UNCCD demonstrates the importance of LDN for climate change adaptation at UNFCCC SBSTA48
4 May 2018
3 May, 2018 – Bonn, Germany – The UNCCD has actively participated in the forty-eighth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference to demonstrate the importance of land degradation neutrality (LDN) as a groundbreaking actionable concept for mitigating and adapting to climate change.
During the tenth meeting of the Research Dialogue, UNCCD has successfully shown the relevance of land-based solutions to global environmental challenges by presenting an innovative poster on LDN – a framework for maintaining ecosystems and human well-being under a changing climate – to numerous interested SBSTA participants.
Following the interactive poster session, the UNCCD further participated in effectively co-shaping the dialogue between science and policy representatives on supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The UNCCD experts contributed to the discussion centred around science for understanding and science for action and impact. One of the key issues addressed by the participants of this fruitful climate change-focused dialogue was the required shift towards sustainable consumption and production patterns. The UNCCD played a key role in emphasizing the importance of an enabling governance environment at the global level for shaping sustainable land-based solutions to the challenges posed by the climate change.