2018WDCD campaign unites thousands across the globe to fight desertification
12 July 2018
Bonn, Germany – The 2018WDCD campaign "Land has true value. Invest in it" ran from 1-30 June, 2018 to raise awareness of the impact that our everyday choices can have on land resources and the role that wise investments in land, such as bio-economy, can play in shaping our future.
The campaign's total social media outreach included 5 620 995 people with active engagement of 581 541 through likes, re-tweets, re-posst, posts, hashtags of #2018WDCD and #ContraLaDesertification.
The campaign also included more than 80 live events around the world.
Learn more:
- World Day to Combat Desertification
- 2018WDCD global observance in Ecuador
- 2018WDCD thank you video
- 2018WDCD photo album
- 2018 media report

The report is envisioned as a supplement to the guidelines of the NAP process. It offers a step-by-step approach to integrating the principles and objectives of the LDN framework…