Who is who

The UNCCD is made of up a diverse range of stakeholders, all with different roles and mandates.
Secretariat team
The overall aim of the secretariat is to service the Conference of the Parties (COP) and its subsidiary bodies in a manner that enables informed decision-making and successful action in advancing the implementation of the UNCCD. The Secretariat team increases political momentum to achieve the UNCCD’s goals by linking scientific findings with political decision-making.
National focal points
The national focal point is the official contact for UNCCD issues, and works to implement UNCCD goals at national level. Each Party to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification names a representative to serve as its national focal point (NFP) for the Convention. A list of national focal points is prepared and distributed during each session of the Conference of the Parties. You can search the NFPs per country.
Science and technology correspondents
The Science and Technology Correspondents (STCs) assist National Focal Points (NPFs) in scientific matters related to the implementation of the Convention. This work includes enhancing relationships and networks with the scientific community and technologists at the local, national, regional and global level.You can search the STCs per country.
Members of the Science and Policy Interface (SPI)
The Science-Policy Interface (SPI) works to translate science into policy-relevant recommendations. SPI members and observers contribute to the SPI’s work programme through the provision of timely, clear and well-defined thematic guidance developed thanks to scientific assessments.
Land Ambassadors
The UNCCD works with a number of Land Ambassadors, who use their profile and reach to promote the mandate and mission of the convention across the world. Our current land ambassadors include former Presidents, actors, singers and TV celebrities.
Bureau members
The Conference of the Parties (COP) and its subsidiary bodies (CST and CRIC) meet once every two years. The COP, CST and CRIC each have a Bureau, and the chairs of the CRIC and CST are also members of the COP Bureau. These Bureaux remain in function during the period in between the meetings.