Independent experts nominated by country party

Ersin Yilmaz

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
and Sociology
Political Science
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Eastern Mediterranean Forestry Research Institute, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs
Telephone number
90 324 6487336
Work experience
I completed 22 research projects on integrated water resources management, integrated natural resources management, land use planning, traditional knowledge, rural development, forest resources planning, social forestry, participatory management etc. _x000D_
I am focal point of related issues at the international project “Adapting forest policy conditions to climate change in the MENA region”. _x000D_
Also, I am thematic experts of the component 3 of the international project “Optimizing the production of goods and services by Mediterranean forests in a context of global changes”. _x000D_
I am also member of the Expert Panel of the international project “the MEDLAND2020 project - Design of a future common integrated land management scheme to protect natural resources in synergy with social and economical valorization”._x000D_
Thematic areas: Integrated Water Resources Management, Integrated Natural Resources Management, Land-use Planning, Livelihood Analysis, Traditional Knowledge
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
PhD in Forestry Economics and Planning, University of Istanbul, 2004.
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1. YILMAZ, E., TÜRKER, A.H. and A. YILDIZBAKAN, 2011: Participatory Approaches in Water Resources Management: The Case Study of the Cehennemdere Valley in Mersin Province. Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Eastern Mediterranean Forestry Research Institute, Institute Edition No: 61, Technical Bulletin No: 38, 93 pages, Tarsus, Turkey._x000D_
2. YILMAZ, E., 2003: Integrated Natural Resource Management and Participatory Approaches: An Example of Khanasser Valley, Syria. Proceedings of the II. National Forestry Congress, Forest Resources Management and Participation of Turkey, pp: 102-113, Foresters' Association of Turkey, 19-20 March 2003, Ankara, Turkey. _x000D_
3. YILMAZ, E., 2005: A Land Use Planning Model: A Case Study of Cehennemdere Valley. Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Eastern Mediterranean Forestry Research Institute, Institute Edition No: 37, Miscellaneous Edition No: 3, 131 pages, Tarsus, Turkey._x000D_
4. YILMAZ, E., 2005: Social, Economic and Cultural Structures in the Villages of Mersin Province, Cehennemdere Valley and Their Relations with Forest Resources. Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Eastern Mediterranean Forestry Research Institute, Institute Edition No: 36, Miscellaneous Edition No: 2, 64 pages, Tarsus, Turkey. _x000D_
5. YILMAZ, E., DURAN, C., TÜFEKÇI, S. and E. ÜNAL, 2009: Evaluating of Local Knowledge and Social-Economic Analysis for the Wild Cedar Mushroom (Tricholoma spp.) Pickers in Feke Town Adana Province). Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Eastern Mediterranean Forestry Research Institute, Institute Edition No: 54, Technical Bulletin No: 32, 104 pages, Tarsus, Turkey.
Other activities
1. I worked as a ranger at Forest Enterprise of General Directorate of Forest. _x000D_
2. I have been studying at Eastern Mediterranean Forestry Research Directorate since 1995. _x000D_
3. I am member of Chamber of Forest Engineers._x000D_
4. I am also member of Operational Research Society.
1. I took the scholarships from Turkish Education Foundation as a doctorate student._x000D_
2. I took the letter of appreciation from Tarsus District Governorate as Institute Director.
Organisation name
Ankara University
Organisation street address
Eastern Mediterranean Forestry Research Institute _x000D_
P.O. Box: 18 _x000D_
Organisation city
Organisation country