Call for gender case studies and good practices
3 November 2021
Land tenure
Enhancing knowledge on the differentiated impacts of land degradation, desertification and drought on women and men
With a view to strengthening gender-related knowledge, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) secretariat is currently conducting a "Study on the differentiated impacts of land degradation, desertification, and drought on women and men."
The study aims to address the socio-economic dimensions of land degradation and desertification with a gender lens and document existing practices. In line with objective 4 of the UNCCD Gender Action Plan, this study will also contribute to developing a baseline on gender-related issues in land degradation and desertification. It builds on the efforts of the UNCCD Parties to produce gender-related knowledge and sex-disaggregated data on matters relevant to the Convention.
The Secretariat seeks to collect cases studies and promising practices from Convention Parties, international organizations, civil society organizations (national and international), indigenous peoples’ organizations, academia, and other relevant actors on 5 different topics:
- Information and data on differentiated gender roles in the communities fighting land degradation, desertification, and drought.
- How women and men experience changes in environmental conditions, in particular land degradation, desertification, and drought.
- How land degradation affects women’s empowerment (including participation, economic empowerment, health, mobility, access to and use of resources, access to social services).
- How land degradation exacerbates the socio-economic vulnerability of specific groups of women.
- How gender is mainstreamed in national policies related to desertification and land degradation.
- Transformative actions taken by governments at the national level to ensure that women and men benefit equally from policies and programs addressing land degradation, desertification, and drought.
Case studies submitted in English, French, or Spanish will be reviewed and collated, and the Secretariat may follow up to gather further information on individual projects or case studies.
Case studies should be sent by 1 December 2021 to the following address: gender [at] (gender[at]unccd[dot]int) .You can also contact us at this address in case you have any questions.
Download the questionnaire: PDF | WORD
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