Call for documented good practices that contribute to addressing adverse DLDD-related migration drivers
17 October 2018
UNCCD Parties decided at COP13 that the secretariat should commission a study on “The role that measures taken to implement the Convention can play to address desertification, land degradation and drought as one of the drivers that cause migration.” The study will be presented at the UNCCD COP14 in 2019.
The introductory part of the study, which has already been commissioned by the secretariat, will set the scene and explore how land degradation and drought are influencing migration patterns. The substantive, narrative portion of the study, led by the secretariat in collaboration with partners, will include a literature review and collect best practices that have contributed to addressing the adverse drivers of migration related to desertification/land degradation and drought (DLDD).
The UNCCD secretariat invites contributions from Parties, UN Agencies and other international organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs) and researchers on documented good practice that contribute to addressing the adverse drivers of migration related to DLDD.
Contributions most relevant to the study would be those focusing on sustainable land management and land restoration and rehabilitation and should be: evidence-informed, a positive case, geographically traceable, factual and concise (less than 2,000 words in length). You can contribute a case study online by 18 November 2018 using this link.
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