Sixth Kubuqi International Desert Forum: green economy, new technologies and innovative finance come together…
31 July 2017
The Sixth Kubuqi International Desert Forum (KIDF) took place at the Kubuqi International Conference Center, Inner Mongolia, China, from 28 to 30 July 2017. The KIDF has been recognized by UNCCD as a platform for exchange and promotion of ideas on global desertification control and green economic development. Over 250 participants from some 35 countries have attended the Forum, including the former heads of state and government, scientists, senior government officials and international organizations.
Under the theme “Greening the Belt and Road, Sharing Desert Eco-Economy,” this year's Forum discussed the development of the Belt and Road Desert region through green economy, green industrial innovations and innovative financial mechanisms that contribute to poverty alleviation and achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
The outcome of the Forum, the “Kubuqi Consensus,” recommends that the Kubuqi model of land restoration be promoted for wider application beyond the Belt and Road regions to other parts of the world where desertification is a serious threat. The Consensus will be shared at the Sustainable Land Management Business Forum that will take place at the COP13 in Ordos, China.
The UNCCD 2017 Land for Life Award ceremony also took place during the Forum, celebrating three Award winners.
The Forum was co-hosted by the Municipal Government of Ordos and the Elion Foundation, and jointly organized by China's Ministry of Science and Technology, the State Forestry Administration and the Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in collaboration with the UN Environment and the UNCCD secretariat.
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