GEEF2019: fostering confidence for security and peace on land
15 February 2019
Seoul, Republic of Korea – Deforestation, land degradation and increased natural disasters top the list of serious environmental issues that affect people’s livelihoods and the economic development of the North-East Asian region in general, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in particular.
Sustainable land management and achieving land degradation deutrality (LDN) as pathways to build long-term peace and cross-border understanding were explored by the panelists at the session on “Desertification in Northeast Asia and North Korea” which was held on 15 February during the Global Engagement and Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development (GEEF2019).
The panelists stressed the need of agroforestry approach and watershed management suitable for targeted ecosystems. Various practical measures to restore land and possible recommendations were shared.
The session was organized by the Future Forest and the World Agroforestry Centre in cooperation with the UNCCD and Korea Forest Service.
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