Call for submissions: Images of women-led solutions to desertification
28 March 2022
Ahead of UNCCD COP15, the UNCCD Secretariat seeks to collect original and exceptional photos to showcase promising practices which demonstrate women’s leadership and innovation in adapting to land degradation, desertification and drought.
Efforts to combat and address land degradation, desertification, and droughts require a more thorough understanding of human rights and gender equality considerations. Numerous studies and experiences worldwide have confirmed that gender inequalities must be addressed as part of biodiversity conservation, land restoration, adaptation and mitigation to climate change, and efforts to transition to an inclusive and regenerative green economy, especially after the pandemic. Land degradation and desertification action can thus reinforce or exacerbate inequalities—or intentionally aim to overcome and transform them, for the resilience of all people.
The UNCCD emphasizes that both men and women must be active participants at all levels in programs to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought. Resolving gender inequalities is not only a matter of “righting a wrong” but also a significant opportunity to make use of women’s often under-recognized abilities, knowledge, talents, and leadership.
Photos highlighting good practices that demonstrated role of women as agents of change for sustainable land management may be made by civil society organizations (national and international), indigenous peoples’ organizations, women organizations, foundations, UN entities and other relevant actors.A supporting narrative must also be submitted, explaining the promising practice featured in the photo, and outlining the impact of the initiative/project in terms of promoting women’s empowerment and/or gender equality in the context of land degradation, desertification, and drought.
Deadline for applications is 18 April. You can find the application form on the right, under "Documents."
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Gender equality and women’s empowerment is recognized as a cross-cutting priority across all aspects of the work of the UNCCD. The Convention secretariat and the Global Mechanism …