Independent experts nominated by country party

Emma Gabunshchina

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Other Disciplines
Environmental Management
Animal Science
UN languages spoken


Job function
Ministry of Environmental and Natural Resources Protection
Gabunshchina Emma <>
Telephone number
847 22 61045/51252
Work experience
The Head of the Russian delegationat 5 session of IGC of the UN. Author of an International Project to organize in the Republic of Russia, European Arid Centre, approved at the 8th session of IGC of the UN and the official document of the 9 session of the IGC of the UN under number A/AC.241-60 Elaboration of the methods in teh sphere of the combat against desertfication in Kalmykia (Black soil - the first antropogenic desert in Europe)
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
Candidate of Biology, senior lecturer, Ecology, Moscow state University
Publication titles
Gabunshchina E.B. Search for the ways to prevent the soils degradation of the Republic of Kalmykia. Address at the Russian Conference to prevent the soils degradation in Elista, Kalmykia: Etnopolitical panorama. Essays. Documents. Materials. VII (Ed. by E.B. Guchinova, G.A. Komarova). p. 108-115; _x000D_
2. Gabunshchina E. B. On interantional coperation in the sphere of ecology// Arid ecosystems. RSA. v.2-3,, N 2-3, M: 1996. P. 184-189;_x000D_
Gabunshchina E. B Desert reaches Europe// Our Planet. The United Nations Environment Programme. Magazine for Environmentally Sustainable Devellopment. V. & N. 5. 1997. p. 14-15._x000D_
Gabunschina E. B. Programme on combat against desertification of the Russian Federation on an example of the Republic of Kalmykia// Problems of deserts utilisation. N.2. Ashgaha: 1996. P. 33-36;_x000D_
5. Gabunschchina E. B. Ecological crimes in Kalmykia// East-West Seminar Hesbjerg, October 1995. Hesbjerg reace research college, 1996. p 22.
Other activities
Active member of the russian Ecologic Academy, academician
Organisation name
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Organisation street address
Government House, 358000
Organisation city
Kalmyk, Elista
Organisation country
Russian Federation