Ricky Kej: music to inspire social change and sustainable living
6 March 2020
Bonn, Germany – It has been an action-packed day in the city for UNCCD Land Ambassador Ricky Kej, a world-famous Grammy Award winner, US Billboard Number One artist and environmental activist. On March 6, he visited Europe's sustainability hub to involve young and adult audiences in discussions about sustainable living and environmental responsibility.
While at Christophorusschule to show a new wildlife documentary "Wild Karnataka," Ricky discussed with an audience of 11-14 year olds how to protect nature by becoming a conscious consumer. The artist himself chooses not to own a car, using public transportation instead, adheres to a vegetarian diet and supports products that are manufactured by environmentally responsible businesses that source their materials without harming environment.
The documentary, for which Ricky composed the music score, was filmed in his native state of Karnataka in India and features a stunning variety of animal species. The movie, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, has achieved box-office success, competing with Bollywood blockbusters. "Wild Karnataka" is an engaging celebration of wildlife, giving the audience a strong impulse to protect habitats, ecosystems and all life on land.
Back at UNCCD headquarters, Ricky Kej joined the Executive Secretary Ibrahim Thiaw for a Facebook Live. The artist explained his strong dedication to music as a powerful catalyst that moves people from understanding their environmental responsibilities to making everyday decisions that mean taking less from nature. Mr. Thiaw emphasized that everything we need in our daily lives comes from the land one way or another, so all decisions we make as consumers affect nature's capital. We have at our disposal the science, technology and intelligence necessary to make conscious choices in the best interest of the planet.
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