Next webinar on land-based jobs for youth postponed
4 May 2021
UNCCD secretariat regrets to inform that we are postponing the third webinar on land-based jobs for youth originally scheduled for Thursday 6 May 2021. Asia is hard hit by the current wave of COVID-19 infections, he region this webinar aims to support. But keeping the focus on everyone’s health condition and situation is our priority.
We apologize for any inconvenience. We will email you as soon as possible to confirm the date of the next webinar. Tentatively we are planning for either 16 July 2021 or 12 August 2021. Please take note of those dates. We will stay in touch and let you know when the next podcasts is accessible.
In case you have questions that you would like to submit to the panel before the webinar, you can send it to us on a video of not more than 1 minute, on horizontal format and to be sent to press [at] (press[at]unccd[dot]int) latest Tuesday, 15 June 2021.
If you participated in the other two webinars, we would like to ask for testimonials from you if you found the webinars beneficial. For example, you can do so by sending us a text of about 400 words on:
- Which region/country you are from
- Which webinar (s) you participated in
- What do you find to be most beneficial
- What the webinars mean for people like you
- If you would allow us to share this testimonial with your name and age.
We remain available for any inquiries you may have on the webinars and we continue to vie for job creation for the youth.
Sincerely yours,
UNCCD secretariat

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