Agadir Commitment to restore 8 million hectares of forest ecosystems
31 March 2017
Mediterranean countries commit to restore at least 8 million hectares of degraded forest ecosystems by 2030. An important target for achieving Land Degradation Neutrality
Through a series of thematic discussions on all aspects of forest and landscape restoration, including governance and intersectoral coordination, monitoring and evaluation, restoration techniques and good practices, the Silva Mediterranea partner countries confirmed their willingness to achieve a common restoration objective, hence the Agadir Commitment to restore at least 8 million hectares of degraded forest ecosystems by 2030.
Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) has been part of the key issues discussed in the framework of the 5th Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW 5), gathering representatives from more than 20 countries in the Mediterranean region. Under the theme, “Towards an enhanced regional cooperation to restore Mediterranean landscapes: improving resilience for the benefit of people and environment”, the main objective of the event was to discuss the launch of a Regional Mediterranean Restoration Initiative.
In a speech delivered in the high level panel of the MFW 5 closing ceremony, Pradeep Monga, Deputy UNCCD Executive Secretary, confirmed support of the UNCCD to this regional initiative and highlighted how the UNCCD efforts will also accelerate achievement of the Mediterranean ambition to achieve the SDG 15 to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”. Chaired by the facilitator of the Global Partnership for Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR), Peter Besseau, the high level panel highlighted the importance of the Mediterranean pledge in the framework of the Bonn Challenge.
The Global Mechanism of the UNCCD (GM) played a key role as an international partner involved in the organizing committee of the event. In an introductory presentation Ludwig Liagre, Programme Officer of the GM, stressed the important role of LDN to achieve forest and landscape restoration, stating, “The LDN Target Setting process in particular can deliver sound data to better quantify the restoration targets and define realistic pledges”. Further, he highlighted the role of the GM in supporting partner countries in developing LDN Transformative Projects which will deliver contributions in terms of climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation, food, water, energy and green jobs, among potential co-benefits.
The GM organized a session on sustainable financing for forest and landscape restoration and land degradation neutrality, which addressed the diversity of existing financing solutions and discussed relevant innovations. Boris Spassky, Investment manager at the Fund Management Company Mirova, explained the importance of mobilizing private investments for FLR at scale. He presented the LDN Fund project as an innovative solution for public private partnerships. A European Investment Bank (EIB) representative, James Ranaivoson, also emphasized the importance to support LDN finance.
More information:
- The Agadir Commitment
- Mediterranean Forest Week 5 (external website)
- Silva Mediterranea (external website)
(Photos: Forest Communicator Network MED NE)