Portrait of the week: Vanessa Nakate
1 July 2021
Climate change
Vanessa Nakate is a UNCCD Land Hero from Uganda and a climate justice activist who founded the Youth for Future Africa, the Africa-based Rise Up Movement and One Million Activists Stories.
Vanessa started the Green Schools Project, a renewable energy initiative, which aims to transition schools in Uganda to solar energy and install eco-friendly stoves to reduce the amount of firewood used by schools, ensure clean cooking for the students and protect the chefs from the emissions as they prepare food. This project provides a learning experience for students, their parents and teachers by illustrating the importance of protecting our planet and the transition to renewable energy.
Vanessa graduated with a business administration in marketing degree from Makerere University Business School and recently received the prestigious Elisabeth Haub Award for Environmental Law and Diplomacy in recognition of her citizen diplomacy in bringing the voice of her generation to global environmental campaigns and for her inspiring climate activism in Uganda and beyond.
Find Vanessa on:
Twitter: @vanessa_vash
Instagram: @vanessanakate1 / @amillionactiviststories/
Facebook: @Vanessa-Nakate-106155294113113
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