The World Day to Combat Desertification page will be constantly updated.
I invite you to send us your plans to celebrate the Day to the following email address: WDCD2019 [at] unccd.int (WDCD2019[at]unccd[dot]int). In particular, I encourage all UNCCD National Focal Points to report on the observance events planned in their country.
The global observance of Day and the 25th anniversary of the Convention will be hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, in Ankara, Türkiye. The event will be held in conjunction with the 19th International Soil Congress.
The 2019 Land for Life Award will be open for nominations soon to give global recognition to individuals, groups and countries that have made a significant and lasting contribution for achieving SDGs through sustainable land management over the past 25 years or longer.
For further inquiries, please contact Ms. Yukie Hori (yhori [at] unccd.int (yhori[at]unccd[dot]int), +49 228 815 2829), Communication team leader/Spokesperson – External Relations, Policy and Advocacy Unit.
We look forward to celebrating the WDCD with you and reaching more people than ever before!
Ibrahim Thiaw
Executive Secretary
Coming soon