Land Degradation Neutrality for biodiversity conservation: How healthy land safeguards nature

The report “Land Degradation Neutrality for Biodiversity Conservation: How Healthy Land Safeguards Nature” highlights how LDN can address the priorities of both the CBD and the UNCCD in an effective and complementary manner. According to the report, LDN and the CBD’s 2011-2020 Strategic Plan for Biodiversity have multiple mutual objectives aimed at promoting the sustainable use of natural resources, ecosystems and biodiversity and can therefore strongly reinforce each other. Both also include a commitment to socio-economic goals, including contributing to health, livelihoods and well-being and ensuring that the benefits from the sustainable use of land and biodiversity accrue to all, especially women, indigenous communities and the poor and vulnerable.
The report provides concrete examples of how LDN can support the achievement of each of the Strategic Goals of the CBD’s Strategic Plan and suggests how synergies can be further exploited by countries in their efforts to achieve both LDN, through their voluntary national LDN targets, and their National Biodiversity Strategies And Action Plans (NBSAPs), by promoting actions to address the drivers of land degradation and biodiversity loss, protect ecosystems and support climate action.
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