Our work & impact

The UNCCD is the global voice for land. We promote practices that avoid, reduce and reverse land degradation and are the driving force behind Sustainable Development Goal 15 and Land Degradation Neutrality.
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Sustainable land management & restoration
"Restoring Life to the Land – The Role of Sustainable Land Management in Ecosystem Restoration" illustrates how Sustainable Land Management (SLM) experience feeds directly into ecosystem restoration efforts, as well as ecosystem maintenance.

Further reading
Changwon Initiative
More than 100 countries participate in the Changwon Initiative. The initiative supports national voluntary target setting processes to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). It has also contributed to the preparation of action-oriented projects and programmes to…
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Land for Life Programme
Desertification and land degradation affect around three billion people worldwide. Science tells us that land restoration is a cost-effective way to combat climate change and biodiversity loss. At the same time, reclaiming land helps us transition toward a green…
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