Independent experts nominated by country party

Alptekin Karagöz

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
Agricultural Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Thematic Areas
Geographical Focus
Job function
Head of Department, Deputy Director
Aksaray University, Vocational School for Technical Sciences
Telephone number
90/382 2882494
Work experience
Graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture in 1980. The same year started to work at the Grassland and Animal Husbandry Research Institute until the Institute was merged into Central Research Institute for Field Crops in 1987. Completed Ph D in 1986 on forage agronomy. Coordinated the FAO supported Project “Establishment of a gene bank for medium term conservation of crop germplasm” during 1987-1989 then appointed as the curator of genebank. Team leader for a part of the GEF supported “In situ conservation of plant genetic diversity” Project which was being conducted in two seperate parts of Turkey (1993-1998). Took part in EC supported “Ecosystem conservation for threatened plant species” Project (2000-2002). Wrote Pasture and Forage Country Report for FAO in 2000.Transferred to Aksaray University, Biology Department in 2008 and then to Vocational School for Technical Sciences in 2011. _x000D_
Thematic areas: Biodiversity, Conservation, Pasture Management, Plant Cover Change
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
BSc: Agriculture, Ankara University, 1980; _x000D_
PhD: Forage and Pasture Crops, Ankara University,1986
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. Karagöz, A., Ç. Arcak and I. H. Güçdemir. 2009. Relationship Between in situ Conserved Wild Wheat Species, Associated Plants and Soil Characteristics. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi. 15 (2) 134-141. _x000D_
2. Karagöz, A. and N. Zencirci. 2005. Variation in Wheat (Triticum spp.) Landraces from Different Altitudes of Three Regions of Turkey. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 52:6 (775-785). _x000D_
3. Karagöz, A. 1996, In situ conservation of plant genetic resources in Ceylanpinar State Farm. in Zencirci, N., Z. Kaya, Y. Anikster and W. T. Adams (Eds.). The proceedings of the International Symposium on In situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Diversity. P 87-92. CRIFC, Ankara, Turkey. ISBN 975-407-026-1._x000D_
4. Guiliani, A., A. Karagöz and N. Zencirci. 2009. Emmer (Triticum dicoccon) Production and Market Potential in Marginal Mountainous Areas of Turkey. Mountain Research and Development (MRD). 29 (3) 220-229. (
5. Altinözlü, H., A. Karagöz, T. Polat and I. Ünver. 2012. Nickel hyperaccumulation by natural plants in Turkish serpentine soils. Turk. J. Bot., 36: 269-280.
Other activities
1. Attended several International conferences of UN Convention on Biological Diversity, FAO International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and several scientific meetings related with crop production, plant genetic conservation and biodiversity issues _x000D_
2. Consulted the “National Capacity Self Assessment Project of Turkey Under Rio Conventions” of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and wrote the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) part of the final report in 2010. _x000D_
3. Consulted “The Strategy and Action Plan for TRB1 Area’s Plant Production Sector” for Firat Development Agency in 2011-2012. _x000D_
4. Head of team for EC funded “Ecosystem Conservation for Threatened Plant Species Project” during 2000-2002._x000D_
5. Member, Scientific Advisory Committee of Turkish Erosion Control and Afforestation Association
1. The Incentive Award of the Chamber of Agricultural Engineers _x000D_
2. Awarded twice by the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Association
Organisation name
Ankara University
Organisation city
Organisation country