Independent experts nominated by country party

Hrachik Vardapetyan

First name
Last name
Nominating Country
Date of Nomination
Discipline of Expertise
Other Disciplines
No Subject
UN languages spoken


Geographical Focus
Job function
Biomedical faculty
Telephone number
Work experience
1994-1998 – Expert of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Armenia. _x000D_
1999-2001 – Expert in the frames of "National Programme of Action to Combat Desertification in Armenia" of the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia, supported by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UN CCD)._x000D_
1999-2003 – expert in the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Ecology in the Parliament of the Republic of Armenia. _x000D_
2003-2005 – Project consultant of the Global UNEP-GEF Project on Development of National Biosafety Frameworks for Armenia, concerning the safety of GMOs to human health and the environment in Armenia.
Highest Academic achievement and qualification
M.Sc. Biophysics Yerevan State University, Armenia, 1971_x000D_
Post-graduated course, Biophysics, Yerevan State University, Armenia, 1975_x000D_
Ph.D. Biochemistry, Biophysics (The Highest Attestation Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers), Moscow, 1977 _x000D_
Docent, Biophysics, Moscow 1984 _x000D_
Doctor of Science, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Moscow1991
Number of Publications
Publication titles
1.Kirakosyan A., Hayashi H., Inoue K., Charchoglyan A., Vardapetyan H. (2000) Stimulation of the production of hypericins by mannan in Hypericum perforatum shoot cultures, Phytochemistry, 53(3), 345-348._x000D_
2.Kirakosyan A., Kaufman P., Chang S.Chul, Warber Sara Bolling S., Vardapetyan H.R. (2006) Regulation of isoflavone production in hydroponically grown Pueraria montana (kudzu) by cork pieces, XAD-4, and methyl jasmonate Plant Cell Rep., 25, 1387-1391._x000D_
3. Martirosyan A.S., Vardapetyan H.R., Tiratsuyan S.G., Hovhannisyan A.A. (2010) Possibility of improvement of hemoglobin properties as biosensors’ detection element. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7715, Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care II, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7715 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2010) 77153N, p.77153N-1–77153N-8. _x000D_
4.Charchoglyan A., Vardapetyan H., Beerhues L. et al. (2007) Differential accumulation of hyperforin and secohyperforin in Hypericum perforatum tissue cultures. Photochemistry, 68, 2670-2677._x000D_
5.Vardapetyan H.R., Martirosyan A.S., Tiratsuyan S.G., Hovhannisyan A.A. (2010) Interaction between hypericin and hemoglobin. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 101, 53-58.
Other activities
1981-Present Member of All-Armenian Biophysics Association _x000D_
1990-Present Special council for award of scientific degree (Ph.D.) on Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Yerevan State University_x000D_
1999-Present Member of Phytochemical Society of Europe_x000D_
2001-Present Member of European Federation of biotechnology_x000D_
2002- Present Vice-president of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Armenia
•Visiting Scientific Researcher at the Inst. Entwiklungs- und Molekular biologie der Pflanzen, Heinrich Heine University Deusseldorf, F.R.G., (c/o Prof. Willi Alfermann)_x000D_
•Universität Erlangen, Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Biologie, Laboratory headed by Pror.W. Kreis_x000D_
•Awarded the “Best Scientific Supervisor“ according to the results of the International Open Competition for the “Best scientific students work” among Universities of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in section “Biological sciences” (gold medal and diploma) (Order _167 of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation from 28 June 2006).
Organisation name
Russian Academy of Science
Organisation street address
H.Emin st.123, 0051
Organisation city
Organisation country