International essay competition invites schoolchildren to share ideas on SDG15 Life on Land
10 October 2018
The Trust for Sustainable Living invites schoolchildren around the world to share their ideas on how they can help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal 15 “Conserve and sustainably manage life on land.”
The essay competition is open to primary and secondary students, and to participate, a school must first register a Teacher Champion.
The Grand Prize is a free trip for the author of the essay plus a Teacher Champion and a parent to the TSL International Schools Debates and Awards in British Columbia, Canada on 8-12 July, 2019. Read more on how to participate...
- Youth for land
- Land degradation-neutral world
- Desertification: the silent crisis
- Action against desertification
- Global Land Outlook
- Desertification – a visual disaster
- A stronger UNCCD for a land degradation neutral world
Publications for secondary students and teachers:
- Education kit on combating desertification
- Teaching resource kit for dryland countries
- The land in numbers
- The land degradation neutrality: Resilience at local, national and regional levels
- A better world: life on land
- Desertification: a visual synthesis
- Primer on citizen advocacy and education
- Building a more sustainable world through education
Publications for primary students:

The report is envisioned as a supplement to the guidelines of the NAP process. It offers a step-by-step approach to integrating the principles and objectives of the LDN framework…