Caux Dialogue on Land and Security: creating landscapes of peace
27 July 2018
Caux, Switzerland – This year, the main focus of Caux Dialogue on Land and Security (CDLS) has been on using land restoration for conflict resolution, with the UNCCD Deputy Executive Secretary Mr. Pradeep Monga moderating round table discussions on migration and financing for ecosystem restoration projects.
Mr Monga reminded the participants that the land agenda lies at the core of the world's food, poverty, migration, water, climate, biodiversity and security crises, creating an urgent need for investing in land restoration as a key instrument for conflict resolution and peace building. As part of debates on results-based mechanisms that encourage large-scale private sector investments for land rehabilitation initiatives, Mr. Monga briefed the Forum's attendees on the innovative features of the LDN Fund. The participants also addressed the potential of cutting-edge and emerging technologies to unlock private financing, facilitate impact investments and enable participation of land users in land restoration projects.
The empowerment of women and education of youth were also identified as essential to the success of land restoration initiatives on the ground. Jobs, livelihoods and value chains for income generation in the context of sustainable landscape management were also highlighted in playing a major role in mitigating the environmentally induced triggers of migration.
The participants agreed that there is a need to seek further evidence that will help understand the linkage and mutual impact of land degradation, conflict and migration, including in-depth research on human and societal benefits from the land restoration projects.
CDLS is a part of the annual Caux Forum that brings together around 1,500 participants from civil society, government and business to meet in a true diversity of ages, genders, cultures, sectors and beliefs. The Forum encourages individuals, groups and organizations to reflect on their roles, explore their resources and assess their responsibilities as change-makers who can build a just, sustainable and peaceful world.
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The report is envisioned as a supplement to the guidelines of the NAP process. It offers a step-by-step approach to integrating the principles and objectives of the LDN framework…