New open online course on gender and environment
23 October 2018
The new course that aims to provide better understanding of linkages between gender and environment is the result of a joint initiative led by the Global Environment Facility ( the GEF) and its Small Grants Programme (SGP) in collaboration with the GEF Gender Partnership and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Other international organizations that have made valuable contributions to the development of the course include the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), UN Women, United Nations Development Programme, UN Environment, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the UNCCD, as well as the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.
The new course offers the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively mainstream gender into sustainable development initiatives. It offers facts, figures and information on key linkages between gender and the environment, and educates the users on the global international frameworks related to gender and environment.
Depending on their specific interests and needs, the users can choose between any of the following six modules:
- Introduction
- Climate change
- International waters
- Biodiversity
- Land degradation
- Chemicals and waste
By taking the course, the users will be able to expand knowledge in the following areas:
- Links between gender equality and environmental sustainability
- Global environmental frameworks that include gender
- Gender-responsive policies and projects that support environmental outcomes
- Ways to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the areas covered by the learning modules
The e-course is free, self-paced and is open to the general public. Upon completion, the course participants will receive a certificate.
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