About the Drought Toolbox

Requested in The COP 13 as part of the Drought Initiative, the toolbox is being designed to provide drought stakeholders with easy access to tools, case studies and other resources to support the design of National Drought Policy Plan with the aim to boost the resilience of people and ecosystems to drought.
The drought toolbox collates a large number of tools organized in 3 pillars.
Pillar 1: Drought Monitoring and Early Warning.
Pillar 2: Drought Vulnerability and Risk Assessment.
Pillar 3: Drought Risk Mitigation Measures.
The Drought Toolbox is currently being developed as part of the Drought Initiative through the close partnership among UNCCD, WMO, FAO, GWP, the Joint Research Centre of the European Union, the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) of the University of Nebraska, and UNEP-DHI.
Frequently asked questions
- How do I know which tool I need?
- The drought toolbox provides tools and solutions organised in three key pillars: monitoring and early warning systems, vulnerability and risk assessment, and risk mitigation. It is recommended to read the Drought Resilience, Adaptation and Management Policy (DRAMP) Framework to find a strategic approach to the search for tools.
- How can I use the tools of this drought toolbox?
On each of the three key pillars of the drought toolbox, you will find a page that will explain how to use each of the tools developed in totally by UNCCD or in partnership with other institutions and organizations. Get more information on how to use the tools for pillar one monitoring and early warning systems, pillar two vulnerability and risk assessment, and pillar three risk mitigation.
- What do we mean by a tool?
A range of methods, resources, technical instruments, and guidance documents are labeled as ‘tools’ or ‘solutions’ in this drought toolbox. Many of them are very useful to guide the management and the connection between the environment, water resources, society, and drought.
- Where can I find more information about drought?
Nowadays there are many sources of information on drought. We invite you to look for more information on each of the pillars on the "read more" page for pillar one, pillar two and pillar three. We also invite you to visit our Reducing impact and building resilience page, where you will also find extensive information on the topic.
Contact us, report an issue or add a tool
Have you developed a tool and you would like to add it to the Drought Toolbox? Get in touch and send us the required information to add a tool to this drought toolbox.
Do you have a question, or did you encounter an issue in the drought toolbox? Contact us and ask a question, or report an issue about the toolbox.