Independent experts nominated by country party

Ahmet Senyaz

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Job function
to the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs
Telephone number
0090 312 207 5922
Work experience
I have been working as advisor to the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs for two years. I have been consulted on National Action Program for Combating Desertification. I also contribute to the Ministry on the determination of communication and education strategies on combating desertification. _x000D_
When I was working as a Head of R&D Department of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry from 2003 to 2010, I was responsible for coordinating research activities on environmental sciences and forestry._x000D_
I was responsible for coordinating Level II Activities of ICP Forest (the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests) in Turkey._x000D_
I was responsible for coordinating LULUCF group activities of the preparation of National Emission Reports of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry under the UNCCC reporting activities from 2006 to 2009._x000D_
I participated in the case study conducted by Turkish researchers and French consultants in Mersin, South Turkey on participation of local people in sustainable development in 2006. _x000D_
I also worked as division director for Foreign Relations and EU Department of the Ministry of Forestry in Ankara. I participated in several foreign financed projects from 1998 to 2003. _x000D_
I worked as a division director for Planning and Organization department of the Ministry of Forestry from 1996 to 1998._x000D_
I coordinated FAO- Project on “Assist in Preparation of National Forestry Programme in Turkey” _x000D_
from 2003 to 2004._x000D_
National Consultant of FAO-TCP/TUR 6713 (A) Project named “Preparation of Forest Fire Prevention Strategies in Turkey in 2000._x000D_
I participated in FAO Project “Forestry and Food Security” in 1996._x000D_
I worked as sub-district director of Forest, at District Directorate of Forest in Tokat. I conducted participatory forest management projects in 27 villages together with forest villagers from 1992 to 1994._x000D_
Thematic areas: Integrated Natural Resources Management, Desertification, Rural Development, Science Policy Analysis, Land Use Change
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
- PhD (Fire Economics). Istanbul University 1992-2000_x000D_
- MSc (Forest Economics). Istanbul University. 1990-1992_x000D_
- Master Degree from Institute of Business Administration, Istanbul University. 1989-1990_x000D_
- BSc (Faculty of Forestry). Istanbul University. 1985-1989_x000D_
- Short Term Training Course on Rural Development. Reading University. UK. 1995-1996
Publication titles
1.Economic Analysis of Protection Systems Against Forest Fire. PhD Thesis. Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University, 2000._x000D_
2.New Approaches to Valuation of Forest Goods and Services in Turkey. Seminar on Valuation of Forest Goods and Services. Opocno, Check Republic._x000D_
3. Options for including land use in a climate agreement post-2012: improving the Kyoto Protocol approach. Environmental Science and Policy. Volume 10. Issue 4. June 2007 _x000D_
4.A Need for Policy Change: Development of new forest fire prevention strategies in Turkey Forum Européen feux de forêt • 31 janvier au 2 février 2002. _x000D_
5. A Case Study on people’s participation in village development, conducted in Mersin, Turkey in contribution of FAO and Plan Blue under the Project on Contribution of Forestry in Sustainable Development.
Other activities
Member, The Chamber of Forest Engineers._x000D_
2. Member, Turkish Association for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. _x000D_
3. Member, The International Association for Mediterranean Forests. _x000D_
4. Member, International Association of Wildland Fire.
Organisation name
Ankara University
Organisation street address
Organisation city
Organisation country