UN statement on youth and COVID-19
23 April 2020
UN Inter Agency Network on Youth Development (UN IANYD) has issued a statement that calls for a stronger partnership with young people who have a tremendous potential to take action and fight the COVID-19 crisis. The statement calls attention to the specific impact that the pandemic has on young people, noting that the response to the global crisis must take into consideration young people's specific needs.
Young people are already part of the solution, proactively combating the spread of the virus and working to address the pandemic’s impacts. For example, they are spreading the word about combating misinformation and stigma related to the crisis, and about measures to stop the spread of the virus. Young people are also connecting communities at a time of separation through innovative ideas and social media platforms to raise community spirit.
Young health professionals and students are risking their lives on the front lines of the pandemic. Young farmers and rural entrepreneurs are innovating and using various technologies and communication tools to develop local solutions. These work is critical to maintain supply chains and build alternate, more resilient and inclusive economies, which are vital to ensure access to an adequate food supply for the population.
For the world to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic in a sustainable and equitable way, young people need support to reach their full potential and thrive. In the fight against the virus and during the post-pandemic recovery, youth development should remain a top priority. UN IANYD remains committed to the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the World Programme of Action for Youth and the UN Youth Strategy. Respect for all human rights – including economic, social, cultural, civil and political – is fundamental to the success of public response and recovery from the pandemic.
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